perlfunc - встроенные функции Perl
Функции в этом разделе могут служить в качестве термов в выражении. Они делятся на две основные категории: списковые операторы и именованные унарные операторы. Они отличаются их относительным приоритетом, следующие после запятой. (см. таблицу приоритетов в perlop). Списковые операторы принимают более одного аргумента, тогда как унарные операторы никогда не могут принимать более одного аргумента. Таким образом, запятая завершает аргумент унарного оператора, но лишь отделяет аргументы спискового оператора. Унарный оператор обычно обеспечивает скалярный контекст для его аргументов, в то время как списковый оператор может обеспечить как скалярный, так и списковый контекст для своих аргументов. Если это не один из них, скалярные аргументы на первом месте и списковый аргумент следующие, и может существовать только когда-либо быть одной из таких списковый аргумент. Например, splice() имеет три скалярных аргумента следующие по списку, в то время как gethostbyname() имеет четыре скалярных аргумента.
В описании синтаксиса, который следует, списковые операторы, которые ожидают список (и обеспечивают списковый контекст для элементов списка) показаны с LIST как аргумент. Так список может состоять из любой комбинации скалярных аргументов или списка значений, список значений будет включен в список как если каждый индивидуальный элемент был интерполирован в этот момент в списке, формируя больше одномерных списковых значений. Запятые должны отделять литеральные элементы LIST.
Любая функция в списке ниже может использоваться как со скобками, так и без них вокруг своих аргументов. (Описание синтаксиса опущены скобки). Если вы используете скобки, простой, но иногда неожиданные правила заключается в следующем: Это выглядит как функция, поэтому она является функцией, и приоритет не имеет значения. В противном случае, оператор списка или унарный оператор, и приоритет имеет значение. Пробелы между функцией и левой скобкой не в счет, так что иногда вы должны быть осторожны:
print 1+2+4; # Печатает 7. print(1+2) + 4; # Печатает 3. print (1+2)+4; # Тоже печатает 3! print +(1+2)+4; # Печатает 7. print ((1+2)+4); # Печатает 7.
Если вы запускаете Perl с переключателем -w, он может предупредить вас об этом. Например, в третьей строке выше, может воспроизвести:
print (...) interpreted as function at - line 1. Useless use of integer addition in void context at - line 1.
Некоторые функции совсем не принимают аргументы, и поэтому работают как не унарные,
так и не списковые операторы. К ним относятся такие функции, как time
и endpwent
. Например, time+86_400
всегда означает time() + 86_400
Для функций, которые можно использовать в любом в скалярном или списковом контексте, неудачные операции как правило, указаны в скалярном контексте возвратом неопределенного значения, и в списковом контексте возвратом пустого списка.
Запомните следующее важное правило: Существует правило, которое не относит поведение выражения в списковом контексте в его поведению в скалярном контексте, или наоборот. Это может сделать две абсолютно разные вещи. Каждый оператор и функция решает, какой вид значения наиболее уместно вернуть в скалярном контексте. Некоторые операторы возвращают длину списка, который был бы возвращен в списковом контексте. Некоторые операторы возвращают первое значение списка. Некоторые операторы возвращают последнее значение в списке. Некоторые операторы возвращают число успешных операций. Вообще, они делают то, что вы хотите, если вы не хотите консистенции.
Именованный массив в скалярном контексте весьма отличается от того, что бы
на первый взгляд кажется быть список в скалярном контексте. Вы не можете получить
список как (1,2,3)
в быть в скалярном контексте, потому что компилятор знает[не знает]
контекст во время компиляции. Он будет генерировать скалярный оператор запятой там,
а не версию конструкции списка запятой. Нужно начать с того, что это означает, что
она никогда не список
В общем, функции в Perl, которые служат как оболочки для системных вызовов ("syscalls")
с тем же самым именем (например chown(2), fork(2), closedir(2), и.т.д) всегда
возвращают истину, когда они успешно завершены и undef
в противном случае, как это
обычно упоминается в описании ниже. Это отличается от интерфейса C, который возвращает
при неудаче[при ошибке]. Исключениями из этого правила являются wain
, и syscall
. Системные вызовы также устанавливают специальную переменную
в случае возникновения ошибки. Другие функции нет, за исключением случайностей.
Модули расширения могут также подключить в анализатор Perl для определения новых видов keyword-headed выражений. Они могут выглядеть как функции, но могут также выглядеть совершенно иначе. Синтаксис следующих ключевых слов полностью определяется расширением. Если вы разработчик, см для механизма. Если вы используете такой модуль, см. документацию модуля для подробной информации о синтаксисе, который он определяет.
Perl функции по категориям
Вот функции Perl (в том числе вещи, которые выглядят, как функции, похожи на[такие как] некотоыре ключевые слова и именованные операторы) по категориям. Некоторые функции появляются более чем в одном месте.
- Функции для работы со скалярами или строками
is available only if the"fc"
feature is enabled or if it is prefixed withCORE::
. The"fc"
feature is enabled automatically with ause v5.16
(or higher) declaration in the current scope. - Регулярные выражения и поиск по шаблону
- Числовые функции
- Обработка массивов
- Обработка списков
- Обработка хэшей
- Функции ввода-вывода
is available only if the"say"
feature is enabled or if it is prefixed withCORE::
. The"say"
feature is enabled automatically with ause v5.10
(or higher) declaration in the current scope. - Функции для данных фиксированной длины и записи
- Функции для указателей файлов, файлов и директорий
- Управление последовательностью выполнения команд Perl
is available only if you enable the experimental"switch"
feature or use theCORE::
prefix. The"switch"
feature also enables thedefault
statements, which are documented in . The"switch"
feature is enabled automatically with ause v5.10
(or higher) declaration in the current scope. In Perl v5.14 and earlier,continue
required the"switch"
feature, like the other keywords.evalbytes
is only available with with the"evalbytes"
feature (see ) or if prefixed withCORE::
is only available with with the"current_sub"
feature or if prefixed withCORE::
. Both the"evalbytes"
features are enabled automatically with ause v5.16
(or higher) declaration in the current scope. - Ключевые слова для управления областью видимости
is available only if the"state"
feature is enabled or if it is prefixed withCORE::
. The"state"
feature is enabled automatically with ause v5.10
(or higher) declaration in the current scope. - Разные функции Perl
- Функции для работы с процессами и группами процессов
- Ключевые слова относящиеся к модулям Perl
- Функции для реализации классов и объектов
- Низкоуровневые функции для работы с сокетами
- Функции для межпроцессного взаимодействия в стиле System V
- Получение информации о пользователях и группах
- Получение сетевой информации
- Функции для работы со временем
- Non-function keywords
Perl родился в системе Unix, поэтому он может использовать все общие для Unix системные вызовы. В окружении отличном от Unix, функционал некоторых системных вызовов может оказаться недоступным, или функционал может немного различаться. К таким функция относятся:
, binmode
, chmod
, chown
, chroot
, crypt
, dbmopen
, dump
, endgrent
, endhostent
, endprotoent
, endpwent
, endservent
, exec
, flock
, fork
, getgrent
, getgrgid
, gethostbyname
, getlogin
, getnetbyaddr
, getnetbyname
, getnetent
, getpgrp
, getpriority
, getprotobynumber
, getpwent
, getpwnam
, getpwuid
, getservent
, getsockopt
, glob
, ioctl
, link
, lstat
, msgctl
, msgget
, msgrcv
, open
, pipe
, readlink
, rename
, select
, semctl
, semop
, setgrent
, sethostent
, setnetent
, setpriority
, setprotoent
, setpwent
, setsockopt
, shmctl
, shmget
, shmread
, socket
, socketpair
, symlink
, syscall
, sysopen
, system
, truncate
, umask
, unlink
, wait
, waitpid
Для получения дополнительной информации о переносимости этих функций, см perlport и другую документацию, специфичную отдельных платформ.
Алфавитный указатель функций Perl
- -X
Проверка файла, где X - один из перечисленных далее символов. Унарный оператор принимает один аргумент, это может быть имя файла, файловый дескриптор, либо дескриптор каталога, и проверяет соответствующий файл на соответствие условию. Ели аргумент не указан, проверяет
, кроме работы с ключом-t
, который использует STDIN. Если не оговорено иное, возвращает1
для успешной проверки и''
для не успешной, либо неопределенное значение если файл не существует. Несмотря на забавные имена, приоритет у файловых проверок такой же как и у прочих именованных унарных операторов. Оператор может быть один из:-r Файл доступен для чтения текущему пользователю или группе (efective uid/gid) -w Файл доступен для записи текущему пользователю или группе (effective uid/gid) -x Файл доступен для выполнения текущему пользователю или группе (effective uid/gid) -o Файл принадлежит текущему пользователю (effective uid) -R Файл доступен для чтения реальному пользователю или группе (real uid/gid) -W Файл доступен для записи реальному пользователю или группе (real uid/gid) -X Файл доступен для выполнения реальному пользователю или группе (real uid/gid) -O Файл принадлежит реальному пользователю (real uid) -e Файл существует -z Файл имеет нулевой длины (пуст) -s Файл имеет ненулевую длину ( возвращает размер в байтах ) -f Обычный файл. -d Файл является каталогом. -l Файл является символической ссылкой. -p Файл либо файловый дескриптор являются именованным каналом (FIFO). -S Файл является сокетом. -b Блочный файл. -c Символьный файл. -t Дескриптор файла открыт в текущем терминале(tty). -u Для файла установлен бит setuid -g Для файла установлен бит setgid -k Для файла установлен "липкий бит" (sticky bit) -T Файл является текстовым в формате ASCII (эвристическая догадка). -B Файл является "Двоичным"(бинарным) (в противоположность -T). -M Время, прошедшее от последней модификации файла до запуска сценария, в днях. -A Время, прошедшее от последнего обращения к файлу до запуска сценария, в днях. -C Время, прошедшее от последнего изменения индексного дескриптора(inode) до запуска сценария
while (<>) { chomp; next unless -f $_; # пропустить "особые" файлы #... }
Обратите внимание, что
не производит подстановки с отрицанием. Однако-exp($foo)
работает, как должно: только одиночные буквы после минуса трактуются как проверка файла.Эти операторы освобождены от "правила похожести на функцию", о котором говорилось выше. То есть, открывающие скобки после оператора не влияют на то, как много последующего кода образуют аргумент. Вставьте открывающуюся скобку перед оператором, чтобы отделить его от кода, который следует за ним (конечно, это относится только к операторам с более высоким приоритетом, чем унарные операторы):
-s($file) + 1024 # вероятно, не правильно, то же что и -s($file + 1024) (-s $file) + 1024 # правильно
Интерпретация операторов прав доступа
основывается исключительно на свойствах файла и пользовательском и групповом идентификаторах пользователя (uids, gids). Могут быть другие причины, по которым не удается читать, записывать или выполнять файл, например, управление доступом сетевых файловых систем, ACL (списки управления доступом), файловые системы только для чтения, и нераспознанные форматы исполняемого файла. Заметим, что использование вышеупомянутых шести операторов для тестирования файла, может привести к ошибке в случае, если в это время над файлом производятся какие либо операциии, что может вызвать зависание, состояние гонки и прочие неприятности.Также отметим, что для суперпользователя на локальной файловой системе, проверки
всегда возвращают 1, а-x
возвращают 1, если установлен хоть один бит исполнения. Поэтому в сценариях, выполняемых суперпользователем, может потребоваться выполнение stat(), чтобы определить действительный режим файла, либо временно установить другой идентификатор пользователя(анг. effective uid).Если используется ACL, полезна прагма
, которая обеспечивает более точные результаты чем stat(). При вызовеuse filetest 'access'
вышеупомянутые операторы работают с использованием access(2) или аналогичных системных вызовов. Отметим также, что под действием этой прагмы операторы-x
могут возвращать истинное значение, даже если биты прав на выполнение не установлены ( или не выставлены какие либо дополнительные права ACL). Эта странность происходит в основе реализации низкоуровневых системных вызовов. Отметим также, что в связи с реализациейuse filetest 'access'
, там, где распространяется её действие, специальный файловый дескриптор_
не будет кэшировать результаты выполнения операторов проверки файлов. За более подробной информацией обратитесь к документации прагмыfiletest
работают следующим образом. Участок файла примерно в объеме первого блока исследуется на наличие необычных символов, таких как коды управления или байты с установленным старшим битом (не похожие на UTF-8). Если необычных символов слишком много (больше 30%), то файл считается двоичным(-B
), иначе это текстовый(-T
) файл. Также, любой файл считается двоичным, если он содержит в первом блоке нулевой байт ( символ ASCII NUL(\0) ). Если-T
применяется к дескриптору файла, то исследуется не первый блок файла, а текущий буфер ввода ( стандартный I/O или "stdio"). Оба оператора-T
возвращают истину для пустого файла, или файла, указатель которого находится в EOF - конце файла, если проверяется дескриптор. Поскольку нужно прочесть файл, чтобы выполнить проверку-T
, в большинстве случаев лучше сначала сделать проверку с ключом-f
, напримерnext unless -f $file && -T $file
.Если какому-либо из проверок файлов (или операторам
операторам) передается специальный дескриптор файла, состоящий из "_" - одного символа подчеркивания, то используется структура stat предыдущей проверки файла (или оператора stat ), что позволяет избежать нового системного вызова. (Это не работает для оператора-t
, и нужно помнить, что lstat и-l
сохраняют значения в структуре stat, относящиеся к символической ссылке, а не к реальному файлу.) (Аналогично, если stat буфер был заполнен вызовомlstat
сбросят его с результатомstat _
). Например:print "Доступен для обработки do.\n" if -r $a || -w _ || -x _; stat($filename); print "Доступен для чтения \n" if -r _; print "Доступен для записи \n" if -w _; print "Исполняемый \n" if -x _; print "Установлен бит setuid\n" if -u _; print "Установлен бит setgid\n" if -g _; print "Установлен 'липкий бит'\n" if -k _; print "Текстовый\n" if -T _; print "Бинарный\n" if -B _;
Начиная с версии Perl 5.9.1, как форма синтаксического сахара может использоваться стек операторов тестирования файла. Таким образом,
-f -w -x $file
эквивалентно-x $file && -w _ && -f _
. (Но если использовать возвращаемое значение-f $file
в качестве аргумента для другого оператора, никакой особой магии не произойдет.)To avoid confusing would-be users of your code with mysterious syntax errors, put something like this at the top of your script:
use 5.010; # so filetest ops can stack
- abs VALUE
- abs
Возвращает абсолютное значение своего аргумента. Если VALUE опущено, использует
Принимает входящее соединение на сокет, так же как и системный вызов accept(2). Возвращает упакованный адрес при успешном соединении и false в противном случае. См. примеры в спецификации .
В системах, поддерживающих флаг закрытия файлов при выполнении exec (close-on-exec flag on filesу),этот флаг будет установлен для вновь открытого файлового дескриптора, в зависимости от значения
. См. perlvar. - alarm SECONDS
- alarm
Подготавливает сигнал SIGALRM, который будет передан текущему процессу по истечении указанного количества секунд. Если SECONDS не указано, используется значение из
. (на некоторых машинах, к сожалению, прошедшее время может быть меньше или больше указанного на одну секунду, в зависимости от того, как считаются секунды. Из-за этого планировщик процессов может отложить доставку сигнала на некоторое время).Одновременно может быть активен только один таймер. Каждое новое обращение к функции отключает предыдущий таймер, таким образом, значение
, равное0
, может использоваться для отключения предыдущего таймера без запуска нового. Возвращаемое значение представляет остаток времени предыдущего таймера.Чтобы задать время подачи сигналов с большей точностью, чем одна секунда, можно применить функцию
, которую предоставляет модуль Time::HiRes (можно найти на CPAN, начиная с Perl 5.8 является частью дистрибутива). Также можно использовать 4х-аргументную версиюselect()
, оставляя первые три аргумента неопределенными. Еще один вариант задать миллисекунды предоставляет интерфейсsyscall
для обращения к setitimer(2), если система поддерживает его. См. perlfaq8 подробнее.Обычно смешивание вызовов
является ошибкой, потому что в вашей системе функцияsleep
может быть внутренне реализована с использованием механизма системного вызова alarm(2).Если вы планируете использовать
для формирования тайм-аута системного вызова, необходимо использовать паруeval
. Не стоит полагаться на то, что, в случае, если системный вызов не отработает должным образом, переменная$!
будет содержать значениеEINTR
, поскольку на некоторых операционных системах, Perl устанавливает обработчики сигналов таким образом, чтобы они перезапускали системные вызовы. А вот связкаeval
работает всегда, возможные сложности описаны вperlipc/"Сигналы"
.eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n обязателен alarm $timeout; $nread = sysread SOCKET, $buffer, $size; alarm 0; }; # если вышли по тайм-ауту $timeout if ($@) { die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # обработка неожиданных ошибок } # все в порядке, сработали пределах установленного времени $timeout else { #... }
За более подробной информацией обратитесь к perlipc.
- atan2 Y,X
Возвращает арктангенс Y/X в диапазоне от -PI до PI.
Для вычисления тангенсов можно обратиться к к функции
либо использовать известное соотношение:sub tan { sin($_[0]) / cos($_[0]) }
Возвращаемое значение
определяется реализацией. Обратитесь к странице руководства atan2(3) за дополнительной информацией. - bind SOCKET,NAME
Прикрепляет сетевой адрес сокету, как это делает bind(2). Возвращает значение "истина", если это удалось, и "ложь" в противном случае. NAME должно быть упакованным адресом сокета, имеющим надлежащий тип. См. примеры в
- binmode FILEHANDLE
Устанавливает дескриптор FILEHANDLE для чтения или записи в "бинарный" или "текстовый" режимы в системах, библиотеки времени исполнения которых различают текстовые и двоичные данные. Если FILEHANDLE представляет собой выражение, то его значение принимается за имя дескриптора файла. Функция возвращает значение "истина" в случае успеха, в противном случае возвращает
, а переменной$!
присваивается сообщение об ошибке.В некоторых системах (обычно в системах DOS- и Windows) необходимо использовать binmode(), когда вы работаете не с текстовым файлом. В целях портативности будет хорошей практикой всегда использовать ее при необходимости, и никогда не использовать там, где она не подходит. Кроме того, люди могут устанавливать свои режимы ввода-вывода по умолчанию для UTF8-закодированных данных, а не байтов.
Другими словами, независимо от платформы, используйте binmode() над бинарными данными, например такими, как изображения.
Если указан уровень LAYER, он является одной строкой, но может содержать несколько директив. Директивы изменяют поведение дескриптора. Когда LAYER указан, использование binmode над текстовым файлом имеет смысл.
Если LAYER опущен или указан как
,то дескриптор файла становится пригодным для передачи бинарных данных. Это включает в себя отключение возможных переводов CRLF и маркировки его как байт (в отличие от символов Юникода). Отметим, что несмотря на то, что может подразумеваться в "Программирование на Perl" (Камел, 3-е издание) или где-либо еще,:raw
не просто обратна:crlf
. Другие уровни, которые могут повлиять на бинарный характер потока также отключены. См. PerlIO, perlrun и обсуждение переменной среды PERLIO.Директивы
и любые другие директивы в форме:...
называются уровнями(layers) ввода-вывода. Для установки уровней ввода-вывода по умолчанию можно использовать прагмуopen
. См. open.Параметр LAYER функции binmode() описывается как "Дисциплина" в книге "Программирование на Perl, 3-го издания. Однако, с тех пор консенсус именования данной функциональности сместилась с "дисциплина" на "уровень". По этой причине в документации текущей версии Perl мы используем понятие "уровни", а не "дисциплины".
Чтобы отметить FILEHANDLE как UTF-8, используйте
только помечает данные как UTF-8 без дополнительной проверки, в то время как:encoding(UTF-8)
проверяет данные на фактическую валидность UTF-8. Подробности можно найти в PerlIO::encoding.В общем, binmode() должен вызываться после open(), но до операций ввода-вывода над дескриптором файла. Вызов binmode() обычно сбрасывает любые ожидающие буферизованные данные вывода (и, возможно, ожидающие данные ввода) дескриптора. Исключением является уровень
, который изменяет для дескриптора кодировку по умолчанию, см . Уровень:encoding
иногда необходимо вызывать в середине потока и это не сбрасывает поток.:encoding
также неявно задействует уровень:utf8
, поскольку внутренне Perl оперирует над utf-8 кодированными символами.Операционная система, драйверы устройств, библиотеки C и система времени исполнения Perl работают совместно, чтобы дать возможность программисту использовать один символ (
) как конец строки, независимо от внешнего представления. На многих операционных системах, простой текстовый файл соответствует внутреннему представлению, но на некоторых платформах внешнее представление\n
состоит из более, чем одного символа.Все вариации Unix, Mac OS(старый и новый), и файлы Stream_LF в VMS используют один символ конца каждой строки во внешнем представлении текста (даже, если это один символ возврата каретки в старом, pre-Darwein olavors of Mac OS и перевода строки в Unix и в большинстве VMS файлов). В других системах, подобных OS/2, Dos и в различных разновидностях MS-Windows, ваша программа видит
как один символ\cJ
, но что хранится в текстовых файлах является двумя символами\cM\cJ
. Это означает, что, если вы не используете binmode() в этих системах, последовательности\cM\cJ
на диске будут преобразованы в\n
на вводе и любые\n
вашей программы будут преобразованы обратно в\cM\cJ
на выводе. Это то что вам нужно для текстовых файлов, но это может быть катастрофическим для двоичных файлов.Другим следствием использования binmode() (на некоторых системах) является то, что специальные маркеры конца файла будут рассматриваться как часть потока данных. Для систем из семейства Microsoft это означает, что, если бинарные данные содержат
и вы не используете binmode(), то подсистема ввода-вывода эту последовательность принимает за конец файла.binmode() имеет важное значение не только для операций readline() и print(), но так же при использовании read(), seak(), sysread(), syswrite() и tell() (см. perlport для более подробной информации). См. переменные
в perlvar о том, как вручную установить последовательности завершения строки для ввода и вывода. - bless REF,CLASSNAME
- bless REF
This function tells the thingy referenced by REF that it is now an object in the CLASSNAME package. If CLASSNAME is omitted, the current package is used. Because a
is often the last thing in a constructor, it returns the reference for convenience. Always use the two-argument version if a derived class might inherit the function doing the blessing. Seeperlobj for more about the blessing (and blessings) of objects.Рассмотрим всегда благословляемые объекты в CLASSNAME, которые являются смешанным случаем. Пространства имен со всеми строчными именами считаются зарезервированными для Perl прагм. Встроенные типы [имеют все прописные имена [всех прописных букв]]. Чтобы избежать путаницы, вы, возможно, хотите избежать таких имен пакетов. Убедитесь, что CLASSNAME является правильным значением.
См. perlmod.
- break
Выход из блока
.This keyword is enabled by the
feature: see for more information. You can also access it by prefixing it withCORE::
. Alternately, include ause v5.10
or later to the current scope. - caller EXPR
- caller
Возвращает контекст вызова текущей подпрограммы. В скалярном контексте, возвращает имя пакета, инициировавшего вызов, если есть инициатор вызова (т.е., если мы находимся в подпрограмме,
) и неопределенное значение в противном случае. В списковом контексте, возвращает:# 0 1 2 ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
C EXPR, возвращает некоторую дополнительную информацию, которая используется отладчиком для печати трассировки стека. Значение EXPR показывает, как много кадров вызова до текущего кадра.
# 0 1 2 3 4 ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine, $hasargs, # 5 6 7 8 9 10 $wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require, $hints, $bitmask, $hinthash) = caller($i);
Здесь $subroutine может быть
, если кадр не является вызовом подпрограммы, но являетсяeval
. В таком случае, дополнительные элементы $evaltext и$is_require
верно, если кадр создан операторамиrequire
, $evaltext содержит текст оператораeval EXPR
. В частности, для оператораeval BLOCK
, $subroutine является(eval)
, но $evaltext не определена. (Заметим также, что каждый операторuse
создает кадрrequire
внутри кадраeval EXPR
. $subroutine также может быть(unknown)
, если определенная подпрограмма оказалась удаленной из таблицы символов.$hasargs
содержит true, если новый экземпляр@_
был создан для кадра.$hints
содержат прагматические подсказки, с которыми вызывающий был скомпилирован. Значения$hints
могут изменяться в зависимости от версии Perl, и не предназначены для внешнего применения.$hinthash
является ссылкой на хэш, содержащий значение%^H
, с которым вызывающий был скомпилирован, илиundef
, если%^H
был пуст. Не изменяйте значения этого хэша, так как они являются фактическими значениями, хранимыми в опткоде.Furthermore, when called from within the DB package in list context, and with an argument, caller returns more detailed information: it sets the list variable
to be the arguments with which the subroutine was invoked.Помните, что оптимизатор может оптимизировал вызовы кадров[кадры вызовов] до того, когда
имел возможность получить информацию. Это означает, чтоcaller(N)
может не возвращать информацию о вызывающем кадре[вызове кадра], как вы это ожидаете, дляN > 1
. В частности@DB::args
может молучить информацию из предыдущего раза вызоваcaller
.Помните, что установка
является наилучшим образом, предназначенный для отладки или генерации трассировки, и не следует полагаться на нее. В частности, как@_
содержит псевдонимы аргументов вызывающего, Perl не делает копию@_
, поэтому@DB::args
будет содержать изменения, которые подпрограмма вносит в@_
или его содержимое, а не исходные значения во время вызова.@DB::args
, подобно@_
, не захватывает[не имеет] явные[прямые] ссылки на его элементы, поэтому в некоторых случаях его элементы, возможно, стали освобождены и перераспределены на другие переменные или временные значения. Наконец, обратный эффект текущей реализации является то, что эффектыshift @_
могут обычно быть отменены (но неpop @_
или другие сопряжения, и нет, если ссылка на@_
была принята, и условие предостережения о перераспределении элементов), так@DB::args
на самом деле гибрид текущего состояния и начального состояния@_
. Покупатель берегись. - chdir EXPR
- chdir
Изменяет рабочий каталог на EXPR, если это возможно. Если EXPR не указано, изменяет на каталог в переменной
, если она установлена, изменяет на каталог, указанный в$ENV{LOGDIR}
. (Под VMS, переменная$ENV{SYS$LOGIN}
также проверяется, и используется, если она установлена.)chdir
не изменяет каталог, если ни одна из переменных не установлена, возвращает истинное значение в случае успешного завершения, ложное в противном случае. См. пример в разделеdie
.В системах, которые поддерживают fchdir(2), в качестве аргумента можно передать дескриптор файла или каталога. В системах, которые не поддерживают fchdir(2), передача дескриптора вызовет исключение.
- chmod LIST
Изменяет права доступа для списка файлов. Первый элемент списка должен быть числовым режимом, который, вероятно должен быть восьмеричным числом и, определенно не должен быть строкой восьмеричных цифр:
нет. Возвращает количество успешно измененных файлов. См. также , если все что у вас есть только строка.$cnt = chmod 0755, "foo", "bar"; chmod 0755, @executables; $mode = "0644"; chmod $mode, "foo"; # !!! определить режим # --w----r-T $mode = "0644"; chmod oct($mode), "foo"; # это лучше $mode = 0644; chmod $mode, "foo"; # это лучше всего
В системах, поддерживающих fchmod(2), вы можете передать дескриптор файла среди файлов. В системах, которые не поддерживают fchmod(2), передача дескрипторов вызывает исключительную ситуацию. Дескрипторы должны быть переданы как globs или ссылки на glob чтобы быть распознанными; голые слова[i:barewords] считаются именами файлов.
open(my $fh, "<", "foo"); my $perm = (stat $fh)[2] & 07777; chmod($perm | 0600, $fh);
Вы также можете импортировать символические
константы из модуляFcntl
:use Fcntl qw( :mode ); chmod S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH, @executables; # Идентично chmod 0755 в примере выше.
- chomp VARIABLE
- chomp( LIST )
- chomp
Это безопасная версия , удаляет из строки замыкающую часть, которая соответствует текущему значению
(также известна как $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR из модуляEnglish
). Функция возвращает общее число символов, удаленных из всех ее аргументов. Это часто используется для удаления во входной записи завершающего символа перевода строки, когда необходимо, чтобы окончательная запись была без символа перевода строки. В режиме параграфов ($/ = ""
) chomp() удаляет из строки все замыкающие символы перевода строки. В режиме полного считывания[i:slurp mode] ($/ = undef
) или в режиме фиксированной длины записи ($/
является ссылкой на целое или что-то ей подобное; см. perlvar) chomp() не будет ничего удалять. Если значение VARIABLE не указано, используется переменная$_
. Например:while (<>) { chomp; # игнорировать \n в последнем поле @array = split(/:/); # ... }
Если VARIABLE является хэшем, то обрабатываются значения данного хэша, но не ключи.
Можно передать функции фактически все, что может быть левым значением[i:lvalue], включая операцию присваивания.
chomp($cwd = `pwd`); chomp($answer = <STDIN>);
Если аргументом является список, в каждом его элементе удаляются замыкающие символы перевода строки. В качестве результата возвращается общее число удаленных символов.
Отметим, что скобки необходимы, когда вы chomping все, что не является простой переменной. Это потому, что
chomp $cwd = `pwd`;
интерпретируется как(chomp $cwd) = `pwd`;
, а не какchomp( $cwd = `pwd` )
, который вы могли ожидать. Аналогичным образом,chomp $a, $b
интерпретируется какchomp($a), $b
а не какchomp($a, $b)
. - chop VARIABLE
- chop( LIST )
- chop
Обрубает последний символ строки и возвращает обрубленный символ. Это гораздо эффективней, чем
потому что строка не сканируется и не копируется. Если параметр VARIABLE не указан, задействуется переменная$_
. Если VARIABLE является хэшем, обрубаются значения хэша, ключи не затрагиваются.Можно обрубать фактически все, что является левой частью, в том числе операцию присвоения.
Если аргументом является список, обрабатывается каждый его элемент. Возвращается только значение последней операции
.Отметим, что
возвращает последний символ. Чтобы вернуть все, кроме последнего символа, используйтеsubstr($string, 0, -1)
. - chown LIST
Изменяет владельца (и группу) списка файлов. Первые два элемента из списка должны быть числовыми UID и GID, в таком порядке. Значение -1 в любой позиции интерпретируется в большинстве систем как необходимость оставить это значение без изменений. Возвращает число успешно измененных файлов.
$cnt = chown $uid, $gid, 'foo', 'bar'; chown $uid, $gid, @filenames;
В системах, которые поддерживают fchown(2), вы можете передать дескрипторы файлов среди файлов. В системах, которые не поддерживают fchown(2), передача дескрипторов вызывает исключительную ситуацию. Дескрипторы должны быть переданы как globs или ссылки на glob чтобы быть распознанными; голые слова[i:barewords] считаются именами файлов.
Вот пример, который ищет числовые UID в файле паролей:
print "User: "; chomp($user = <STDIN>); print "Files: "; chomp($pattern = <STDIN>); ($login,$pass,$uid,$gid) = getpwnam($user) or die "нет пользователя $user в файле паролей"; @ary = glob($pattern); # расширения имен файлов chown $uid, $gid, @ary;
В большинстве систем, вам не позволяется изменять владельца файла если вы не привилегированный пользователь, хотя вы можете изменить группу любых ваших вторичных групп. В небезопасных системах, эти ограничения могут быть смягчены, но это не является переносимым допущением.
use POSIX qw(sysconf _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED); $can_chown_giveaway = not sysconf(_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED);
- chr NUMBER
- chr
Возвращает символ, представленный в наборе символов числом NUMBER. Например,
соответствует символу"A"
и в ASCII, и в Unicode, аchr(0x263a)
является смайликом в Unicode.Negative values give the Unicode replacement character (chr(0xfffd)), except under the bytes pragma, where the low eight bits of the value (truncated to an integer) are used.
If NUMBER is omitted, uses
.Note that characters from 128 to 255 (inclusive) are by default internally not encoded as UTF-8 for backward compatibility reasons.
See perlunicode for more about Unicode.
- chroot FILENAME
- chroot
Эта функция работает наподобие системного вызова с тем же именем: она делает указанный каталог новым корневым каталогом для всех последующих полных путей[i:pathnames], которые начинаются с символа
, для текущего процесса и всех порожденных подпроцессов. (Это не изменяет текущий рабочий каталог, который неизменный.) В целях безопасности, эту функцию может вызывать только суперпользователь. Если имя файла FILENAME не указан,chroot
. - close FILEHANDLE
- close
Закрывает файл или канал, связанный с указателем файла, сбрасывает буферы ввода-вывода, и закрывает дескриптор файловой системы. Возвращает значение "истина", если эти операции удались и если не были получены сообщения об ошибке любым уровнем PerlIO. Закрывает выбранный в данный момент указатель файла, если аргумент не указан.
You don't have to close FILEHANDLE if you are immediately going to do another
on it, becauseopen
closes it for you. (See .) However, an explicitclose
on an input file resets the line counter ($.
), while the implicit close done byopen
does not.If the filehandle came from a piped open,
returns false if one of the other syscalls involved fails or if its program exits with non-zero status. If the only problem was that the program exited non-zero,$!
will be set to0
. Closing a pipe also waits for the process executing on the pipe to exit--in case you wish to look at the output of the pipe afterwards--and implicitly puts the exit status value of that command into$?
.If there are multiple threads running,
on a filehandle from a piped open returns true without waiting for the child process to terminate, if the filehandle is still open in another thread.Closing the read end of a pipe before the process writing to it at the other end is done writing results in the writer receiving a SIGPIPE. If the other end can't handle that, be sure to read all the data before closing the pipe.
open(OUTPUT, '|sort >foo') # pipe to sort or die "Can't start sort: $!"; #... # print stuff to output close OUTPUT # wait for sort to finish or warn $! ? "Error closing sort pipe: $!" : "Exit status $? from sort"; open(INPUT, 'foo') # get sort's results or die "Can't open 'foo' for input: $!";
FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value can be used as an indirect filehandle, usually the real filehandle name or an autovivified handle.
- closedir DIRHANDLE
Закрывает каталог, открытый функцией
и возвращает значение, соответствующее успешности системного вызова. - connect SOCKET,NAME
Пытается связаться с удаленным сокетом, как системная функция connect(2). Возвращает значение "истина", если это удалось, "ложь" в противном случае. Значение NAME должно быть упакованным адресом сокета надлежащего типа. См. примеры в
- continue BLOCK
- continue
When followed by a BLOCK,
is actually a flow control statement rather than a function. If there is acontinue
BLOCK attached to a BLOCK (typically in awhile
), it is always executed just before the conditional is about to be evaluated again, just like the third part of afor
loop in C. Thus it can be used to increment a loop variable, even when the loop has been continued via thenext
statement (which is similar to the Ccontinue
, orredo
may appear within acontinue
behave as if they had been executed within the main block. So willnext
, but since it will execute acontinue
block, it may be more entertaining.while (EXPR) { ### redo always comes here do_something; } continue { ### next always comes here do_something_else; # then back the top to re-check EXPR } ### last always comes here
Omitting the
section is equivalent to using an empty one, logically enough, sonext
goes directly back to check the condition at the top of the loop.When there is no BLOCK,
is a function that falls through the currentwhen
block instead of iterating a dynamically enclosingforeach
or exiting a lexically enclosinggiven
. In Perl 5.14 and earlier, this form ofcontinue
was only available when the"switch"
feature was enabled. See and for more information. - cos EXPR
- cos
Возвращает косинус значения EXPR (в радианах). Если EXPR не указан, вычисляет косинус числа
.Для вычисления функции обратного косинуса можно использовать функцию
функцию, или использовать следующий алгоритм:sub acos { atan2( sqrt(1 - $_[0] * $_[0]), $_[0] ) }
Создает дайджест строки как функция crypt(3) в библиотеке C [[?:(При условии, что у вас действительно есть версия, в которой не была удалена как потенциальный боеприпас).]]
crypt() is a one-way hash function. The PLAINTEXT and SALT are turned into a short string, called a digest, which is returned. The same PLAINTEXT and SALT will always return the same string, but there is no (known) way to get the original PLAINTEXT from the hash. Small changes in the PLAINTEXT or SALT will result in large changes in the digest.
There is no decrypt function. This function isn't all that useful for cryptography (for that, look for Crypt modules on your nearby CPAN mirror) and the name "crypt" is a bit of a misnomer. Instead it is primarily used to check if two pieces of text are the same without having to transmit or store the text itself. An example is checking if a correct password is given. The digest of the password is stored, not the password itself. The user types in a password that is crypt()'d with the same salt as the stored digest. If the two digests match, the password is correct.
When verifying an existing digest string you should use the digest as the salt (like
crypt($plain, $digest) eq $digest
). The SALT used to create the digest is visible as part of the digest. This ensures crypt() will hash the new string with the same salt as the digest. This allows your code to work with the standard and with more exotic implementations. In other words, assume nothing about the returned string itself nor about how many bytes of SALT may matter.Traditionally the result is a string of 13 bytes: two first bytes of the salt, followed by 11 bytes from the set
, and only the first eight bytes of PLAINTEXT mattered. But alternative hashing schemes (like MD5), higher level security schemes (like C2), and implementations on non-Unix platforms may produce different strings.When choosing a new salt create a random two character string whose characters come from the set
(likejoin '', ('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z')[rand 64, rand 64]
). This set of characters is just a recommendation; the characters allowed in the salt depend solely on your system's crypt library, and Perl can't restrict what saltscrypt()
accepts.Here's an example that makes sure that whoever runs this program knows their password:
$pwd = (getpwuid($<))[1]; system "stty -echo"; print "Password: "; chomp($word = <STDIN>); print "\n"; system "stty echo"; if (crypt($word, $pwd) ne $pwd) { die "Sorry...\n"; } else { print "ok\n"; }
Of course, typing in your own password to whoever asks you for it is unwise.
The function is unsuitable for hashing large quantities of data, not least of all because you can't get the information back. Look at the Digest module for more robust algorithms.
If using crypt() on a Unicode string (which potentially has characters with codepoints above 255), Perl tries to make sense of the situation by trying to downgrade (a copy of) the string back to an eight-bit byte string before calling crypt() (on that copy). If that works, good. If not, crypt() dies with
Wide character in crypt
. - dbmclose HASH
[Эта функция в значительной степени вытеснена функцией
.]Разрывает связь между файлом DBM и хэшем.
[This function has been largely superseded by the function.]
This binds a dbm(3), ndbm(3), sdbm(3), gdbm(3), or Berkeley DB file to a hash. HASH is the name of the hash. (Unlike normal
, the first argument is not a filehandle, even though it looks like one). DBNAME is the name of the database (without the .dir or .pag extension if any). If the database does not exist, it is created with protection specified by MASK (as modified by theumask
). To prevent creation of the database if it doesn't exist, you may specify a MODE of 0, and the function will return a false value if it can't find an existing database. If your system supports only the older DBM functions, you may make only onedbmopen
call in your program. In older versions of Perl, if your system had neither DBM nor ndbm, callingdbmopen
produced a fatal error; it now falls back to sdbm(3).If you don't have write access to the DBM file, you can only read hash variables, not set them. If you want to test whether you can write, either use file tests or try setting a dummy hash entry inside an
to trap the error.Note that functions such as
may return huge lists when used on large DBM files. You may prefer to use theeach
function to iterate over large DBM files. Example:# print out history file offsets dbmopen(%HIST,'/usr/lib/news/history',0666); while (($key,$val) = each %HIST) { print $key, ' = ', unpack('L',$val), "\n"; } dbmclose(%HIST);
See also AnyDBM_File for a more general description of the pros and cons of the various dbm approaches, as well as DB_File for a particularly rich implementation.
You can control which DBM library you use by loading that library before you call dbmopen():
use DB_File; dbmopen(%NS_Hist, "$ENV{HOME}/.netscape/history.db") or die "Can't open netscape history file: $!";
- defined EXPR
- defined
Возвращает логическое значение, которое говорит о том, имеет ли EXPR значение, отличное от неопределенного значения
. Если EXPR отсутствует, проверяется$_
.Many operations return
to indicate failure, end of file, system error, uninitialized variable, and other exceptional conditions. This function allows you to distinguishundef
from other values. (A simple Boolean test will not distinguish amongundef
, zero, the empty string, and"0"
, which are all equally false.) Note that sinceundef
is a valid scalar, its presence doesn't necessarily indicate an exceptional condition:pop
when its argument is an empty array, or when the element to return happens to beundef
.You may also use
to check whether subroutine&func
has ever been defined. The return value is unaffected by any forward declarations of&func
. A subroutine that is not defined may still be callable: its package may have anAUTOLOAD
method that makes it spring into existence the first time that it is called; see perlsub.Use of
on aggregates (hashes and arrays) is deprecated. It used to report whether memory for that aggregate had ever been allocated. This behavior may disappear in future versions of Perl. You should instead use a simple test for size:if (@an_array) { print "has array elements\n" } if (%a_hash) { print "has hash members\n" }
When used on a hash element, it tells you whether the value is defined, not whether the key exists in the hash. Use for the latter purpose.
print if defined $switch{D}; print "$val\n" while defined($val = pop(@ary)); die "Can't readlink $sym: $!" unless defined($value = readlink $sym); sub foo { defined &$bar ? &$bar(@_) : die "No bar"; } $debugging = 0 unless defined $debugging;
Note: Many folks tend to overuse
and are then surprised to discover that the number0
(the zero-length string) are, in fact, defined values. For example, if you say"ab" =~ /a(.*)b/;
The pattern match succeeds and
is defined, although it matched "nothing". It didn't really fail to match anything. Rather, it matched something that happened to be zero characters long. This is all very above-board and honest. When a function returns an undefined value, it's an admission that it couldn't give you an honest answer. So you should usedefined
only when questioning the integrity of what you're trying to do. At other times, a simple comparison to0
is what you want. - delete EXPR
Если функции
передано выражение, определяющее элемент хэша или его срез, она удаляет указанные элементы из этого хэша, так, что exists() на этом элементе больше не возвращает истину. Установка элементу хэша неопределенного значения не удаляет его ключ, как это делаетdelete
; см .В списковом контексте возвращает значение или значения удаленных элементов, или последний такой элемент в скалярном контексте. Возвращает длину списка всегда совпадающую с длиной списка аргументов: удаление несуществующих элементов возвращает неопределенное значение в их соответствующих позициях.
delete() may also be used on arrays and array slices, but its behavior is less straightforward. Although exists() will return false for deleted entries, deleting array elements never changes indices of existing values; use shift() or splice() for that. However, if all deleted elements fall at the end of an array, the array's size shrinks to the position of the highest element that still tests true for exists(), or to 0 if none do.
WARNING: Calling delete on array values is deprecated and likely to be removed in a future version of Perl.
Deleting from
modifies the environment. Deleting from a hash tied to a DBM file deletes the entry from the DBM file. Deleting from atied
hash or array may not necessarily return anything; it depends on the implementation of thetied
package's DELETE method, which may do whatever it pleases.The
delete local EXPR
construct localizes the deletion to the current block at run time. Until the block exits, elements locally deleted temporarily no longer exist. See .%hash = (foo => 11, bar => 22, baz => 33); $scalar = delete $hash{foo}; # $scalar is 11 $scalar = delete @hash{qw(foo bar)}; # $scalar is 22 @array = delete @hash{qw(foo bar baz)}; # @array is (undef,undef,33)
The following (inefficiently) deletes all the values of %HASH and @ARRAY:
foreach $key (keys %HASH) { delete $HASH{$key}; } foreach $index (0 .. $#ARRAY) { delete $ARRAY[$index]; }
And so do these:
delete @HASH{keys %HASH}; delete @ARRAY[0 .. $#ARRAY];
But both are slower than assigning the empty list or undefining %HASH or @ARRAY, which is the customary way to empty out an aggregate:
%HASH = (); # completely empty %HASH undef %HASH; # forget %HASH ever existed @ARRAY = (); # completely empty @ARRAY undef @ARRAY; # forget @ARRAY ever existed
The EXPR can be arbitrarily complicated provided its final operation is an element or slice of an aggregate:
delete $ref->[$x][$y]{$key}; delete @{$ref->[$x][$y]}{$key1, $key2, @morekeys}; delete $ref->[$x][$y][$index]; delete @{$ref->[$x][$y]}[$index1, $index2, @moreindices];
- die LIST
вызывает исключеную ситуацию. Внутриeval
сообщение об ошибке сохраняется в$@
, аeval
прерывается с неопределенным значением. Если исключительная ситуация вызвана за пределами всех охватывающих блоковeval
, то необработанное исключение печатает LIST вSTDERR
и завершается с ненулевым значением. Если необходим выход процесса с указанным кодом завершения, см. .Эквивалентный пример:
die "Can't cd to spool: $!\n" unless chdir '/usr/spool/news'; chdir '/usr/spool/news' or die "Can't cd to spool: $!\n"
If the last element of LIST does not end in a newline, the current script line number and input line number (if any) are also printed, and a newline is supplied. Note that the "input line number" (also known as "chunk") is subject to whatever notion of "line" happens to be currently in effect, and is also available as the special variable
. See perlvar and perlvar.Hint: sometimes appending
", stopped"
to your message will cause it to make better sense when the string"at foo line 123"
is appended. Suppose you are running script "canasta".die "/etc/games is no good"; die "/etc/games is no good, stopped";
produce, respectively
/etc/games is no good at canasta line 123. /etc/games is no good, stopped at canasta line 123.
If the output is empty and
already contains a value (typically from a previous eval) that value is reused after appending"\t...propagated"
. This is useful for propagating exceptions:eval { ... }; die unless $@ =~ /Expected exception/;
If the output is empty and
contains an object reference that has aPROPAGATE
method, that method will be called with additional file and line number parameters. The return value replaces the value in$@
; i.e., as if$@ = eval { $@->PROPAGATE(__FILE__, __LINE__) };
were called.If
is empty then the string"Died"
is used.If an uncaught exception results in interpreter exit, the exit code is determined from the values of
with this pseudocode:exit $! if $!; # errno exit $? >> 8 if $? >> 8; # child exit status exit 255; # last resort
The intent is to squeeze as much possible information about the likely cause into the limited space of the system exit code. However, as
is the value of C'serrno
, which can be set by any system call, this means that the value of the exit code used bydie
can be non-predictable, so should not be relied upon, other than to be non-zero.You can also call
with a reference argument, and if this is trapped within aneval
contains that reference. This permits more elaborate exception handling using objects that maintain arbitrary state about the exception. Such a scheme is sometimes preferable to matching particular string values of$@
with regular expressions. Because$@
is a global variable andeval
may be used within object implementations, be careful that analyzing the error object doesn't replace the reference in the global variable. It's easiest to make a local copy of the reference before any manipulations. Here's an example:use Scalar::Util "blessed"; eval { ... ; die Some::Module::Exception->new( FOO => "bar" ) }; if (my $ev_err = $@) { if (blessed($ev_err) && $ev_err->isa("Some::Module::Exception")) { # handle Some::Module::Exception } else { # handle all other possible exceptions } }
Because Perl stringifies uncaught exception messages before display, you'll probably want to overload stringification operations on exception objects. See overload for details about that.
You can arrange for a callback to be run just before the
does its deed, by setting the$SIG{__DIE__}
hook. The associated handler is called with the error text and can change the error message, if it sees fit, by callingdie
again. See perlvar for details on setting%SIG
entries, and for some examples. Although this feature was to be run only right before your program was to exit, this is not currently so: the$SIG{__DIE__}
hook is currently called even inside eval()ed blocks/strings! If one wants the hook to do nothing in such situations, putdie @_ if $^S;
as the first line of the handler (see perlvar). Because this promotes strange action at a distance, this counterintuitive behavior may be fixed in a future release.
See also exit(), warn(), and the Carp module.
- do BLOCK
Не совсем функция. Возвращает значение последней команды в последовательности команд, указанных блоком BLOCK. Когда есть модификаторы
, выполняет BLOCK один раз перед тем, как проверить условие цикла. (С другими операторами модификаторы цикла в первую очередь проверяют условие.)do BLOCK
циклом не считается, поэтому операторы управления цикломnext
, илиredo
нельзя использовать для выхода из блока или его перезапуска. - do SUBROUTINE(LIST)
Эта форма вызова подпрограммы устарела. SUBROUTINE может быть голой строкой, скалярной переменной или подпрограммой, начинающейся с
. - do EXPR
Использует значение EXPR как имя файла и выполняет содержимое файла как сценарий Perl.
do '';
точно так же, как
eval `cat`;
except that it's more efficient and concise, keeps track of the current filename for error messages, searches the
directories, and updates%INC
if the file is found. See and perlvar for these variables. It also differs in that code evaluated withdo FILENAME
cannot see lexicals in the enclosing scope;eval STRING
does. It's the same, however, in that it does reparse the file every time you call it, so you probably don't want to do this inside a loop.If
can read the file but cannot compile it, it returnsundef
and sets an error message in$@
. Ifdo
cannot read the file, it returns undef and sets$!
to the error. Always check$@
first, as compilation could fail in a way that also sets$!
. If the file is successfully compiled,do
returns the value of the last expression evaluated.Inclusion of library modules is better done with the
operators, which also do automatic error checking and raise an exception if there's a problem.You might like to use
to read in a program configuration file. Manual error checking can be done this way:# read in config files: system first, then user for $file ("/share/prog/defaults.rc", "$ENV{HOME}/.someprogrc") { unless ($return = do $file) { warn "couldn't parse $file: $@" if $@; warn "couldn't do $file: $!" unless defined $return; warn "couldn't run $file" unless $return; } }
- dump LABEL
- dump
Эта функция вызывает немедленный дамп памяти. См. также -u ключ командной строки в perlrun, который делает то же самое. В первую очередь это нужно для того, чтобы с помощью программы undump(не поставляется), превратить дамп памяти в исполняемый двоичный код[i:executable binary] после того, как инициализируются все переменные в начале программы. При выполнении нового двоичного файла сначала выполняется
goto LABEL
(со всеми ограничениями, присущимиgoto
). Считайте, что этоgoto
, в котороый вмешались промежуточный дамп памяти и перевоплощение. ЕслиLABEL
опущена, программа перезапускается сначала.WARNING: Any files opened at the time of the dump will not be open any more when the program is reincarnated, with possible resulting confusion by Perl.
This function is now largely obsolete, mostly because it's very hard to convert a core file into an executable. That's why you should now invoke it as
, if you don't want to be warned against a possible typo. - each HASH
- each ARRAY
- each EXPR
When called on a hash in list context, returns a 2-element list consisting of the key and value for the next element of a hash. In Perl 5.12 and later only, it will also return the index and value for the next element of an array so that you can iterate over it; older Perls consider this a syntax error. When called in scalar context, returns only the key (not the value) in a hash, or the index in an array.
Hash entries are returned in an apparently random order. The actual random order is subject to change in future versions of Perl, but it is guaranteed to be in the same order as either the
function would produce on the same (unmodified) hash. Since Perl 5.8.2 the ordering can be different even between different runs of Perl for security reasons (see perlsec).After
has returned all entries from the hash or array, the next call toeach
returns the empty list in list context andundef
in scalar context; the next call following that one restarts iteration. Each hash or array has its own internal iterator, accessed byeach
, andvalues
. The iterator is implicitly reset wheneach
has reached the end as just described; it can be explicitly reset by callingkeys
on the hash or array. If you add or delete a hash's elements while iterating over it, entries may be skipped or duplicated--so don't do that. Exception: In the current implementation, it is always safe to delete the item most recently returned byeach()
, so the following code works properly:while (($key, $value) = each %hash) { print $key, "\n"; delete $hash{$key}; # This is safe }
This prints out your environment like the printenv(1) program, but in a different order:
while (($key,$value) = each %ENV) { print "$key=$value\n"; }
Starting with Perl 5.14,
can take a scalar EXPR, which must hold reference to an unblessed hash or array. The argument will be dereferenced automatically. This aspect ofeach
is considered highly experimental. The exact behaviour may change in a future version of Perl.while (($key,$value) = each $hashref) { ... }
To avoid confusing would-be users of your code who are running earlier versions of Perl with mysterious syntax errors, put this sort of thing at the top of your file to signal that your code will work only on Perls of a recent vintage:
use 5.012; # so keys/values/each work on arrays use 5.014; # so keys/values/each work on scalars (experimental)
- eof ()
- eof
Возвращает 1, если очередное чтение из указателя файла FILEHANDLE возвратило бы конец файла или FILEHANDLE не открыт. FILEHANDLE может быть выражением, значение которого задает реальный указатель файла. (Заметим, что эта функция на самом деле считывает символ и затем возвращает его во входной поток с помощью
, поэтому от нее нет пользы в интерактивном контексте.) Не читает из файла терминала [i:terminal file] (или вызоваeof(FILEHANDLE)
на нем) после достижения конца файла. Типы файлов, такие как терминалы могут потерять условие конца файла[i:end-of-file condition] [[?:если вы делаете.]]An
without an argument uses the last file read. Usingeof()
with empty parentheses is different. It refers to the pseudo file formed from the files listed on the command line and accessed via the<>
operator. Since<>
isn't explicitly opened, as a normal filehandle is, aneof()
has been used will cause@ARGV
to be examined to determine if input is available. Similarly, aneof()
has returned end-of-file will assume you are processing another@ARGV
list, and if you haven't set@ARGV
, will read input fromSTDIN
; see perlop.In a
while (<>)
can be used to detect the end of each file, whereaseof()
will detect the end of the very last file only. Examples:# reset line numbering on each input file while (<>) { next if /^\s*#/; # skip comments print "$.\t$_"; } continue { close ARGV if eof; # Not eof()! } # insert dashes just before last line of last file while (<>) { if (eof()) { # check for end of last file print "--------------\n"; } print; last if eof(); # needed if we're reading from a terminal }
Practical hint: you almost never need to use
in Perl, because the input operators typically returnundef
when they run out of data or encounter an error. - eval EXPR
- eval BLOCK
- eval
In the first form, the return value of EXPR is parsed and executed as if it were a little Perl program. The value of the expression (which is itself determined within scalar context) is first parsed, and if there were no errors, executed as a block within the lexical context of the current Perl program. This means, that in particular, any outer lexical variables are visible to it, and any package variable settings or subroutine and format definitions remain afterwards.
Note that the value is parsed every time the
executes. If EXPR is omitted, evaluates$_
. This form is typically used to delay parsing and subsequent execution of the text of EXPR until run time.If the
feature is enabled (which is the default under ause 5.16
or higher declaration), EXPR or$_
is treated as a string of characters, souse utf8
declarations have no effect, and source filters are forbidden. In the absence of theunicode_eval
feature, the string will sometimes be treated as characters and sometimes as bytes, depending on the internal encoding, and source filters activated within theeval
exhibit the erratic, but historical, behaviour of affecting some outer file scope that is still compiling. See also the keyword, which always treats its input as a byte stream and works properly with source filters, and the pragma.In the second form, the code within the BLOCK is parsed only once--at the same time the code surrounding the
itself was parsed--and executed within the context of the current Perl program. This form is typically used to trap exceptions more efficiently than the first (see below), while also providing the benefit of checking the code within BLOCK at compile time.The final semicolon, if any, may be omitted from the value of EXPR or within the BLOCK.
In both forms, the value returned is the value of the last expression evaluated inside the mini-program; a return statement may be also used, just as with subroutines. The expression providing the return value is evaluated in void, scalar, or list context, depending on the context of the
itself. See for more on how the evaluation context can be determined.If there is a syntax error or runtime error, or a
statement is executed,eval
in scalar context or an empty list in list context, and$@
is set to the error message. (Prior to 5.16, a bug causedundef
to be returned in list context for syntax errors, but not for runtime errors.) If there was no error,$@
is set to the empty string. A control flow operator likelast
can bypass the setting of$@
. Beware that usingeval
neither silences Perl from printing warnings to STDERR, nor does it stuff the text of warning messages into$@
. To do either of those, you have to use the$SIG{__WARN__}
facility, or turn off warnings inside the BLOCK or EXPR usingno warnings 'all'
. See , perlvar, warnings and perllexwarn.Note that, because
traps otherwise-fatal errors, it is useful for determining whether a particular feature (such assocket
) is implemented. It is also Perl's exception-trapping mechanism, where the die operator is used to raise exceptions.If you want to trap errors when loading an XS module, some problems with the binary interface (such as Perl version skew) may be fatal even with
is set. See perlrun.If the code to be executed doesn't vary, you may use the eval-BLOCK form to trap run-time errors without incurring the penalty of recompiling each time. The error, if any, is still returned in
. Examples:# make divide-by-zero nonfatal eval { $answer = $a / $b; }; warn $@ if $@; # same thing, but less efficient eval '$answer = $a / $b'; warn $@ if $@; # a compile-time error eval { $answer = }; # WRONG # a run-time error eval '$answer ='; # sets $@
Using the
form as an exception trap in libraries does have some issues. Due to the current arguably broken state of__DIE__
hooks, you may wish not to trigger any__DIE__
hooks that user code may have installed. You can use thelocal $SIG{__DIE__}
construct for this purpose, as this example shows:# a private exception trap for divide-by-zero eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $answer = $a / $b; }; warn $@ if $@;
This is especially significant, given that
hooks can calldie
again, which has the effect of changing their error messages:# __DIE__ hooks may modify error messages { local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub { (my $x = $_[0]) =~ s/foo/bar/g; die $x }; eval { die "foo lives here" }; print $@ if $@; # prints "bar lives here" }
Because this promotes action at a distance, this counterintuitive behavior may be fixed in a future release.
With an
, you should be especially careful to remember what's being looked at when:eval $x; # CASE 1 eval "$x"; # CASE 2 eval '$x'; # CASE 3 eval { $x }; # CASE 4 eval "\$$x++"; # CASE 5 $$x++; # CASE 6
Cases 1 and 2 above behave identically: they run the code contained in the variable $x. (Although case 2 has misleading double quotes making the reader wonder what else might be happening (nothing is).) Cases 3 and 4 likewise behave in the same way: they run the code
, which does nothing but return the value of $x. (Case 4 is preferred for purely visual reasons, but it also has the advantage of compiling at compile-time instead of at run-time.) Case 5 is a place where normally you would like to use double quotes, except that in this particular situation, you can just use symbolic references instead, as in case 6.Before Perl 5.14, the assignment to
occurred before restoration of localized variables, which means that for your code to run on older versions, a temporary is required if you want to mask some but not all errors:# alter $@ on nefarious repugnancy only { my $e; { local $@; # protect existing $@ eval { test_repugnancy() }; # $@ =~ /nefarious/ and die $@; # Perl 5.14 and higher only $@ =~ /nefarious/ and $e = $@; } die $e if defined $e }
eval BLOCK
does not count as a loop, so the loop control statementsnext
, orredo
cannot be used to leave or restart the block.An
eval ''
executed within theDB
package doesn't see the usual surrounding lexical scope, but rather the scope of the first non-DB piece of code that called it. You don't normally need to worry about this unless you are writing a Perl debugger. - evalbytes EXPR
- evalbytes
This function is like with a string argument, except it always parses its argument, or
if EXPR is omitted, as a string of bytes. A string containing characters whose ordinal value exceeds 255 results in an error. Source filters activated within the evaluated code apply to the code itself.This function is only available under the
feature, ause v5.16
(or higher) declaration, or with aCORE::
prefix. See for more information. - exec LIST
выполняет системную команду, при этом больше не возвращаясь. Используйтеsystem
, если хотите, чтобы был возврат. Функция терпит неудачу и возвращает false только тогда, когда команды не существует и если онн выполняется непосредственно, а не через командную оболочку системы (обсуждается ниже).Since it's a common mistake to use
instead ofsystem
, Perl warns you ifexec
is called in void context and if there is a following statement that isn'tdie
, orexit
is set--but you always do that, right?). If you really want to follow anexec
with some other statement, you can use one of these styles to avoid the warning:exec ('foo') or print STDERR "couldn't exec foo: $!"; { exec ('foo') }; print STDERR "couldn't exec foo: $!";
If there is more than one argument in LIST, or if LIST is an array with more than one value, calls execvp(3) with the arguments in LIST. If there is only one scalar argument or an array with one element in it, the argument is checked for shell metacharacters, and if there are any, the entire argument is passed to the system's command shell for parsing (this is
/bin/sh -c
on Unix platforms, but varies on other platforms). If there are no shell metacharacters in the argument, it is split into words and passed directly toexecvp
, which is more efficient. Examples:exec '/bin/echo', 'Your arguments are: ', @ARGV; exec "sort $outfile | uniq";
If you don't really want to execute the first argument, but want to lie to the program you are executing about its own name, you can specify the program you actually want to run as an "indirect object" (without a comma) in front of the LIST. (This always forces interpretation of the LIST as a multivalued list, even if there is only a single scalar in the list.) Example:
$shell = '/bin/csh'; exec $shell '-sh'; # pretend it's a login shell
or, more directly,
exec {'/bin/csh'} '-sh'; # pretend it's a login shell
When the arguments get executed via the system shell, results are subject to its quirks and capabilities. See perlop for details.
Using an indirect object with
is also more secure. This usage (which also works fine with system()) forces interpretation of the arguments as a multivalued list, even if the list had just one argument. That way you're safe from the shell expanding wildcards or splitting up words with whitespace in them.@args = ( "echo surprise" ); exec @args; # subject to shell escapes # if @args == 1 exec { $args[0] } @args; # safe even with one-arg list
The first version, the one without the indirect object, ran the echo program, passing it
an argument. The second version didn't; it tried to run a program named "echo surprise", didn't find it, and set$?
to a non-zero value indicating failure.Beginning with v5.6.0, Perl attempts to flush all files opened for output before the exec, but this may not be supported on some platforms (see perlport). To be safe, you may need to set
($AUTOFLUSH in English) or call theautoflush()
method ofIO::Handle
on any open handles to avoid lost output.Note that
will not call yourEND
blocks, nor will it invokeDESTROY
methods on your objects. - exists EXPR
Принимает выражение,указывающее на элемент хэша. Возвращает значение "истина", если указанный элемент в хэше инициализирован, даже если соответствующее значение не определено.
print "Exists\n" if exists $hash{$key}; print "Defined\n" if defined $hash{$key}; print "True\n" if $hash{$key};
exists may also be called on array elements, but its behavior is much less obvious and is strongly tied to the use of on arrays. Be aware that calling exists on array values is deprecated and likely to be removed in a future version of Perl.
print "Exists\n" if exists $array[$index]; print "Defined\n" if defined $array[$index]; print "True\n" if $array[$index];
A hash or array element can be true only if it's defined and defined only if it exists, but the reverse doesn't necessarily hold true.
Given an expression that specifies the name of a subroutine, returns true if the specified subroutine has ever been declared, even if it is undefined. Mentioning a subroutine name for exists or defined does not count as declaring it. Note that a subroutine that does not exist may still be callable: its package may have an
method that makes it spring into existence the first time that it is called; see perlsub.print "Exists\n" if exists &subroutine; print "Defined\n" if defined &subroutine;
Note that the EXPR can be arbitrarily complicated as long as the final operation is a hash or array key lookup or subroutine name:
if (exists $ref->{A}->{B}->{$key}) { } if (exists $hash{A}{B}{$key}) { } if (exists $ref->{A}->{B}->[$ix]) { } if (exists $hash{A}{B}[$ix]) { } if (exists &{$ref->{A}{B}{$key}}) { }
Although the most deeply nested array or hash element will not spring into existence just because its existence was tested, any intervening ones will. Thus
will spring into existence due to the existence test for the $key element above. This happens anywhere the arrow operator is used, including even here:undef $ref; if (exists $ref->{"Some key"}) { } print $ref; # prints HASH(0x80d3d5c)
This surprising autovivification in what does not at first--or even second--glance appear to be an lvalue context may be fixed in a future release.
Use of a subroutine call, rather than a subroutine name, as an argument to exists() is an error.
exists ⊂ # OK exists &sub(); # Error
- exit EXPR
- exit
Вычисляет EXPR и выходит с этим значением. Пример:
$ans = <STDIN>; exit 0 if $ans =~ /^[Xx]/;
See also
. If EXPR is omitted, exits with0
status. The only universally recognized values for EXPR are0
for success and1
for error; other values are subject to interpretation depending on the environment in which the Perl program is running. For example, exiting 69 (EX_UNAVAILABLE) from a sendmail incoming-mail filter will cause the mailer to return the item undelivered, but that's not true everywhere.Don't use
to abort a subroutine if there's any chance that someone might want to trap whatever error happened. Usedie
instead, which can be trapped by aneval
.The exit() function does not always exit immediately. It calls any defined
routines first, but theseEND
routines may not themselves abort the exit. Likewise any object destructors that need to be called are called before the real exit.END
routines and destructors can change the exit status by modifying$?
. If this is a problem, you can callPOSIX::_exit($status)
to avoid END and destructor processing. See perlmod for details. - exp EXPR
- exp
Возвращает e(основание натурального логарифма) в степени EXPR. Если значение EXPR не указано, возвращает результат
. - fc EXPR
- fc
Returns the casefolded version of EXPR. This is the internal function implementing the
escape in double-quoted strings.Casefolding is the process of mapping strings to a form where case differences are erased; comparing two strings in their casefolded form is effectively a way of asking if two strings are equal, regardless of case.
Roughly, if you ever found yourself writing this
lc($this) eq lc($that) # Wrong! # or uc($this) eq uc($that) # Also wrong! # or $this =~ /\Q$that/i # Right!
Now you can write
fc($this) eq fc($that)
And get the correct results.
Perl only implements the full form of casefolding. For further information on casefolding, refer to the Unicode Standard, specifically sections 3.13
Default Case Operations
, 4.2Case-Normative
, and 5.18Case Mappings
, available at , as well as the Case Charts available at .If EXPR is omitted, uses
.This function behaves the same way under various pragma, such as in a locale, as does.
While the Unicode Standard defines two additional forms of casefolding, one for Turkic languages and one that never maps one character into multiple characters, these are not provided by the Perl core; However, the CPAN module
may be used to provide an implementation.This keyword is available only when the
feature is enabled, or when prefixed withCORE::
; See . Alternately, include ause v5.16
or later to the current scope. - fcntl FILEHANDLE,FUNCTION,SCALAR
Реализует функцию fcntl(2). Вероятно, нужно сказать
use Fcntl;
во первых, чтобы загрузить правильные определения констант. Обработка аргументов и возвращаемое значение работают так же как в функции
. Например:use Fcntl; fcntl($filehandle, F_GETFL, $packed_return_buffer) or die "can't fcntl F_GETFL: $!";
You don't have to check for
on the return fromfcntl
. Likeioctl
, it maps a0
return from the system call into"0 but true"
in Perl. This string is true in boolean context and0
in numeric context. It is also exempt from the normal -w warnings on improper numeric conversions.Note that
raises an exception if used on a machine that doesn't implement fcntl(2). See the Fcntl module or your fcntl(2) manpage to learn what functions are available on your system.Here's an example of setting a filehandle named
to be non-blocking at the system level. You'll have to negotiate$|
on your own, though.use Fcntl qw(F_GETFL F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK); $flags = fcntl(REMOTE, F_GETFL, 0) or die "Can't get flags for the socket: $!\n"; $flags = fcntl(REMOTE, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK) or die "Can't set flags for the socket: $!\n";
- __FILE__
A special token that returns the name of the file in which it occurs.
Возвращает дескриптор файла, лежащий в основе указателя файла, а если указатель не открыт, возвращает неопределенное значение. Если на уровне операционной системе нет реального дескриптора файла, как может случиться с указателями файлов, подключенных к объектам памяти через
со ссылкой на третий аргумент, возвращается -1.This is mainly useful for constructing bitmaps for
and low-level POSIX tty-handling operations. If FILEHANDLE is an expression, the value is taken as an indirect filehandle, generally its name.You can use this to find out whether two handles refer to the same underlying descriptor:
if (fileno(THIS) == fileno(THAT)) { print "THIS and THAT are dups\n"; }
Для указателя файла FILEHANDLE вызывает flock(2) или эмитирует его. Возвращает "истину" в случае успешной операции и "ложь" в противном случае. К фатальной ошибке приводит использовании на машине, которая не реализует flock(2), fcntl(2) блокирование или lockf(3). Функция
является переносимым интерфейсом Perl для блокировки файлов, хотя он блокирует только целые файлы, а не записи.Two potentially non-obvious but traditional
semantics are that it waits indefinitely until the lock is granted, and that its locks are merely advisory. Such discretionary locks are more flexible, but offer fewer guarantees. This means that programs that do not also useflock
may modify files locked withflock
. See perlport, your port's specific documentation, and your system-specific local manpages for details. It's best to assume traditional behavior if you're writing portable programs. (But if you're not, you should as always feel perfectly free to write for your own system's idiosyncrasies (sometimes called "features"). Slavish adherence to portability concerns shouldn't get in the way of your getting your job done.)OPERATION is one of LOCK_SH, LOCK_EX, or LOCK_UN, possibly combined with LOCK_NB. These constants are traditionally valued 1, 2, 8 and 4, but you can use the symbolic names if you import them from the Fcntl module, either individually, or as a group using the
tag. LOCK_SH requests a shared lock, LOCK_EX requests an exclusive lock, and LOCK_UN releases a previously requested lock. If LOCK_NB is bitwise-or'ed with LOCK_SH or LOCK_EX, thenflock
returns immediately rather than blocking waiting for the lock; check the return status to see if you got it.To avoid the possibility of miscoordination, Perl now flushes FILEHANDLE before locking or unlocking it.
Note that the emulation built with lockf(3) doesn't provide shared locks, and it requires that FILEHANDLE be open with write intent. These are the semantics that lockf(3) implements. Most if not all systems implement lockf(3) in terms of fcntl(2) locking, though, so the differing semantics shouldn't bite too many people.
Note that the fcntl(2) emulation of flock(3) requires that FILEHANDLE be open with read intent to use LOCK_SH and requires that it be open with write intent to use LOCK_EX.
Note also that some versions of
cannot lock things over the network; you would need to use the more system-specificfcntl
for that. If you like you can force Perl to ignore your system's flock(2) function, and so provide its own fcntl(2)-based emulation, by passing the switch-Ud_flock
to the Configure program when you configure and build a new Perl.Here's a mailbox appender for BSD systems.
use Fcntl qw(:flock SEEK_END); # import LOCK_* and SEEK_END constants sub lock { my ($fh) = @_; flock($fh, LOCK_EX) or die "Cannot lock mailbox - $!\n"; # and, in case someone appended while we were waiting... seek($fh, 0, SEEK_END) or die "Cannot seek - $!\n"; } sub unlock { my ($fh) = @_; flock($fh, LOCK_UN) or die "Cannot unlock mailbox - $!\n"; } open(my $mbox, ">>", "/usr/spool/mail/$ENV{'USER'}") or die "Can't open mailbox: $!"; lock($mbox); print $mbox $msg,"\n\n"; unlock($mbox);
On systems that support a real flock(2), locks are inherited across fork() calls, whereas those that must resort to the more capricious fcntl(2) function lose their locks, making it seriously harder to write servers.
See also DB_File for other flock() examples.
- fork
Выполняет системный вызов fork(2) для создания новых процессов, выполняющихся в той же самой программе, в той же самой точке. Она возвращает pid потомка в родительский процесс,
в дочерний процесс, илиundef
, если разветвление было неудачным. Дескрипторы файлов (и иногда блокировки этих дескрипторов) используются совместно, а все остальное копируется. В большинстве систем, поддерживающих fork(), большое внимание было уделено, чтобы сделать ее очень эффективной (например, использование технологии копирования при записи[i:copy-on-write] на страницах данных), обусловившее доминирование этой парадигмы многозадачности в последние несколько десятилетий.Beginning with v5.6.0, Perl attempts to flush all files opened for output before forking the child process, but this may not be supported on some platforms (see perlport). To be safe, you may need to set
($AUTOFLUSH in English) or call theautoflush()
method ofIO::Handle
on any open handles to avoid duplicate output.If you
without ever waiting on your children, you will accumulate zombies. On some systems, you can avoid this by setting$SIG{CHLD}
. See also perlipc for more examples of forking and reaping moribund children.Note that if your forked child inherits system file descriptors like STDIN and STDOUT that are actually connected by a pipe or socket, even if you exit, then the remote server (such as, say, a CGI script or a backgrounded job launched from a remote shell) won't think you're done. You should reopen those to /dev/null if it's any issue.
On some platforms such as Windows, where the fork() system call is not available, Perl can be built to emulate fork() in the Perl interpreter. The emulation is designed, at the level of the Perl program, to be as compatible as possible with the "Unix" fork(). However it has limitations that have to be considered in code intended to be portable. See perlfork for more details.
- format
Объявляет формат отображения для использования функцией
. Например:format Something = Test: @<<<<<<<< @||||| @>>>>> $str, $%, '$' . int($num) . $str = "widget"; $num = $cost/$quantity; $~ = 'Something'; write;
См. perlform, где приводятся подробности и примеры.
- formline PICTURE,LIST
Это внутренняя функция, используемая функцией
, хотя можно вызвать ее и самостоятельно. Она форматирует(см. perlform) список значений согласно содержимому шаблона PICTURE, помещая вывод в накопитель форматированного вывода,$^A
, если используется модуль English). В конечном счете, при выполненииwrite
записывается в какой-нибудь указатель файла. Вы также можете прочесть$^A
, а затем установить$^A
обратно в""
. Обратите внимание, что формат обычно осуществляет один вызовformline
для каждой строки формы, но функцияformline
сама по себе не заботится о том, как много символов перевода строки имеется в PICTURE. Это значит, что маркеры[i:tokens]~
обрабатывают PICTURE в целом как одну строку. Поэтому может потребоваться несколько вызовов formlines для реализации формата одной записи, как это и делает компилятор функцииformat
.Be careful if you put double quotes around the picture, because an
character may be taken to mean the beginning of an array name.formline
always returns true. See perlform for other examples.If you are trying to use this instead of
to capture the output, you may find it easier to open a filehandle to a scalar (open $fh, ">", \$output
) and write to that instead. - getc FILEHANDLE
- getc
Возвращает очередной символ из входного файла, прикрепленного к FILEHANDLE. Функция возвращает неопределенное значение в позиции конца файла или при возникновении ошибки(в последнем случае сообщение об ошибке сохраняется в
). Если FILEHANDLE опущен, чтение производится из STDIN. Функция несколько медлительна. Однако, она не может использоваться сама по себе для извлечения одного символа без ожидания пока пользователь нажмет ввод. Для этого попробуйте нечто большее, как:if ($BSD_STYLE) { system "stty cbreak </dev/tty >/dev/tty 2>&1"; } else { system "stty", '-icanon', 'eol', "\001"; } $key = getc(STDIN); if ($BSD_STYLE) { system "stty -cbreak </dev/tty >/dev/tty 2>&1"; } else { system 'stty', 'icanon', 'eol', '^@'; # ASCII NUL } print "\n";
Determination of whether $BSD_STYLE should be set is left as an exercise to the reader.
function can do this more portably on systems purporting POSIX compliance. See also theTerm::ReadKey
module from your nearest CPAN site; details on CPAN can be found under perlmodlib. - getlogin
Она реализует функцию библиотеки C с тем же самым именем, которая в большинстве систем возвращает текущее имя регистрации из /etc/utmp, если таковое имеется. Если она возвращает пустую строку, используйте вместо нее
.$login = getlogin || getpwuid($<) || "Kilroy";
Не используйте
для аутентификации: это не так безопасно, какgetpwuid
. - getpeername SOCKET
Возвращает упакованный адрес сокета[i:packed sockaddr address] противоположного конца соединения SOCKET.
use Socket; $hersockaddr = getpeername(SOCK); ($port, $iaddr) = sockaddr_in($hersockaddr); $herhostname = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET); $herstraddr = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
- getpgrp PID
Возвращает текущую группу процессов для указанного PID. Используйте PID, равный
, для получения текущей группы процессов для текущего процесса. Возбуждает исключение, если используется на машине, где не реализован getpgrp(2). Если PID опущен, возвращает группу процессов текущего процесса. Отметим, что POSIX версия ofgetpgrp
не принимает аргумент PID, так что толькоPID==0
по-настоящему портативен. - getppid
Возвращает идентификатор родительского процесса.
Note for Linux users: Between v5.8.1 and v5.16.0 Perl would work around non-POSIX thread semantics the minority of Linux systems (and Debian GNU/kFreeBSD systems) that used LinuxThreads, this emulation has since been removed. See the documentation for for details.
- getpriority WHICH,WHO
Returns the current priority for a process, a process group, or a user. (See getpriority(2).) Will raise a fatal exception if used on a machine that doesn't implement getpriority(2).
- getpwnam NAME
- getgrnam NAME
- gethostbyname NAME
- getnetbyname NAME
- getprotobyname NAME
- getpwuid UID
- getgrgid GID
- getservbyname NAME,PROTO
- gethostbyaddr ADDR,ADDRTYPE
- getnetbyaddr ADDR,ADDRTYPE
- getprotobynumber NUMBER
- getservbyport PORT,PROTO
- getpwent
- getgrent
- gethostent
- getnetent
- getprotoent
- getservent
- setpwent
- setgrent
- sethostent STAYOPEN
- setnetent STAYOPEN
- setprotoent STAYOPEN
- setservent STAYOPEN
- endpwent
- endgrent
- endhostent
- endnetent
- endprotoent
- endservent
Эти процедуры такие же, как их коллеги в системной библиотеке C. В списковом контексте, возвращают значения, полученные из различных get процедур, следующим образом:
($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid, $quota,$comment,$gcos,$dir,$shell,$expire) = getpw* ($name,$passwd,$gid,$members) = getgr* ($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethost* ($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$net) = getnet* ($name,$aliases,$proto) = getproto* ($name,$aliases,$port,$proto) = getserv*
(If the entry doesn't exist you get an empty list.)
The exact meaning of the $gcos field varies but it usually contains the real name of the user (as opposed to the login name) and other information pertaining to the user. Beware, however, that in many system users are able to change this information and therefore it cannot be trusted and therefore the $gcos is tainted (see perlsec). The $passwd and $shell, user's encrypted password and login shell, are also tainted, for the same reason.
In scalar context, you get the name, unless the function was a lookup by name, in which case you get the other thing, whatever it is. (If the entry doesn't exist you get the undefined value.) For example:
$uid = getpwnam($name); $name = getpwuid($num); $name = getpwent(); $gid = getgrnam($name); $name = getgrgid($num); $name = getgrent(); #etc.
In getpw*() the fields $quota, $comment, and $expire are special in that they are unsupported on many systems. If the $quota is unsupported, it is an empty scalar. If it is supported, it usually encodes the disk quota. If the $comment field is unsupported, it is an empty scalar. If it is supported it usually encodes some administrative comment about the user. In some systems the $quota field may be $change or $age, fields that have to do with password aging. In some systems the $comment field may be $class. The $expire field, if present, encodes the expiration period of the account or the password. For the availability and the exact meaning of these fields in your system, please consult getpwnam(3) and your system's pwd.h file. You can also find out from within Perl what your $quota and $comment fields mean and whether you have the $expire field by using the
module and the valuesd_pwquota
, andd_pwexpire
. Shadow password files are supported only if your vendor has implemented them in the intuitive fashion that calling the regular C library routines gets the shadow versions if you're running under privilege or if there exists the shadow(3) functions as found in System V (this includes Solaris and Linux). Those systems that implement a proprietary shadow password facility are unlikely to be supported.The $members value returned by getgr*() is a space-separated list of the login names of the members of the group.
For the gethost*() functions, if the
variable is supported in C, it will be returned to you via$?
if the function call fails. The@addrs
value returned by a successful call is a list of raw addresses returned by the corresponding library call. In the Internet domain, each address is four bytes long; you can unpack it by saying something like:($a,$b,$c,$d) = unpack('W4',$addr[0]);
The Socket library makes this slightly easier:
use Socket; $iaddr = inet_aton("127.1"); # or whatever address $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET); # or going the other way $straddr = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
In the opposite way, to resolve a hostname to the IP address you can write this:
use Socket; $packed_ip = gethostbyname(""); if (defined $packed_ip) { $ip_address = inet_ntoa($packed_ip); }
Make sure
is called in SCALAR context and that its return value is checked for definedness.The
function, even though it only takes one argument, has the precedence of a list operator, so beware:getprotobynumber $number eq 'icmp' # WRONG getprotobynumber($number eq 'icmp') # actually means this getprotobynumber($number) eq 'icmp' # better this way
If you get tired of remembering which element of the return list contains which return value, by-name interfaces are provided in standard modules:
, andUser::grent
. These override the normal built-ins, supplying versions that return objects with the appropriate names for each field. For example:use File::stat; use User::pwent; $is_his = (stat($filename)->uid == pwent($whoever)->uid);
Even though it looks as though they're the same method calls (uid), they aren't, because a
object is different from aUser::pwent
object. - getsockname SOCKET
Возвращает упакованный адрес сокета данного конца соединения SOCKET, в случае, если вы не знаете адреса, поскольку у вас имеется несколько различных IP-адресов, с которыми могли бы быть соединения.
use Socket; $mysockaddr = getsockname(SOCK); ($port, $myaddr) = sockaddr_in($mysockaddr); printf "Подключение к %s [%s]\n", scalar gethostbyaddr($myaddr, AF_INET), inet_ntoa($myaddr);
Запрашивает опцию с именем OPTNAME, связанную с SOCKET в данном LEVEL. Опции могут существовать на нескольких уровнях протокола в зависимости от типа сокета, но по крайней мере, самый верхний уровень сокета SQL_SOCKET (определенный в модуле
) будет существовать. Чтобы опции запроса на другом уровне протокола номер соответствующего протокола управления опция должна быть предоставлена. Например, чтобы указать, что опция должна интерпретироваться протоколом TCP, LEVEL должен быть установлен в номер протокола TCP, который вы можете получить с помощьюgetprotobyname
.The function returns a packed string representing the requested socket option, or
on error, with the reason for the error placed in$!
. Just what is in the packed string depends on LEVEL and OPTNAME; consult getsockopt(2) for details. A common case is that the option is an integer, in which case the result is a packed integer, which you can decode usingunpack
with thei
) format.Here's an example to test whether Nagle's algorithm is enabled on a socket:
use Socket qw(:all); defined(my $tcp = getprotobyname("tcp")) or die "Could not determine the protocol number for tcp"; # my $tcp = IPPROTO_TCP; # Alternative my $packed = getsockopt($socket, $tcp, TCP_NODELAY) or die "getsockopt TCP_NODELAY: $!"; my $nodelay = unpack("I", $packed); print "Nagle's algorithm is turned ", $nodelay ? "off\n" : "on\n";
- glob EXPR
- glob
In list context, returns a (possibly empty) list of filename expansions on the value of EXPR such as the standard Unix shell /bin/csh would do. In scalar context, glob iterates through such filename expansions, returning undef when the list is exhausted. This is the internal function implementing the
operator, but you can use it directly. If EXPR is omitted,$_
is used. The<*.c>
operator is discussed in more detail in perlop.Note that
splits its arguments on whitespace and treats each segment as separate pattern. As such,glob("*.c *.h")
matches all files with a .c or .h extension. The expressionglob(".* *")
matches all files in the current working directory. If you want to glob filenames that might contain whitespace, you'll have to use extra quotes around the spacey filename to protect it. For example, to glob filenames that have ane
followed by a space followed by anf
, use either of:@spacies = <"*e f*">; @spacies = glob '"*e f*"'; @spacies = glob q("*e f*");
If you had to get a variable through, you could do this:
@spacies = glob "'*${var}e f*'"; @spacies = glob qq("*${var}e f*");
If non-empty braces are the only wildcard characters used in the
, no filenames are matched, but potentially many strings are returned. For example, this produces nine strings, one for each pairing of fruits and colors:@many = glob "{apple,tomato,cherry}={green,yellow,red}";
Beginning with v5.6.0, this operator is implemented using the standard
extension. See File::Glob for details, includingbsd_glob
which does not treat whitespace as a pattern separator. - gmtime EXPR
- gmtime
Works just like but the returned values are localized for the standard Greenwich time zone.
Note: When called in list context, $isdst, the last value returned by gmtime, is always
. There is no Daylight Saving Time in GMT.Portability issues: perlport.
- goto LABEL
- goto EXPR
- goto &NAME
goto LABEL
находит оператор, помеченный меткой LABEL и продолжает выполнение с него. Нельзя использовать эту функцию для выхода из блока или подпрограммы, заданного вsort
. Её можно использовать для перехода почти в любую точку в динамической области видимости, в том числе из подпрограмм, но обычно лучше применять другие конструкции, такие какlast
. Автор Perl никогда не испытывал необходимости в этой формеgoto
(имеется в виду, в Perl, в C — другое дело). (Разница в том, что С не предоставляет именованные циклы в сочетании с контрольными операторами цикла[i:loop control]. В Perl такая возможность есть, что заменяет большинство применений структур сgoto
в других языках.)The
form expects a label name, whose scope will be resolved dynamically. This allows for computedgoto
s per FORTRAN, but isn't necessarily recommended if you're optimizing for maintainability:goto ("FOO", "BAR", "GLARCH")[$i];
As shown in this example,
is exempt from the "looks like a function" rule. A pair of parentheses following it does not (necessarily) delimit its argument.goto("NE")."XT"
is equivalent togoto NEXT
.Use of
to jump into a construct is deprecated and will issue a warning. Even then, it may not be used to go into any construct that requires initialization, such as a subroutine or aforeach
loop. It also can't be used to go into a construct that is optimized away.The
form is quite different from the other forms ofgoto
. In fact, it isn't a goto in the normal sense at all, and doesn't have the stigma associated with other gotos. Instead, it exits the current subroutine (losing any changes set by local()) and immediately calls in its place the named subroutine using the current value of @_. This is used byAUTOLOAD
subroutines that wish to load another subroutine and then pretend that the other subroutine had been called in the first place (except that any modifications to@_
in the current subroutine are propagated to the other subroutine.) After thegoto
, not evencaller
will be able to tell that this routine was called first.NAME needn't be the name of a subroutine; it can be a scalar variable containing a code reference or a block that evaluates to a code reference.
- grep EXPR,LIST
Это похоже по духу, но не то же самое, что grep(1) и его родственники. В частности, она не ограничивается использованием регулярных выражений.
Вычисляет BLOCK или EXPR для каждого элемента LIST (локально устанавливая
для каждого элемента) и возвращает список значений, состоящих из этих элементов для которых результат выражения содержит "истину". В скалярном контексте, возвращает, сколько раз выражение было "истинным".@foo = grep(!/^#/, @bar); # удалить комментарии
или, что эквивалентно,
@foo = grep {!/^#/} @bar; # удалить комментарии
Note that
is an alias to the list value, so it can be used to modify the elements of the LIST. While this is useful and supported, it can cause bizarre results if the elements of LIST are not variables. Similarly, grep returns aliases into the original list, much as a for loop's index variable aliases the list elements. That is, modifying an element of a list returned by grep (for example, in aforeach
or anothergrep
) actually modifies the element in the original list. This is usually something to be avoided when writing clear code.If
is lexical in the scope where thegrep
appears (because it has been declared withmy $_
) then, in addition to being locally aliased to the list elements,$_
keeps being lexical inside the block; i.e., it can't be seen from the outside, avoiding any potential side-effects.See also for a list composed of the results of the BLOCK or EXPR.
- hex EXPR
- hex
Интерпретирует EXPR как шестнадцатеричную строку и возвращает эквивалентное значение. (Для конвертирования строк, которые могут начинаться с любых из
, используйте .) Если параметр EXPR опущен, используется$_
.print hex '0xAf'; # печатает '175' print hex 'aF'; # то же самое
Hex strings may only represent integers. Strings that would cause integer overflow trigger a warning. Leading whitespace is not stripped, unlike oct(). To present something as hex, look into , , and .
- import LIST
Встроенной функции
нет. Это лишь обычный метод(подпрограмма), определяемый(или наследуемый) модулями, которые хотят экспортировать имена в другой модуль. Функцияuse
вызывает методimport
для используемого пакета. См. также , perlmod, и Exporter. - index STR,SUBSTR,POSITION
- index STR,SUBSTR
The index function searches for one string within another, but without the wildcard-like behavior of a full regular-expression pattern match. It returns the position of the first occurrence of SUBSTR in STR at or after POSITION. If POSITION is omitted, starts searching from the beginning of the string. POSITION before the beginning of the string or after its end is treated as if it were the beginning or the end, respectively. POSITION and the return value are based at zero. If the substring is not found,
returns -1. - int EXPR
- int
Возвращает целую часть EXPR. Если EXPR опущено, используется
. Не следует использовать эту функцию для округления, потому что она производит усечение в стророну0
, а машинное представление чисел с плавающей запятой иногда приводит к неочевидным результатам. Например,int(-6.725/0.025
дает -268, а не требуемое -269, т.к. деление, в действительности, дает что-то вроде -268.99999999999994315658. Обычно для этой цели лучше предпочесть функцииsprintf
, илиPOSIX::floor
, а не int(). - ioctl FILEHANDLE,FUNCTION,SCALAR
Реализует функцию ioctl(2). Вероятно, сначала нужно сказать
require "sys/"; # возможно, $Config{archlib}/sys/
to get the correct function definitions. If sys/ doesn't exist or doesn't have the correct definitions you'll have to roll your own, based on your C header files such as <sys/ioctl.h>. (There is a Perl script called h2ph that comes with the Perl kit that may help you in this, but it's nontrivial.) SCALAR will be read and/or written depending on the FUNCTION; a C pointer to the string value of SCALAR will be passed as the third argument of the actual
call. (If SCALAR has no string value but does have a numeric value, that value will be passed rather than a pointer to the string value. To guarantee this to be true, add a0
to the scalar before using it.) Thepack
functions may be needed to manipulate the values of structures used byioctl
.The return value of
) is as follows:if OS returns: then Perl returns: -1 undefined value 0 string "0 but true" anything else that number
Thus Perl returns true on success and false on failure, yet you can still easily determine the actual value returned by the operating system:
$retval = ioctl(...) || -1; printf "System returned %d\n", $retval;
The special string
"0 but true"
is exempt from -w complaints about improper numeric conversions. - join EXPR,LIST
Соединяет отдельные строки списка LIST в одну строку, поля которой разделяются значением EXPR, и возвращает новую строку. Например:
$rec = join(':', $login,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$gcos,$home,$shell);
Помните, что в отличие от
не принимает в качестве первого аргумента шаблон. Сравните . - keys HASH
- keys ARRAY
- keys EXPR
Called in list context, returns a list consisting of all the keys of the named hash, or in Perl 5.12 or later only, the indices of an array. Perl releases prior to 5.12 will produce a syntax error if you try to use an array argument. In scalar context, returns the number of keys or indices.
The keys of a hash are returned in an apparently random order. The actual random order is subject to change in future versions of Perl, but it is guaranteed to be the same order as either the
function produces (given that the hash has not been modified). Since Perl 5.8.1 the ordering can be different even between different runs of Perl for security reasons (see ).As a side effect, calling keys() resets the internal interator of the HASH or ARRAY (see ). In particular, calling keys() in void context resets the iterator with no other overhead.
Here is yet another way to print your environment:
@keys = keys %ENV; @values = values %ENV; while (@keys) { print pop(@keys), '=', pop(@values), "\n"; }
or how about sorted by key:
foreach $key (sort(keys %ENV)) { print $key, '=', $ENV{$key}, "\n"; }
The returned values are copies of the original keys in the hash, so modifying them will not affect the original hash. Compare .
To sort a hash by value, you'll need to use a
function. Here's a descending numeric sort of a hash by its values:foreach $key (sort { $hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a} } keys %hash) { printf "%4d %s\n", $hash{$key}, $key; }
Used as an lvalue,
allows you to increase the number of hash buckets allocated for the given hash. This can gain you a measure of efficiency if you know the hash is going to get big. (This is similar to pre-extending an array by assigning a larger number to $#array.) If you saykeys %hash = 200;
will have at least 200 buckets allocated for it--256 of them, in fact, since it rounds up to the next power of two. These buckets will be retained even if you do%hash = ()
, useundef %hash
if you want to free the storage while%hash
is still in scope. You can't shrink the number of buckets allocated for the hash usingkeys
in this way (but you needn't worry about doing this by accident, as trying has no effect).keys @array
in an lvalue context is a syntax error.Starting with Perl 5.14,
can take a scalar EXPR, which must contain a reference to an unblessed hash or array. The argument will be dereferenced automatically. This aspect ofkeys
is considered highly experimental. The exact behaviour may change in a future version of Perl.for (keys $hashref) { ... } for (keys $obj->get_arrayref) { ... }
To avoid confusing would-be users of your code who are running earlier versions of Perl with mysterious syntax errors, put this sort of thing at the top of your file to signal that your code will work only on Perls of a recent vintage:
use 5.012; # so keys/values/each work on arrays use 5.014; # so keys/values/each work on scalars (experimental)
- kill SIGNAL
Посылает сигнал списку процессов. Возвращает число процессов, которым успешно передан сигнал(это число не обязательно совпадает с числом на самом деле убитых процессов).
$cnt = kill 1, $child1, $child2; kill 9, @goners;
If SIGNAL is zero, no signal is sent to the process, but
checks whether it's possible to send a signal to it (that means, to be brief, that the process is owned by the same user, or we are the super-user). This is useful to check that a child process is still alive (even if only as a zombie) and hasn't changed its UID. See perlport for notes on the portability of this construct.Unlike in the shell, if SIGNAL is negative, it kills process groups instead of processes. That means you usually want to use positive not negative signals. You may also use a signal name in quotes.
The behavior of kill when a PROCESS number is zero or negative depends on the operating system. For example, on POSIX-conforming systems, zero will signal the current process group and -1 will signal all processes.
See perlipc for more details.
On some platforms such as Windows where the fork() system call is not available. Perl can be built to emulate fork() at the interpreter level. This emulation has limitations related to kill that have to be considered, for code running on Windows and in code intended to be portable.
See perlfork for more details.
If there is no LIST of processes, no signal is sent, and the return value is 0. This form is sometimes used, however, because it causes tainting checks to be run. But see .
- last LABEL
- last
подобна операторуbreak
в C(при использовании в циклах). Она осуществляет немедленный выход из цикла, в которой находится. Если метка LABEL опущена, команда относится к внутреннему охватывающему циклу. Блокcontinue
, если он есть,не выполняется.LINE: while (<STDIN>) { last LINE if /^$/; # выход после конца заголовка #... }
cannot be used to exit a block that returns a value such aseval {}
,sub {}
, ordo {}
, and should not be used to exit a grep() or map() operation.Note that a block by itself is semantically identical to a loop that executes once. Thus
can be used to effect an early exit out of such a block.See also for an illustration of how
, andredo
work. - lc EXPR
- lc
Возвращает версию EXPR, в котором все знаки находятся в нижнем регистре. Это внутренняя функция, реализующая escape последовательность
в строках, заключенных в двойные кавычки.Если значение EXPR не указано, используется переменная
.What gets returned depends on several factors:
- If
use bytes
is in effect: - Otherwise, if
use locale
(but notuse locale ':not_characters'
) is in effect:Respects current LC_CTYPE locale for code points < 256; and uses Unicode semantics for the remaining code points (this last can only happen if the UTF8 flag is also set). See perllocale.
A deficiency in this is that case changes that cross the 255/256 boundary are not well-defined. For example, the lower case of LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S (U+1E9E) in Unicode semantics is U+00DF (on ASCII platforms). But under
use locale
, the lower case of U+1E9E is itself, because 0xDF may not be LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S in the current locale, and Perl has no way of knowing if that character even exists in the locale, much less what code point it is. Perl returns the input character unchanged, for all instances (and there aren't many) where the 255/256 boundary would otherwise be crossed. - Otherwise, If EXPR has the UTF8 flag set:
Unicode semantics are used for the case change.
- Otherwise, if
use feature 'unicode_strings'
oruse locale ':not_characters'
) is in effect:Unicode semantics are used for the case change.
- Otherwise:
- If
- lcfirst EXPR
- lcfirst
Возвращает значение EXPR, первый символ которого в нижнем регистре. Это внутренняя функция, реализующая escape последовательность
в строках, заключенных в двойные кавычки.Если EXPR опущено, использует
.This function behaves the same way under various pragmata, such as in a locale, as does.
- length EXPR
- length
Возвращает длину в символах значения EXPR. Если EXPR опущено, возвращает длину
. Если EXPR содержит неопределенное значение, возвращаетсяundef
.This function cannot be used on an entire array or hash to find out how many elements these have. For that, use
scalar @array
andscalar keys %hash
, respectively.Like all Perl character operations, length() normally deals in logical characters, not physical bytes. For how many bytes a string encoded as UTF-8 would take up, use
(you'll have touse Encode
first). See Encode and perlunicode. - __LINE__
A special token that compiles to the current line number.
Создает новое имя файла, являющееся ссылкой на старое имя файла. Возвращает значение "истина" в случае успеха и "ложь" в противном случае.
Делает то же самое, что и системный вызов listen(2). Возвращает значение "истина", в случае успеха, "ложь" в противном случае. См. пример в разделе .
- local EXPR
Возможно, на самом деле вы хотите использовать
, потому чтоlocal
не то, что большинство людей думает, как "локальная". См. perlsub для подробностей.local изменяет перечисленные переменные, делая их локальными в окружающем блоке, файле или eval. Если больше одного значения в списке, список должен быть размещен в скобках. См perlsub для подробностей, включая вопросы, связанные с массивами и хэшами.
delete local EXPR
может также использоваться для локализации операции удаления элементов массива/хэша в текущем блоке. См. . - localtime EXPR
- localtime
Функция преобразует время, возвращаемое
в список из девяти элементов, представляющих время, приведенное к местному часовому поясу. Обычно используется так:# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
All list elements are numeric and come straight out of the C `struct tm'.
, and$hour
are the seconds, minutes, and hours of the specified time.$mday
is the day of the month and$mon
the month in the range0..11
, with 0 indicating January and 11 indicating December. This makes it easy to get a month name from a list:my @abbr = qw( Январь Февраль Март Апрель Май Июнь Июль Август Сентябрь Октябрь Ноябрь Декабрь ); print "$abbr[$mon] $mday"; # при значениях $mon=9, $mday=18 на выводе "Октябрь 18"
contains the number of years since 1900. To get a 4-digit year write:$year += 1900;
To get the last two digits of the year (e.g., "01" in 2001) do:
$year = sprintf("%02d", $year % 100);
- день недели, при этом воскресенье имеет номер 0, а среда - номер 3.$yday
является днем в году, содержит значения в диапазоне0..364
(или 0..365 в високосные годы.)Если указанное время попадает в период летнего времени,
содержит истинное значение, иначе - ложное.Если EXPR опущено,
использует текущее время (возвращаемое системной функцией time(3)).In scalar context,
returns the ctime(3) value:$now_string = localtime; # например, "Thu Oct 13 04:54:34 1994"
The format of this scalar value is not locale-dependent but built into Perl. For GMT instead of local time use the builtin. See also the
module (for converting seconds, minutes, hours, and such back to the integer value returned by time()), and the POSIX module's strftime(3) and mktime(3) functions.To get somewhat similar but locale-dependent date strings, set up your locale environment variables appropriately (please see perllocale) and try for example:
use POSIX qw(strftime); $now_string = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime; # или в формате GMT в соответствии с вашей локалью: $now_string = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", gmtime;
Отметим, что
, краткие формы дня недели и месяца в году, не обязательно должны быть длиной в три символа.The and modules provide a convenient, by-name access mechanism to the gmtime() and localtime() functions, respectively.
Для решения всеобъемлющих задач представления даты и времени обратите внимание на модуль на CPAN.
- lock THING
Эта функция помещает рекомендательную блокировку[i:advisory lock] на общую переменную или объект, на который ссылается THING, пока блокировка не выйдет из области видимости.
The value returned is the scalar itself, if the argument is a scalar, or a reference, if the argument is a hash, array or subroutine.
lock() является слабым ключевым словом: это означает, что если вы определили функцию под этим именем(до его вызова), данная функция будет вызвана вместо него. Если вы не под
use threads::shared
, это ничего не делает. См. threads::shared. - log EXPR
- log
Возвращает натуральный логарифм(по основанию e) EXPR. Если EXPR опущено, возвращает логарифм
. Для получения логарифма по другому основанию используйте элементарную алгебру: Логарифм числа по основанию N равен натуральному логарифму этого числа, деленному на натуральный логарифм N. Например:sub log10 { my $n = shift; return log($n)/log(10); }
- lstat EXPR
- lstat
Делает то же, что и функция
(включая установку специального указателя файла_
) но в отличие от нее, выполняет stat с символической ссылкой, а не файлом, на который указывает она указывает. Если символические ссылки не реализованы в системе, выполняется обычнаяstat
. Для более подробной информации, см. документацию функцииstat
.Если EXPR опущено, выполняется stat с переменной
. - m//
Оператор поиска по шаблону. См. perlop.
Вычисляет BLOCK или EXPR для каждого элемента списка LIST (локально устанавливая
равной каждому элементу) и возвращает список, объединяющий результаты всех таких вычислений. В скалярном контексте возвращает общее число сгенерированных элементов. Функция вычисляет BLOCK или EXPR в списковом контексте, поэтому каждый элемент списка LIST может производить ноль, один или более элементов в возвращаемом значении.@chars = map(chr, @numbers);
translates a list of numbers to the corresponding characters.
my @squares = map { $_ * $_ } @numbers;
translates a list of numbers to their squared values.
my @squares = map { $_ > 5 ? ($_ * $_) : () } @numbers;
shows that number of returned elements can differ from the number of input elements. To omit an element, return an empty list (). This could also be achieved by writing
my @squares = map { $_ * $_ } grep { $_ > 5 } @numbers;
which makes the intention more clear.
Map always returns a list, which can be assigned to a hash such that the elements become key/value pairs. See perldata for more details.
%hash = map { get_a_key_for($_) => $_ } @array;
является лишь своеобразным вариантом следующей записи:
%hash = (); foreach (@array) { $hash{get_a_key_for($_)} = $_; }
Заметим, что переменная
представляет собой псевдоним значения списка, поэтому ее можно использовать для модификации элементов LIST. Хотя это удобно и поддерживается, но может привести к странным результатам если элементы LIST не являются переменными. Использование обычного циклаforeach
для этой цели может быть понятнее в большинстве случаев. См. также функциюgrep
— возвращает массив, состоящий из тех элементов первоначального списка, для которых BLOCK или EXPR принимает значение "истина".Если в области видимости, над которой оперирует
, переменная$_
является лексической (так как была объявлена ключевым словомmy
), то, помимо того, что$_
представляет собой локальный псевдонимом списка элементов, она продолжает быть лексической внутри блока. Это значит, что переменная$_
не видна снаружи, предотвращая любые возможные побочные эффекты.{
starts both hash references and blocks, somap { ...
could be either the start of map BLOCK LIST or map EXPR, LIST. Because Perl doesn't look ahead for the closing}
it has to take a guess at which it's dealing with based on what it finds just after the{
. Usually it gets it right, but if it doesn't it won't realize something is wrong until it gets to the}
and encounters the missing (or unexpected) comma. The syntax error will be reported close to the}
, but you'll need to change something near the{
such as using a unary+
to give Perl some help:%hash = map { "\L$_" => 1 } @array; # perl предполагает EXPR. неправильно %hash = map { +"\L$_" => 1 } @array; # perl предполагает BLOCK. правильно %hash = map { ("\L$_" => 1) } @array; # это тоже работает %hash = map { lc($_) => 1 } @array; # как и это. %hash = map +( lc($_) => 1 ), @array; # это EXPR и это работает! %hash = map ( lc($_), 1 ), @array; # определяется как (1, @array)
или используйте
, чтобы принудительно задать конструкцию анонимного хэша:@hashes = map +{ lc($_) => 1 }, @array # EXPR, поэтому требуется запятая в конце
в результате сгенерируется список ссылок на анонимные хэши, каждый из которых содержит одну запись.
- mkdir FILENAME
- mkdir
Создает каталог, заданный аргументом FILENAME, с правами, заданными в MASK(с модификацией текущей
). Если это удается, возвращает значение "истина", иначе возвращает значение "ложь" и устанавливает$!
(ошибка). Если параметр MASK опущен, используется маска 0777, если не указан FILENAME, используется переменная по умолчанию$_
.In general, it is better to create directories with a permissive MASK and let the user modify that with their
than it is to supply a restrictive MASK and give the user no way to be more permissive. The exceptions to this rule are when the file or directory should be kept private (mail files, for instance). The perlfunc(1) entry onumask
discusses the choice of MASK in more detail.Note that according to the POSIX 1003.1-1996 the FILENAME may have any number of trailing slashes. Some operating and filesystems do not get this right, so Perl automatically removes all trailing slashes to keep everyone happy.
To recursively create a directory structure, look at the
function of the module. - msgctl ID,CMD,ARG
Выполняет вызов функции System V IPC msgctl(2). Может потребоваться сначала выполнить:
use IPC::SysV;
first to get the correct constant definitions. If CMD is
, then ARG must be a variable that will hold the returnedmsqid_ds
structure. Returns likeioctl
: the undefined value for error,"0 but true"
for zero, or the actual return value otherwise. See also perlipc and the documentation forIPC::SysV
. - msgget KEY,FLAGS
Вызывает функцию System V IPC msgget(2). Возвращает ID очереди сообщений или
в случае возникновения ошибки. См. также perlipc, документацию поIPC::SysV
и <IPC::Msg>. - msgrcv ID,VAR,SIZE,TYPE,FLAGS
Вызывает функцию System V IPC msgrcv для получения сообщения из очереди сообщений ID в переменную VAR при максимальном размере сообщения SIZE. Отметим, что при получении сообщения в начале VAR находится тип сообщения в виде native длинного целого, за которым следует само сообщение. Это объединение можно распаковать с помощью
unpack("l! a*")
. Переменная становится меченной[en:taints]. В случае успешной операции возвращает значение "истина", в случае ошибки - "ложь". См. также perlipc документацию дляIPC::SysV
. - msgsnd ID,MSG,FLAGS
Вызывает функцию System V IPC msgsnd для отправки сообщения MSG в очередь сообщений ID. MSG должно начинаться с native длинного целого, представляющего тип сообщения, после которого следует длина самого сообщения, а затем, наконец, само сообщение. Такой тип упаковывания может быть достигнут с помощью
pack("l! a*", $type, $message)
. Возвращает значение "истина" в случае успеха и "ложь" при возникновении ошибки. См. также документациюIPC::SysV
. - my EXPR
объявляет перечисленные переменные локальными(лексически) в охватывающем блоке, файле илиeval
. Если более, чем одно значение в списке, список должен размещаться в скобках.The exact semantics and interface of TYPE and ATTRS are still evolving. TYPE is currently bound to the use of the
pragma, and attributes are handled using theattributes
pragma, or starting from Perl 5.8.0 also via theAttribute::Handlers
module. See perlsub for details, and fields, attributes, and Attribute::Handlers. - next LABEL
- next
подобен командеcontinue
в C; он начинает очередную итерацию цикла:LINE: while (<STDIN>) { next LINE if /^#/; # отбросить комментарии #... }
Note that if there were a
block on the above, it would get executed even on discarded lines. If LABEL is omitted, the command refers to the innermost enclosing
cannot be used to exit a block which returns a value such aseval {}
,sub {}
, ordo {}
, and should not be used to exit a grep() or map() operation.Note that a block by itself is semantically identical to a loop that executes once. Thus
will exit such a block early.See also for an illustration of how
, andredo
Ознакомьтесь с описанием функции
, которая представляет собой противоположностьno
. - oct EXPR
- oct
Интерпретирует EXPR как восьмеричную строку и возвращает эквивалентное значение. (Если строка EXPR начинается с
, она интерпретируется как шестнадцатеричная строка. Если EXPR начинается с0b
, она интерпретируется как двоичная строка. Ведущие пробелы игнорируются во всех трех случаях.) Следующий код преобразует строки в десятичном, двоичном, восьмеричном и шестнадцатеричном основании, записанные в стандартной нотации Perl:$val = oct($val) if $val =~ /^0/;
If EXPR is omitted, uses
. To go the other way (produce a number in octal), use sprintf() or printf():$dec_perms = (stat("filename"))[2] & 07777; $oct_perm_str = sprintf "%o", $perms;
The oct() function is commonly used when a string such as
needs to be converted into a file mode, for example. Although Perl automatically converts strings into numbers as needed, this automatic conversion assumes base 10.Leading white space is ignored without warning, as too are any trailing non-digits, such as a decimal point (
only handles non-negative integers, not negative integers or floating point). - open FILEHANDLE,EXPR
Функция open открывает файл, имя которой задано в EXPR, и связывает его с внутренним указателем FILEHANDLE.
Простой пример открытия файла для чтения:
open(my $fh, "<", "input.txt") or die "cannot open < input.txt: $!";
и для записи:
open(my $fh, ">", "output.txt") or die "cannot open > output.txt: $!";
(The following is a comprehensive reference to open(): for a gentler introduction you may consider perlopentut.)
If FILEHANDLE is an undefined scalar variable (or array or hash element), a new filehandle is autovivified, meaning that the variable is assigned a reference to a newly allocated anonymous filehandle. Otherwise if FILEHANDLE is an expression, its value is the real filehandle. (This is considered a symbolic reference, so
use strict "refs"
should not be in effect.)If EXPR is omitted, the global (package) scalar variable of the same name as the FILEHANDLE contains the filename. (Note that lexical variables--those declared with
--will not work for this purpose; so if you're usingmy
, specify EXPR in your call to open.)If three (or more) arguments are specified, the open mode (including optional encoding) in the second argument are distinct from the filename in the third. If MODE is
or nothing, the file is opened for input. If MODE is>
, the file is opened for output, with existing files first being truncated ("clobbered") and nonexisting files newly created. If MODE is>>
, the file is opened for appending, again being created if necessary.You can put a
in front of the>
to indicate that you want both read and write access to the file; thus+<
is almost always preferred for read/write updates--the+>
mode would clobber the file first. You can't usually use either read-write mode for updating textfiles, since they have variable-length records. See the -i switch in perlrun for a better approach. The file is created with permissions of0666
modified by the process'sumask
value.These various prefixes correspond to the fopen(3) modes of
, anda+
.In the one- and two-argument forms of the call, the mode and filename should be concatenated (in that order), preferably separated by white space. You can--but shouldn't--omit the mode in these forms when that mode is
. It is always safe to use the two-argument form ofopen
if the filename argument is a known literal.For three or more arguments if MODE is
, the filename is interpreted as a command to which output is to be piped, and if MODE is-|
, the filename is interpreted as a command that pipes output to us. In the two-argument (and one-argument) form, one should replace dash (-
) with the command. See perlipc for more examples of this. (You are not allowed toopen
to a command that pipes both in and out, but see IPC::Open2, IPC::Open3, and perlipc for alternatives.)In the form of pipe opens taking three or more arguments, if LIST is specified (extra arguments after the command name) then LIST becomes arguments to the command invoked if the platform supports it. The meaning of
with more than three arguments for non-pipe modes is not yet defined, but experimental "layers" may give extra LIST arguments meaning.In the two-argument (and one-argument) form, opening
opens STDIN and opening>-
opens STDOUT.You may (and usually should) use the three-argument form of open to specify I/O layers (sometimes referred to as "disciplines") to apply to the handle that affect how the input and output are processed (see open and PerlIO for more details). For example:
open(my $fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", "filename") || die "Ошибка при открытии файла в кодировке UTF-8: $!";
opens the UTF8-encoded file containing Unicode characters; see perluniintro. Note that if layers are specified in the three-argument form, then default layers stored in ${^OPEN} (see perlvar; usually set by the open pragma or the switch -CioD) are ignored. Those layers will also be ignored if you specifying a colon with no name following it. In that case the default layer for the operating system (:raw on Unix, :crlf on Windows) is used.
Функция open() возвращает ненулевое значение в случае успеха и неопределенное значение в противном случае.If the
involved a pipe, the return value happens to be the pid of the subprocess.Если Perl исполняется на системе, которая различает текстовые и двоичные(бинарные) файлы, то при открытии двоичного файла следует указать двоичный режим с помощью функции . Основное отличие систем, в которых требуется
— в формате текстовых файлов. Системам подобным Unix, Mac OS, и Plan 9, функцияbinmode
не требуется, потому что в файлах данных систем каждая строка завершается одним символом, соответствующим тому, что на языке Си определяется как перевод строки —"\n"
.When opening a file, it's seldom a good idea to continue if the request failed, so
is frequently used withdie
. Even ifdie
won't do what you want (say, in a CGI script, where you want to format a suitable error message (but there are modules that can help with that problem)) always check the return value from opening a file.As a special case the three-argument form with a read/write mode and the third argument being
:open(my $tmp, "+>", undef) or die ...
opens a filehandle to an anonymous temporary file. Also using
works for symmetry, but you really should consider writing something to the temporary file first. You will need to seek() to do the reading.Since v5.8.0, Perl has built using PerlIO by default. Unless you've changed this (such as building Perl with
Configure -Uuseperlio
), you can open filehandles directly to Perl scalars via:open($fh, ">", \$variable) || ..
To (re)open
as an in-memory file, close it first:close STDOUT; open(STDOUT, ">", \$variable) or die "Can't open STDOUT: $!";
General examples:
$ARTICLE = 100; open(ARTICLE) or die "Can't find article $ARTICLE: $!\n"; while (<ARTICLE>) {... open(LOG, ">>/usr/spool/news/twitlog"); # (log is reserved) # if the open fails, output is discarded open(my $dbase, "+<", "dbase.mine") # open for update or die "Can't open 'dbase.mine' for update: $!"; open(my $dbase, "+<dbase.mine") # ditto or die "Can't open 'dbase.mine' for update: $!"; open(ARTICLE, "-|", "caesar <$article") # decrypt article or die "Can't start caesar: $!"; open(ARTICLE, "caesar <$article |") # ditto or die "Can't start caesar: $!"; open(EXTRACT, "|sort >Tmp$$") # $$ is our process id or die "Can't start sort: $!"; # in-memory files open(MEMORY, ">", \$var) or die "Can't open memory file: $!"; print MEMORY "foo!\n"; # output will appear in $var # process argument list of files along with any includes foreach $file (@ARGV) { process($file, "fh00"); } sub process { my($filename, $input) = @_; $input++; # this is a string increment unless (open($input, "<", $filename)) { print STDERR "Can't open $filename: $!\n"; return; } local $_; while (<$input>) { # note use of indirection if (/^#include "(.*)"/) { process($1, $input); next; } #... # whatever } }
See perliol for detailed info on PerlIO.
You may also, in the Bourne shell tradition, specify an EXPR beginning with
, in which case the rest of the string is interpreted as the name of a filehandle (or file descriptor, if numeric) to be duped (asdup(2)
) and opened. You may use&
, and+<
. The mode you specify should match the mode of the original filehandle. (Duping a filehandle does not take into account any existing contents of IO buffers.) If you use the three-argument form, then you can pass either a number, the name of a filehandle, or the normal "reference to a glob".Here is a script that saves, redirects, and restores
using various methods:#!/usr/bin/perl open(my $oldout, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!"; open(OLDERR, ">&", \*STDERR) or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!"; open(STDOUT, '>', "foo.out") or die "Can't redirect STDOUT: $!"; open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!"; select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered print STDOUT "stdout 1\n"; # this works for print STDERR "stderr 1\n"; # subprocesses too open(STDOUT, ">&", $oldout) or die "Can't dup \$oldout: $!"; open(STDERR, ">&OLDERR") or die "Can't dup OLDERR: $!"; print STDOUT "stdout 2\n"; print STDERR "stderr 2\n";
If you specify
, whereX
is a file descriptor number or a filehandle, then Perl will do an equivalent of C'sfdopen
of that file descriptor (and not calldup(2)
); this is more parsimonious of file descriptors. For example:# open for input, reusing the fileno of $fd open(FILEHANDLE, "<&=$fd")
open(FILEHANDLE, "<&=", $fd)
# open for append, using the fileno of OLDFH open(FH, ">>&=", OLDFH)
open(FH, ">>&=OLDFH")
Being parsimonious on filehandles is also useful (besides being parsimonious) for example when something is dependent on file descriptors, like for example locking using flock(). If you do just
open(A, ">>&B")
, the filehandle A will not have the same file descriptor as B, and therefore flock(A) will not flock(B) nor vice versa. But withopen(A, ">>&=B")
, the filehandles will share the same underlying system file descriptor.Note that under Perls older than 5.8.0, Perl uses the standard C library's' fdopen() to implement the
functionality. On many Unix systems, fdopen() fails when file descriptors exceed a certain value, typically 255. For Perls 5.8.0 and later, PerlIO is (most often) the default.You can see whether your Perl was built with PerlIO by running
perl -V
and looking for theuseperlio=
line. Ifuseperlio
, you have PerlIO; otherwise you don't.If you open a pipe on the command
(that is, specify either|-
with the one- or two-argument forms ofopen
), an implicitfork
is done, soopen
returns twice: in the parent process it returns the pid of the child process, and in the child process it returns (a defined)0
. Usedefined($pid)
to determine whether the open was successful.For example, use either
$child_pid = open(FROM_KID, "-|") // die "can't fork: $!";
or $child_pid = open(TO_KID, "|-") // die "can't fork: $!";
followed by
if ($child_pid) { # am the parent: # either write TO_KID or else read FROM_KID ... wait $child_pid; } else { # am the child; use STDIN/STDOUT normally ... exit; }
The filehandle behaves normally for the parent, but I/O to that filehandle is piped from/to the STDOUT/STDIN of the child process. In the child process, the filehandle isn't opened--I/O happens from/to the new STDOUT/STDIN. Typically this is used like the normal piped open when you want to exercise more control over just how the pipe command gets executed, such as when running setuid and you don't want to have to scan shell commands for metacharacters.
The following blocks are more or less equivalent:
open(FOO, "|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'"); open(FOO, "|-", "tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'"); open(FOO, "|-") || exec 'tr', '[a-z]', '[A-Z]'; open(FOO, "|-", "tr", '[a-z]', '[A-Z]'); open(FOO, "cat -n '$file'|"); open(FOO, "-|", "cat -n '$file'"); open(FOO, "-|") || exec "cat", "-n", $file; open(FOO, "-|", "cat", "-n", $file);
The last two examples in each block show the pipe as "list form", which is not yet supported on all platforms. A good rule of thumb is that if your platform has a real
(in other words, if your platform is Unix, including Linux and MacOS X), you can use the list form. You would want to use the list form of the pipe so you can pass literal arguments to the command without risk of the shell interpreting any shell metacharacters in them. However, this also bars you from opening pipes to commands that intentionally contain shell metacharacters, such as:open(FOO, "|cat -n | expand -4 | lpr") // die "Can't open pipeline to lpr: $!";
See perlipc for more examples of this.
Beginning with v5.6.0, Perl will attempt to flush all files opened for output before any operation that may do a fork, but this may not be supported on some platforms (see perlport). To be safe, you may need to set
($AUTOFLUSH in English) or call theautoflush()
method ofIO::Handle
on any open handles.On systems that support a close-on-exec flag on files, the flag will be set for the newly opened file descriptor as determined by the value of
. See perlvar.Closing any piped filehandle causes the parent process to wait for the child to finish, then returns the status value in
.The filename passed to the one- and two-argument forms of open() will have leading and trailing whitespace deleted and normal redirection characters honored. This property, known as "magic open", can often be used to good effect. A user could specify a filename of "rsh cat file |", or you could change certain filenames as needed:
$filename =~ s/(.*\.gz)\s*$/gzip -dc < $1|/; open(FH, $filename) or die "Can't open $filename: $!";
Use the three-argument form to open a file with arbitrary weird characters in it,
open(FOO, "<", $file) || die "can't open < $file: $!";
otherwise it's necessary to protect any leading and trailing whitespace:
$file =~ s#^(\s)#./$1#; open(FOO, "< $file\0") || die "open failed: $!";
(this may not work on some bizarre filesystems). One should conscientiously choose between the magic and three-argument form of open():
open(IN, $ARGV[0]) || die "can't open $ARGV[0]: $!";
will allow the user to specify an argument of the form
"rsh cat file |"
, but will not work on a filename that happens to have a trailing space, whileopen(IN, "<", $ARGV[0]) || die "can't open < $ARGV[0]: $!";
will have exactly the opposite restrictions.
If you want a "real" C
(see open(2) on your system), then you should use thesysopen
function, which involves no such magic (but may use subtly different filemodes than Perl open(), which is mapped to C fopen()). This is another way to protect your filenames from interpretation. For example:use IO::Handle; sysopen(HANDLE, $path, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL) or die "sysopen $path: $!"; $oldfh = select(HANDLE); $| = 1; select($oldfh); print HANDLE "stuff $$\n"; seek(HANDLE, 0, 0); print "File contains: ", <HANDLE>;
Using the constructor from the
package (or one of its subclasses, such asIO::File
), you can generate anonymous filehandles that have the scope of the variables used to hold them, then automatically (but silently) close once their reference counts become zero, typically at scope exit:use IO::File; #... sub read_myfile_munged { my $ALL = shift; # or just leave it undef to autoviv my $handle = IO::File->new; open($handle, "<", "myfile") or die "myfile: $!"; $first = <$handle> or return (); # Automatically closed here. mung($first) or die "mung failed"; # Or here. return (first, <$handle>) if $ALL; # Or here. return $first; # Or here. }
WARNING: The previous example has a bug because the automatic close that happens when the refcount on
does not properly detect and report failures. Always close the handle yourself and inspect the return value.close($handle) || warn "close failed: $!";
Открывает каталог с именем EXPR для работы с ним функций
. Возвращает значение "истина" в случае успеха. Параметр DIRHANDLE может быть выражением, значение которого может использоваться в качестве косвенного указателя каталога, как правило, это настоящее имя указателя каталога. Если DIRHANDLE содержит неопределенную скалярную переменную (или элемент массива или хэша), переменной присваивается ссылка на новый анонимный указатель каталога, то есть она автовивифицируется(autovivified). Указателям каталогов отводится свое пространство имен, отличное от пространства имен указателей файлов.См. например, на
. - ord EXPR
- ord
Returns the numeric value of the first character of EXPR. If EXPR is an empty string, returns 0. If EXPR is omitted, uses
. (Note character, not byte.)Для обратной операции, см . См. perlunicode для большей информации о Unicode.
- our EXPR
- our EXPR : ATTRS
ассоциирует простое имя с переменной пакета в текущем пакете для использования в текущей области видимости. Когда действует объявлениеuse strict 'vars'
позволяет использовать объявленные глобальные переменные без уточнения их с именами пакета, в пределах лексической области видимости объявленияour
. В этом отношении,our
отличается отuse vars
, воздействующей на весь пакет.Unlike
, which allocates storage for a variable and associates a simple name with that storage for use within the current scope,our
associates a simple name with a package (read: global) variable in the current package, for use within the current lexical scope. In other words,our
has the same scoping rules asmy
, but does not necessarily create a variable.If more than one value is listed, the list must be placed in parentheses.
our $foo; our($bar, $baz);
declaration declares a global variable that will be visible across its entire lexical scope, even across package boundaries. The package in which the variable is entered is determined at the point of the declaration, not at the point of use. This means the following behavior holds:package Foo; our $bar; # declares $Foo::bar for rest of lexical scope $bar = 20; package Bar; print $bar; # prints 20, as it refers to $Foo::bar
declarations with the same name in the same lexical scope are allowed if they are in different packages. If they happen to be in the same package, Perl will emit warnings if you have asked for them, just like multiplemy
declarations. Unlike a secondmy
declaration, which will bind the name to a fresh variable, a secondour
declaration in the same package, in the same scope, is merely redundant.use warnings; package Foo; our $bar; # declares $Foo::bar for rest of lexical scope $bar = 20; package Bar; our $bar = 30; # declares $Bar::bar for rest of lexical scope print $bar; # prints 30 our $bar; # emits warning but has no other effect print $bar; # still prints 30
declaration may also have a list of attributes associated with it.The exact semantics and interface of TYPE and ATTRS are still evolving. TYPE is currently bound to the use of the
pragma, and attributes are handled using theattributes
pragma, or, starting from Perl 5.8.0, also via theAttribute::Handlers
module. See perlsub for details, and fields, attributes, and Attribute::Handlers. - pack TEMPLATE,LIST
Принимает LIST значений и преобразует его в строку, согласно шаблону TEMPLATE. Результирующая строка является объединением преобразованных значений. Как правило, каждое преобразованное значение выглядит подобно его представлению на машинном уровне. Например, на 32-битных машинах целое число может быть представлено последовательностью из 4х байт, что в Perl будет представлено как строка, состоящая из 4 символов.
See for an introduction to this function.
The TEMPLATE is a sequence of characters that give the order and type of values, as follows:
a A string with arbitrary binary data, will be null padded. A A text (ASCII) string, will be space padded. Z A null-terminated (ASCIZ) string, will be null padded. b A bit string (ascending bit order inside each byte, like vec()). B A bit string (descending bit order inside each byte). h A hex string (low nybble first). H A hex string (high nybble first). c A signed char (8-bit) value. C An unsigned char (octet) value. W An unsigned char value (can be greater than 255). s A signed short (16-bit) value. S An unsigned short value. l A signed long (32-bit) value. L An unsigned long value. q A signed quad (64-bit) value. Q An unsigned quad value. (Quads are available only if your system supports 64-bit integer values _and_ if Perl has been compiled to support those. Raises an exception otherwise.) i A signed integer value. I A unsigned integer value. (This 'integer' is _at_least_ 32 bits wide. Its exact size depends on what a local C compiler calls 'int'.) n An unsigned short (16-bit) in "network" (big-endian) order. N An unsigned long (32-bit) in "network" (big-endian) order. v An unsigned short (16-bit) in "VAX" (little-endian) order. V An unsigned long (32-bit) in "VAX" (little-endian) order. j A Perl internal signed integer value (IV). J A Perl internal unsigned integer value (UV). f A single-precision float in native format. d A double-precision float in native format. F A Perl internal floating-point value (NV) in native format D A float of long-double precision in native format. (Long doubles are available only if your system supports long double values _and_ if Perl has been compiled to support those. Raises an exception otherwise.) p A pointer to a null-terminated string. P A pointer to a structure (fixed-length string). u A uuencoded string. U A Unicode character number. Encodes to a character in char- acter mode and UTF-8 (or UTF-EBCDIC in EBCDIC platforms) in byte mode. w A BER compressed integer (not an ASN.1 BER, see perlpacktut for details). Its bytes represent an unsigned integer in base 128, most significant digit first, with as few digits as possible. Bit eight (the high bit) is set on each byte except the last. x A null byte (a.k.a ASCII NUL, "\000", chr(0)) X Back up a byte. @ Null-fill or truncate to absolute position, counted from the start of the innermost ()-group. . Null-fill or truncate to absolute position specified by the value. ( Start of a ()-group.
One or more modifiers below may optionally follow certain letters in the TEMPLATE (the second column lists letters for which the modifier is valid):
! sSlLiI Forces native (short, long, int) sizes instead of fixed (16-/32-bit) sizes. xX Make x and X act as alignment commands. nNvV Treat integers as signed instead of unsigned. @. Specify position as byte offset in the internal representation of the packed string. Efficient but dangerous. > sSiIlLqQ Force big-endian byte-order on the type. jJfFdDpP (The "big end" touches the construct.) < sSiIlLqQ Force little-endian byte-order on the type. jJfFdDpP (The "little end" touches the construct.)
modifiers can also be used on()
groups to force a particular byte-order on all components in that group, including all its subgroups.The following rules apply:
Each letter may optionally be followed by a number indicating the repeat count. A numeric repeat count may optionally be enclosed in brackets, as in
pack("C[80]", @arr)
. The repeat count gobbles that many values from the LIST when used with all format types other thana
, andP
, where it means something else, described below. Supplying a*
for the repeat count instead of a number means to use however many items are left, except for:-
, andX
, where it is equivalent to0
. -
<.>, where it means relative to the start of the string.
, where it is equivalent to 1 (or 45, which here is equivalent).
One can replace a numeric repeat count with a template letter enclosed in brackets to use the packed byte length of the bracketed template for the repeat count.
For example, the template
skips as many bytes as in a packed long, and the template"$t X[$t] $t"
unpacks twice whatever $t (when variable-expanded) unpacks. If the template in brackets contains alignment commands (such asx![d]
), its packed length is calculated as if the start of the template had the maximal possible alignment.When used with
, a*
as the repeat count is guaranteed to add a trailing null byte, so the resulting string is always one byte longer than the byte length of the item itself.When used with
, the repeat count represents an offset from the start of the innermost()
group.When used with
, the repeat count determines the starting position to calculate the value offset as follows:-
If the repeat count is
, it's relative to the current position. -
If the repeat count is
, the offset is relative to the start of the packed string. -
And if it's an integer n, the offset is relative to the start of the nth innermost
group, or to the start of the string if n is bigger then the group level.
The repeat count for
is interpreted as the maximal number of bytes to encode per line of output, with 0, 1 and 2 replaced by 45. The repeat count should not be more than 65. -
, andZ
types gobble just one value, but pack it as a string of length count, padding with nulls or spaces as needed. When unpacking,A
strips trailing whitespace and nulls,Z
strips everything after the first null, anda
returns data with no stripping at all.If the value to pack is too long, the result is truncated. If it's too long and an explicit count is provided,
packs only$count-1
bytes, followed by a null byte. ThusZ
always packs a trailing null, except when the count is 0. -
Likewise, the
formats pack a string that's that many bits long. Each such format generates 1 bit of the result. These are typically followed by a repeat count likeB8
.Each result bit is based on the least-significant bit of the corresponding input character, i.e., on
. In particular, characters"0"
generate bits 0 and 1, as do characters"\000"
.Starting from the beginning of the input string, each 8-tuple of characters is converted to 1 character of output. With format
, the first character of the 8-tuple determines the least-significant bit of a character; with formatB
, it determines the most-significant bit of a character.If the length of the input string is not evenly divisible by 8, the remainder is packed as if the input string were padded by null characters at the end. Similarly during unpacking, "extra" bits are ignored.
If the input string is longer than needed, remaining characters are ignored.
for the repeat count uses all characters of the input field. On unpacking, bits are converted to a string of0
s and1
s. -
formats pack a string that many nybbles (4-bit groups, representable as hexadecimal digits,"0".."9"
) long.For each such format, pack() generates 4 bits of result. With non-alphabetical characters, the result is based on the 4 least-significant bits of the input character, i.e., on
. In particular, characters"0"
generate nybbles 0 and 1, as do bytes"\000"
. For characters"a".."f"
, the result is compatible with the usual hexadecimal digits, so that"a"
both generate the nybble0xA==10
. Use only these specific hex characters with this format.Starting from the beginning of the template to pack(), each pair of characters is converted to 1 character of output. With format
, the first character of the pair determines the least-significant nybble of the output character; with formatH
, it determines the most-significant nybble.If the length of the input string is not even, it behaves as if padded by a null character at the end. Similarly, "extra" nybbles are ignored during unpacking.
If the input string is longer than needed, extra characters are ignored.
for the repeat count uses all characters of the input field. For unpack(), nybbles are converted to a string of hexadecimal digits. -
format packs a pointer to a null-terminated string. You are responsible for ensuring that the string is not a temporary value, as that could potentially get deallocated before you got around to using the packed result. TheP
format packs a pointer to a structure of the size indicated by the length. A null pointer is created if the corresponding value forp
; similarly with unpack(), where a null pointer unpacks intoundef
.If your system has a strange pointer size--meaning a pointer is neither as big as an int nor as big as a long--it may not be possible to pack or unpack pointers in big- or little-endian byte order. Attempting to do so raises an exception.
template character allows packing and unpacking of a sequence of items where the packed structure contains a packed item count followed by the packed items themselves. This is useful when the structure you're unpacking has encoded the sizes or repeat counts for some of its fields within the structure itself as separate fields.For
, you write length-item/
sequence-item, and the length-item describes how the length value is packed. Formats likely to be of most use are integer-packing ones liken
for Java strings,w
for ASN.1 or SNMP, andN
for Sun XDR.For
, sequence-item may have a repeat count, in which case the minimum of that and the number of available items is used as the argument for length-item. If it has no repeat count or uses a '*', the number of available items is used.For
, an internal stack of integer arguments unpacked so far is used. You write/
sequence-item and the repeat count is obtained by popping off the last element from the stack. The sequence-item must not have a repeat count.If sequence-item refers to a string type (
, or"Z"
), the length-item is the string length, not the number of strings. With an explicit repeat count for pack, the packed string is adjusted to that length. For example:This code: gives this result: unpack("W/a", "\004Gurusamy") ("Guru") unpack("a3/A A*", "007 Bond J ") (" Bond", "J") unpack("a3 x2 /A A*", "007: Bond, J.") ("Bond, J", ".") pack("n/a* w/a","hello,","world") "\000\006hello,\005world" pack("a/W2", ord("a") .. ord("z")) "2ab"
The length-item is not returned explicitly from
.Supplying a count to the length-item format letter is only useful with
, orZ
. Packing with a length-item ofa
may introduce"\000"
characters, which Perl does not regard as legal in numeric strings. -
The integer types
, andL
may be followed by a!
modifier to specify native shorts or longs. As shown in the example above, a barel
means exactly 32 bits, although the nativelong
as seen by the local C compiler may be larger. This is mainly an issue on 64-bit platforms. You can see whether using!
makes any difference this way:printf "format s is %d, s! is %d\n", length pack("s"), length pack("s!"); printf "format l is %d, l! is %d\n", length pack("l"), length pack("l!");
are also allowed, but only for completeness' sake: they are identical toi
.The actual sizes (in bytes) of native shorts, ints, longs, and long longs on the platform where Perl was built are also available from the command line:
$ perl -V:{short,int,long{,long}}size shortsize='2'; intsize='4'; longsize='4'; longlongsize='8';
or programmatically via the
module:use Config; print $Config{shortsize}, "\n"; print $Config{intsize}, "\n"; print $Config{longsize}, "\n"; print $Config{longlongsize}, "\n";
is undefined on systems without long long support. -
The integer formats
, andJ
are inherently non-portable between processors and operating systems because they obey native byteorder and endianness. For example, a 4-byte integer 0x12345678 (305419896 decimal) would be ordered natively (arranged in and handled by the CPU registers) into bytes as0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78 # big-endian 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12 # little-endian
Basically, Intel and VAX CPUs are little-endian, while everybody else, including Motorola m68k/88k, PPC, Sparc, HP PA, Power, and Cray, are big-endian. Alpha and MIPS can be either: Digital/Compaq uses (well, used) them in little-endian mode, but SGI/Cray uses them in big-endian mode.
The names big-endian and little-endian are comic references to the egg-eating habits of the little-endian Lilliputians and the big-endian Blefuscudians from the classic Jonathan Swift satire, Gulliver's Travels. This entered computer lingo via the paper "On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace" by Danny Cohen, USC/ISI IEN 137, April 1, 1980.
Some systems may have even weirder byte orders such as
0x56 0x78 0x12 0x34 0x34 0x12 0x78 0x56
You can determine your system endianness with this incantation:
printf("%#02x ", $_) for unpack("W*", pack L=>0x12345678);
The byteorder on the platform where Perl was built is also available via Config:
use Config; print "$Config{byteorder}\n";
or from the command line:
$ perl -V:byteorder
are little-endian;"4321"
are big-endian.For portably packed integers, either use the formats
, andV
or else use the>
modifiers described immediately below. See also perlport. -
Starting with Perl 5.9.2, integer and floating-point formats, along with the
formats and()
groups, may all be followed by the>
endianness modifiers to respectively enforce big- or little-endian byte-order. These modifiers are especially useful given hown
, andV
don't cover signed integers, 64-bit integers, or floating-point values.Here are some concerns to keep in mind when using an endianness modifier:
Exchanging signed integers between different platforms works only when all platforms store them in the same format. Most platforms store signed integers in two's-complement notation, so usually this is not an issue.
modifiers can only be used on floating-point formats on big- or little-endian machines. Otherwise, attempting to use them raises an exception. -
Forcing big- or little-endian byte-order on floating-point values for data exchange can work only if all platforms use the same binary representation such as IEEE floating-point. Even if all platforms are using IEEE, there may still be subtle differences. Being able to use
on floating-point values can be useful, but also dangerous if you don't know exactly what you're doing. It is not a general way to portably store floating-point values. -
When using
on a()
group, this affects all types inside the group that accept byte-order modifiers, including all subgroups. It is silently ignored for all other types. You are not allowed to override the byte-order within a group that already has a byte-order modifier suffix.
Real numbers (floats and doubles) are in native machine format only. Due to the multiplicity of floating-point formats and the lack of a standard "network" representation for them, no facility for interchange has been made. This means that packed floating-point data written on one machine may not be readable on another, even if both use IEEE floating-point arithmetic (because the endianness of the memory representation is not part of the IEEE spec). See also perlport.
If you know exactly what you're doing, you can use the
modifiers to force big- or little-endian byte-order on floating-point values.Because Perl uses doubles (or long doubles, if configured) internally for all numeric calculation, converting from double into float and thence to double again loses precision, so
unpack("f", pack("f", $foo)
) will not in general equal $foo. -
Pack and unpack can operate in two modes: character mode (
mode) where the packed string is processed per character, and UTF-8 mode (U0
mode) where the packed string is processed in its UTF-8-encoded Unicode form on a byte-by-byte basis. Character mode is the default unless the format string starts withU
. You can always switch mode mid-format with an explicitC0
in the format. This mode remains in effect until the next mode change, or until the end of the()
group it (directly) applies to.Using
to get Unicode characters while usingU0
to get non-Unicode bytes is not necessarily obvious. Probably only the first of these is what you want:$ perl -CS -E 'say "\x{3B1}\x{3C9}"' | perl -CS -ne 'printf "%v04X\n", $_ for unpack("C0A*", $_)' 03B1.03C9 $ perl -CS -E 'say "\x{3B1}\x{3C9}"' | perl -CS -ne 'printf "%v02X\n", $_ for unpack("U0A*", $_)' CE.B1.CF.89 $ perl -CS -E 'say "\x{3B1}\x{3C9}"' | perl -C0 -ne 'printf "%v02X\n", $_ for unpack("C0A*", $_)' CE.B1.CF.89 $ perl -CS -E 'say "\x{3B1}\x{3C9}"' | perl -C0 -ne 'printf "%v02X\n", $_ for unpack("U0A*", $_)' C3.8E.C2.B1.C3.8F.C2.89
Those examples also illustrate that you should not try to use
as a substitute for the Encode module. -
You must yourself do any alignment or padding by inserting, for example, enough
es while packing. There is no way for pack() and unpack() to know where characters are going to or coming from, so they handle their output and input as flat sequences of characters. -
group is a sub-TEMPLATE enclosed in parentheses. A group may take a repeat count either as postfix, or for unpack(), also via the/
template character. Within each repetition of a group, positioning with@
starts over at 0. Therefore, the result ofpack("@1A((@2A)@3A)", qw[X Y Z])
is the string
. -
accept the!
modifier to act as alignment commands: they jump forward or back to the closest position aligned at a multiple ofcount
characters. For example, to pack() or unpack() a C structure likestruct { char c; /* one signed, 8-bit character */ double d; char cc[2]; }
one may need to use the template
c x![d] d c[2]
. This assumes that doubles must be aligned to the size of double.For alignment commands, a
of 0 is equivalent to acount
of 1; both are no-ops. -
accept the!
modifier to represent signed 16-/32-bit integers in big-/little-endian order. This is portable only when all platforms sharing packed data use the same binary representation for signed integers; for example, when all platforms use two's-complement representation. -
Comments can be embedded in a TEMPLATE using
through the end of line. White space can separate pack codes from each other, but modifiers and repeat counts must follow immediately. Breaking complex templates into individual line-by-line components, suitably annotated, can do as much to improve legibility and maintainability of pack/unpack formats as/x
can for complicated pattern matches. -
If TEMPLATE requires more arguments than pack() is given, pack() assumes additional
arguments. If TEMPLATE requires fewer arguments than given, extra arguments are ignored.
$foo = pack("WWWW",65,66,67,68); # foo eq "ABCD" $foo = pack("W4",65,66,67,68); # same thing $foo = pack("W4",0x24b6,0x24b7,0x24b8,0x24b9); # same thing with Unicode circled letters. $foo = pack("U4",0x24b6,0x24b7,0x24b8,0x24b9); # same thing with Unicode circled letters. You don't get the # UTF-8 bytes because the U at the start of the format caused # a switch to U0-mode, so the UTF-8 bytes get joined into # characters $foo = pack("C0U4",0x24b6,0x24b7,0x24b8,0x24b9); # foo eq "\xe2\x92\xb6\xe2\x92\xb7\xe2\x92\xb8\xe2\x92\xb9" # This is the UTF-8 encoding of the string in the # previous example $foo = pack("ccxxcc",65,66,67,68); # foo eq "AB\0\0CD" # NOTE: The examples above featuring "W" and "c" are true # only on ASCII and ASCII-derived systems such as ISO Latin 1 # and UTF-8. On EBCDIC systems, the first example would be # $foo = pack("WWWW",193,194,195,196); $foo = pack("s2",1,2); # "\001\000\002\000" on little-endian # "\000\001\000\002" on big-endian $foo = pack("a4","abcd","x","y","z"); # "abcd" $foo = pack("aaaa","abcd","x","y","z"); # "axyz" $foo = pack("a14","abcdefg"); # "abcdefg\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" $foo = pack("i9pl", gmtime); # a real struct tm (on my system anyway) $utmp_template = "Z8 Z8 Z16 L"; $utmp = pack($utmp_template, @utmp1); # a struct utmp (BSDish) @utmp2 = unpack($utmp_template, $utmp); # "@utmp1" eq "@utmp2" sub bintodec { unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . shift, -32))); } $foo = pack('sx2l', 12, 34); # short 12, two zero bytes padding, long 34 $bar = pack('s@4l', 12, 34); # short 12, zero fill to position 4, long 34 # $foo eq $bar $baz = pack('s.l', 12, 4, 34); # short 12, zero fill to position 4, long 34 $foo = pack('nN', 42, 4711); # pack big-endian 16- and 32-bit unsigned integers $foo = pack('S>L>', 42, 4711); # exactly the same $foo = pack('s<l<', -42, 4711); # pack little-endian 16- and 32-bit signed integers $foo = pack('(sl)<', -42, 4711); # exactly the same
The same template may generally also be used in unpack().
- package NAMESPACE
Объявляет BLOCK или оставшуюся часть единицы компиляции как принадлежащую к данному пространству имен. Областью видимости объявления пакета является переданный BLOCK кода или, если отсутствует BLOCK, от самого объявления до конца текущей области видимости (охватывающий блок, файл, или
). То есть, формы без BLOCK действуют до конца текущей области видимости, подобно операторамmy
, иour
. Все неквалифицированные динамические идентификаторы [en:dynamic identifiers] в этой области видимости будут в данном пространстве имен, за исключением случаев переопределения другими объявлениямиpackage
или когда они являются специальными идентификаторами, которые квалифицируются вmain::
, и переменные пунктуации.A package statement affects dynamic variables only, including those you've used
on, but not lexical variables, which are created withmy
, orour
. Typically it would be the first declaration in a file included byrequire
. You can switch into a package in more than one place, since this only determines which default symbol table the compiler uses for the rest of that block. You can refer to identifiers in other packages than the current one by prefixing the identifier with the package name and a double colon, as in$SomePack::var
. If package name is omitted, themain
package as assumed. That is,$::sail
is equivalent to$main::sail
(as well as to$main'sail
, still seen in ancient code, mostly from Perl 4).If VERSION is provided,
sets the$VERSION
variable in the given namespace to a object with the VERSION provided. VERSION must be a "strict" style version number as defined by the module: a positive decimal number (integer or decimal-fraction) without exponentiation or else a dotted-decimal v-string with a leading 'v' character and at least three components. You should set$VERSION
only once per package.See perlmod for more information about packages, modules, and classes. See perlsub for other scoping issues.
A special token that returns the name of the package in which it occurs.
Открывает пару связанных каналов как соответствующий системный вызов. Если вы устроить цикл канализированных[en:piped] процессов, может произойти взаимоблокировка[en:deadlock], если не проявить особую осторожность. Кроме того, обратите внимание на то, что каналы Perl используют буферизацию стандартного ввода-вывода[i:IO], так вам может понадобиться установить
, чтобы очистить WRITEHANDLE после каждой команды в зависимости от приложения.See IPC::Open2, IPC::Open3, and perlipc for examples of such things.
On systems that support a close-on-exec flag on files, that flag is set on all newly opened file descriptors whose
s are higher than the current value of $^F (by default 2 forSTDERR
). See perlvar. - pop ARRAY
- pop EXPR
- pop
Выталкивает и возвращает последнее значение массива, укорачивая массив на один элемент.
Returns the undefined value if the array is empty, although this may also happen at other times. If ARRAY is omitted, pops the
array in the main program, but the@_
array in subroutines, just likeshift
.Starting with Perl 5.14,
can take a scalar EXPR, which must hold a reference to an unblessed array. The argument will be dereferenced automatically. This aspect ofpop
is considered highly experimental. The exact behaviour may change in a future version of Perl.To avoid confusing would-be users of your code who are running earlier versions of Perl with mysterious syntax errors, put this sort of thing at the top of your file to signal that your code will work only on Perls of a recent vintage:
use 5.014; # so push/pop/etc work on scalars (experimental)
- pos SCALAR
- pos
Возвращает смещение до места, где остановился последний поиск
в указанной переменной (когда переменная не задана, используется$_
). Запомните, что 0 является допустимым значением смещения совпадения.undef
означает, что позиция поиска сброшена (обычно из-за неудачного поиска, но может так же из за того, что никаких поисков по шаблону в этом скаляре еще не выполнялось).pos
directly accesses the location used by the regexp engine to store the offset, so assigning topos
will change that offset, and so will also influence the\G
zero-width assertion in regular expressions. Both of these effects take place for the next match, so you can't affect the position withpos
during the current match, such as in(?{pos() = 5})
ors//pos() = 5/e
also resets the matched with zero-length flag, described under .Because a failed
match doesn't reset the offset, the return frompos
won't change either in this case. See perlre and perlop. - print FILEHANDLE LIST
- print LIST
- print
Выводит строку или список строк. Возвращает значение "истина" в случае успеха. FILEHANDLE может быть скалярной переменной, содержащей имя указателя файла или ссылку на него, что вносит один уровень косвенного обращения. (ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Если FILEHANDLE представляет собой переменную, а очередная лексема — терм, он может быть ошибочно интерпретирован за оператор, если не вставить знак
или не заключить аргументы в скобки.) Если FILEHANDLE опущен, осуществляется вывод в последний выбранный (см. ) указатель вывода. Если LIST опущен, печатает содержимое$_
в текущий выбранный указатель вывода. Для использования FILEHANDLE только для печати в него содержимого$_
, нужно использовать реальный указатель файла какFH
, а не косвенный как$fh
. Чтобы установить указателем выходного файла по умолчанию нечто отличное от STDOUT, используйте операцию/select
.The current value of
(if any) is printed between each LIST item. The current value of$\
(if any) is printed after the entire LIST has been printed. Because print takes a LIST, anything in the LIST is evaluated in list context, including any subroutines whose return lists you pass toprint
. Be careful not to follow the print keyword with a left parenthesis unless you want the corresponding right parenthesis to terminate the arguments to the print; put parentheses around all arguments (or interpose a+
, but that doesn't look as good).If you're storing handles in an array or hash, or in general whenever you're using any expression more complex than a bareword handle or a plain, unsubscripted scalar variable to retrieve it, you will have to use a block returning the filehandle value instead, in which case the LIST may not be omitted:
print { $files[$i] } "stuff\n"; print { $OK ? STDOUT : STDERR } "stuff\n";
Printing to a closed pipe or socket will generate a SIGPIPE signal. See perlipc for more on signal handling.
- printf FORMAT, LIST
- printf
Equivalent to
, except that$\
(the output record separator) is not appended. The first argument of the list will be interpreted as theprintf
format. See for an explanation of the format argument. If you omit the LIST,$_
is used; to use FILEHANDLE without a LIST, you must use a real filehandle likeFH
, not an indirect one like$fh
. Ifuse locale
(includinguse locale ':not_characters'
) is in effect and POSIX::setlocale() has been called, the character used for the decimal separator in formatted floating-point numbers is affected by the LC_NUMERIC locale setting. See perllocale and POSIX.Не попадитесь в ловушку, применяя
там, где достаточно обычнойprintf
более эффективна и менее подвержена ошибкам. - prototype FUNCTION
Возвращает прототип функции в виде строки (или
, если у функции нет прототипа). FUNCTION представляет собой ссылку на функцию или имя функции, прототип которой требуется получить.If FUNCTION is a string starting with
, the rest is taken as a name for a Perl builtin. If the builtin is not overridable (such asqw//
) or if its arguments cannot be adequately expressed by a prototype (such assystem
), prototype() returnsundef
, because the builtin does not really behave like a Perl function. Otherwise, the string describing the equivalent prototype is returned. - push ARRAY,LIST
- push EXPR,LIST
Рассматривает массив ARRAY как стек, добавляя значения LIST в конец ARRAY. Длина ARRAY возрастает на длину LIST. Оказывает такое же воздействие, как:
for $value (LIST) { $ARRAY[++$#ARRAY] = $value; }
но более эффективна. Возвращает число элементов в массиве, получившееся в результате действия
.Starting with Perl 5.14,
can take a scalar EXPR, which must hold a reference to an unblessed array. The argument will be dereferenced automatically. This aspect ofpush
is considered highly experimental. The exact behaviour may change in a future version of Perl.To avoid confusing would-be users of your code who are running earlier versions of Perl with mysterious syntax errors, put this sort of thing at the top of your file to signal that your code will work only on Perls of a recent vintage:
use 5.014; # so push/pop/etc work on scalars (experimental)
- qq/STRING/
- qw/STRING/
- qx/STRING/
- qr/STRING/
Кавычки, действующие подобно символам-ограничителям регулярных выражений. См. perlop.
- quotemeta EXPR
- quotemeta
Returns the value of EXPR with all the ASCII non-"word" characters backslashed. (That is, all ASCII characters not matching
will be preceded by a backslash in the returned string, regardless of any locale settings.) This is the internal function implementing the\Q
escape in double-quoted strings. (See below for the behavior on non-ASCII code points.)Если EXPR не указано, используется
.quotemeta (and
) are useful when interpolating strings into regular expressions, because by default an interpolated variable will be considered a mini-regular expression. For example:my $sentence = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'; my $substring = 'quick.*?fox'; $sentence =~ s{$substring}{big bad wolf};
Will cause
to become'The big bad wolf jumped over...'
.On the other hand:
my $sentence = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'; my $substring = 'quick.*?fox'; $sentence =~ s{\Q$substring\E}{big bad wolf};
my $sentence = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'; my $substring = 'quick.*?fox'; my $quoted_substring = quotemeta($substring); $sentence =~ s{$quoted_substring}{big bad wolf};
Will both leave the sentence as is. Normally, when accepting literal string input from the user, quotemeta() or
must be used.In Perl v5.14, all non-ASCII characters are quoted in non-UTF-8-encoded strings, but not quoted in UTF-8 strings.
Starting in Perl v5.16, Perl adopted a Unicode-defined strategy for quoting non-ASCII characters; the quoting of ASCII characters is unchanged.
Also unchanged is the quoting of non-UTF-8 strings when outside the scope of a
use feature 'unicode_strings'
, which is to quote all characters in the upper Latin1 range. This provides complete backwards compatibility for old programs which do not use Unicode. (Note thatunicode_strings
is automatically enabled within the scope of ause v5.12
or greater.)Within the scope of
use locale
, all non-ASCII Latin1 code points are quoted whether the string is encoded as UTF-8 or not. As mentioned above, locale does not affect the quoting of ASCII-range characters. This protects against those locales where characters such as"|"
are considered to be word characters.Otherwise, Perl quotes non-ASCII characters using an adaptation from Unicode (see .) The only code points that are quoted are those that have any of the Unicode properties: Pattern_Syntax, Pattern_White_Space, White_Space, Default_Ignorable_Code_Point, or General_Category=Control.
Of these properties, the two important ones are Pattern_Syntax and Pattern_White_Space. They have been set up by Unicode for exactly this purpose of deciding which characters in a regular expression pattern should be quoted. No character that can be in an identifier has these properties.
Perl promises, that if we ever add regular expression pattern metacharacters to the dozen already defined (
\ | ( ) [ { ^ $ * + ? .
), that we will only use ones that have the Pattern_Syntax property. Perl also promises, that if we ever add characters that are considered to be white space in regular expressions (currently mostly affected by/x
), they will all have the Pattern_White_Space property.Unicode promises that the set of code points that have these two properties will never change, so something that is not quoted in v5.16 will never need to be quoted in any future Perl release. (Not all the code points that match Pattern_Syntax have actually had characters assigned to them; so there is room to grow, but they are quoted whether assigned or not. Perl, of course, would never use an unassigned code point as an actual metacharacter.)
Quoting characters that have the other 3 properties is done to enhance the readability of the regular expression and not because they actually need to be quoted for regular expression purposes (characters with the White_Space property are likely to be indistinguishable on the page or screen from those with the Pattern_White_Space property; and the other two properties contain non-printing characters).
- rand EXPR
- rand
Возвращает случайное дробное число, большее или равное
и меньшее значения EXPR. (EXPR должно быть положительным.) Если EXPR опущено, используется значение1
. В настоящее время EXPR со значением0
также является частным случаем значения1
(это было не документировано до 5.8.0 и может быть изменено в будущих версиях Perl). Автоматически вызываетsrand
, если эта функция не была вызвана ранее. См. такжеsrand
to the value returned byrand()
if you want random integers instead of random fractional numbers. For example,int(rand(10))
returns a random integer between
, inclusive.(Note: If your rand function consistently returns numbers that are too large or too small, then your version of Perl was probably compiled with the wrong number of RANDBITS.)
is not cryptographically secure. You should not rely on it in security-sensitive situations. As of this writing, a number of third-party CPAN modules offer random number generators intended by their authors to be cryptographically secure, including: , , , and . - read FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET
Пытается прочесть LENGTH символов данных в переменную SCALAR из заданного указателя файла FILEHANDLE. Возвращает число прочитанных символов или
, если достигнут конец файла, если произошла ошибка, возвращает undef(в последнем случае информация об ошибке будет записана$!
). SCALAR растет или сокращается в зависимости от фактически прочитанной длины [[?: так, что последний фактически прочитанный последний символ является последним символом скаляра после чтерия]].An OFFSET may be specified to place the read data at some place in the string other than the beginning. A negative OFFSET specifies placement at that many characters counting backwards from the end of the string. A positive OFFSET greater than the length of SCALAR results in the string being padded to the required size with
bytes before the result of the read is appended.The call is implemented in terms of either Perl's or your system's native fread(3) library function. To get a true read(2) system call, see .
Note the characters: depending on the status of the filehandle, either (8-bit) bytes or characters are read. By default, all filehandles operate on bytes, but for example if the filehandle has been opened with the
I/O layer (see , and theopen
pragma, open), the I/O will operate on UTF8-encoded Unicode characters, not bytes. Similarly for the:encoding
pragma: in that case pretty much any characters can be read. - readdir DIRHANDLE
Возвращает очередную запись для каталога, открытого с помощью
. В списковом контексте возвращает все оставшиеся записи в каталоге. Если нет больше записей, возвращает неопределенное значение в скалярном контексте и пустой список в списковом контексте.If you're planning to filetest the return values out of a
, you'd better prepend the directory in question. Otherwise, because we didn'tchdir
there, it would have been testing the wrong file.opendir(my $dh, $some_dir) || die "can't opendir $some_dir: $!"; @dots = grep { /^\./ && -f "$some_dir/$_" } readdir($dh); closedir $dh;
As of Perl 5.11.2 you can use a bare
in awhile
loop, which will set$_
on every iteration.opendir(my $dh, $some_dir) || die; while(readdir $dh) { print "$some_dir/$_\n"; } closedir $dh;
To avoid confusing would-be users of your code who are running earlier versions of Perl with mysterious failures, put this sort of thing at the top of your file to signal that your code will work only on Perls of a recent vintage:
use 5.012; # so readdir assigns to $_ in a lone while test
- readline EXPR
- readline
Читает из указателя файла, чей typeglob содержится в EXPR (или из
, если не указан EXPR). В скалярном контексте каждый вызов считывает и возвращает очередную строку, пока не будет достигнут конец файла, после чего последующий вызов возвращаетundef
. В списковом контексте читает строки, пока не будет достигнут конец файла, и возвращает список строк. [[?!:Отметим, что под "строкой" имеется в виду все, что определяется переменной$/
).]] См. perlvar.When
is set toundef
, whenreadline
is in scalar context (i.e., file slurp mode), and when an empty file is read, it returns''
the first time, followed byundef
subsequently.This is the internal function implementing the
operator, but you can use it directly. The<EXPR>
operator is discussed in more detail in perlop.$line = <STDIN>; $line = readline(*STDIN); # same thing
encounters an operating system error,$!
will be set with the corresponding error message. It can be helpful to check$!
when you are reading from filehandles you don't trust, such as a tty or a socket. The following example uses the operator form ofreadline
and dies if the result is not defined.while ( ! eof($fh) ) { defined( $_ = <$fh> ) or die "readline failed: $!"; ... }
Note that you have can't handle
errors that way with theARGV
filehandle. In that case, you have to open each element of@ARGV
yourself sinceeof
differently.foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { open(my $fh, $arg) or warn "Can't open $arg: $!"; while ( ! eof($fh) ) { defined( $_ = <$fh> ) or die "readline failed for $arg: $!"; ... } }
- readlink EXPR
- readlink
Возвращает значение, на которую указывает символическая ссылка. Если символические ссылки в файловой системе не реализованы, возникает ошибка. Если происходит какая-то системная ошибка, возвращает неопределенное значение и записывает информацию об ошибке в
. Если EXPR не указано, берется значение из$_
. - readpipe EXPR
- readpipe
Значение EXPR выполняется как системная команда. Возвращается накопленный стандартный вывод, В скалярном контексте возвращается в виде одной(возможно многострочной) строки. В списковом контексте возвращается список строк (несмотря на то, что содержится в
). Это внутренняя функция, реализующая операторqx/EXPR/
, которую можно использовать непосредственно. Операторqx/EXPR/
обсуждается более подробно в perlop. Если EXPR не указано, используется$_
Получает сообщение на сокет. Пытается получить LENGTH символов данных в скалярную переменную SCALAR из заданного указателя файла SOCKET. SCALAR растет или сокращаться в зависимости от фактически прочитанной длины. Принимает такие же флаги, как и системный вызов recv(2). Возвращает адрес отправителя, если протокол сокета SOCKET поддерживает это, иначе возвращает пустую строку. Если произошла ошибка, возвращает неопределенное значение. Этот вызов на самом деле реализован в форме системного вызова recvfrom(2). См. примеры на странице perlipc.
Note the characters: depending on the status of the socket, either (8-bit) bytes or characters are received. By default all sockets operate on bytes, but for example if the socket has been changed using binmode() to operate with the
I/O layer (see theopen
pragma, open), the I/O will operate on UTF8-encoded Unicode characters, not bytes. Similarly for the:encoding
pragma: in that case pretty much any characters can be read. - redo LABEL
- redo
запускает блок цикла с начала, не вычисляя повторно условия. Блокcontinue
, если он имеется, не выполняется. Если метка LABEL опущена, оператор относится к самому внутреннему охватывающему циклу. Программы, которым надо обмануть себя в том, что был ввод данных обычно используют следующую команду:# a simpleminded Pascal comment stripper # (warning: assumes no { or } in strings) LINE: while (<STDIN>) { while (s|({.*}.*){.*}|$1 |) {} s|{.*}| |; if (s|{.*| |) { $front = $_; while (<STDIN>) { if (/}/) { # end of comment? s|^|$front\{|; redo LINE; } } } print; }
cannot be used to retry a block that returns a value such aseval {}
,sub {}
, ordo {}
, and should not be used to exit a grep() or map() operation.Note that a block by itself is semantically identical to a loop that executes once. Thus
inside such a block will effectively turn it into a looping construct.See also for an illustration of how
, andredo
work. - ref EXPR
- ref
Возвращает не пустую строку если EXPR является ссылкой, пустую строку в противном случае. Если EXPR не указано, используется
. Возвращаемое значение зависит от типа данных, на который указывает ссылка. Встроенные типы включают:SCALAR ARRAY HASH CODE REF GLOB LVALUE FORMAT IO VSTRING Regexp
If the referenced object has been blessed into a package, then that package name is returned instead. You can think of
as atypeof
operator.if (ref($r) eq "HASH") { print "r is a reference to a hash.\n"; } unless (ref($r)) { print "r is not a reference at all.\n"; }
The return value
indicates a reference to an lvalue that is not a variable. You get this from taking the reference of function calls likepos()
is returned if the reference points to a .The result
indicates that the argument is a regular expression resulting fromqr//
.See also perlref.
Изменяет имя файла, если файл NEWNAME существует, он уничтожается. В случае успеха возвращает истинное значение и ложное значение при неудаче.
Behavior of this function varies wildly depending on your system implementation. For example, it will usually not work across file system boundaries, even though the system mv command sometimes compensates for this. Other restrictions include whether it works on directories, open files, or pre-existing files. Check perlport and either the rename(2) manpage or equivalent system documentation for details.
For a platform independent
function look at the File::Copy module. - require VERSION
- require EXPR
- require
Требует версию Perl, указанную в VERSION, или требует некоторую семантику, указанную в EXPR или в
если EXPR не задан.VERSION may be either a numeric argument such as 5.006, which will be compared to
, or a literal of the form v5.6.1, which will be compared to$^V
(aka $PERL_VERSION). An exception is raised if VERSION is greater than the version of the current Perl interpreter. Compare with , which can do a similar check at compile time.Specifying VERSION as a literal of the form v5.6.1 should generally be avoided, because it leads to misleading error messages under earlier versions of Perl that do not support this syntax. The equivalent numeric version should be used instead.
require v5.6.1; # run time version check require 5.6.1; # ditto require 5.006_001; # ditto; preferred for backwards compatibility
demands that a library file be included if it hasn't already been included. The file is included via the do-FILE mechanism, which is essentially just a variety ofeval
with the caveat that lexical variables in the invoking script will be invisible to the included code. Has semantics similar to the following subroutine:sub require { my ($filename) = @_; if (exists $INC{$filename}) { return 1 if $INC{$filename}; die "Compilation failed in require"; } my ($realfilename,$result); ITER: { foreach $prefix (@INC) { $realfilename = "$prefix/$filename"; if (-f $realfilename) { $INC{$filename} = $realfilename; $result = do $realfilename; last ITER; } } die "Can't find $filename in \@INC"; } if ($@) { $INC{$filename} = undef; die $@; } elsif (!$result) { delete $INC{$filename}; die "$filename did not return true value"; } else { return $result; } }
Note that the file will not be included twice under the same specified name.
The file must return true as the last statement to indicate successful execution of any initialization code, so it's customary to end such a file with
unless you're sure it'll return true otherwise. But it's better just to put the1;
, in case you add more statements.If EXPR is a bareword, the require assumes a ".pm" extension and replaces "::" with "/" in the filename for you, to make it easy to load standard modules. This form of loading of modules does not risk altering your namespace.
In other words, if you try this:
require Foo::Bar; # a splendid bareword
The require function will actually look for the "Foo/" file in the directories specified in the
array.But if you try this:
$class = 'Foo::Bar'; require $class; # $class is not a bareword #or require "Foo::Bar"; # not a bareword because of the ""
The require function will look for the "Foo::Bar" file in the @INC array and will complain about not finding "Foo::Bar" there. In this case you can do:
eval "require $class";
Now that you understand how
looks for files with a bareword argument, there is a little extra functionality going on behind the scenes. Beforerequire
looks for a ".pm" extension, it will first look for a similar filename with a ".pmc" extension. If this file is found, it will be loaded in place of any file ending in a ".pm" extension.You can also insert hooks into the import facility by putting Perl code directly into the @INC array. There are three forms of hooks: subroutine references, array references, and blessed objects.
Subroutine references are the simplest case. When the inclusion system walks through @INC and encounters a subroutine, this subroutine gets called with two parameters, the first a reference to itself, and the second the name of the file to be included (e.g., "Foo/"). The subroutine should return either nothing or else a list of up to three values in the following order:
A filehandle, from which the file will be read.
A reference to a subroutine. If there is no filehandle (previous item), then this subroutine is expected to generate one line of source code per call, writing the line into
and returning 1, then finally at end of file returning 0. If there is a filehandle, then the subroutine will be called to act as a simple source filter, with the line as read in$_
. Again, return 1 for each valid line, and 0 after all lines have been returned. -
Optional state for the subroutine. The state is passed in as
. A reference to the subroutine itself is passed in as$_[0]
If an empty list,
, or nothing that matches the first 3 values above is returned, thenrequire
looks at the remaining elements of @INC. Note that this filehandle must be a real filehandle (strictly a typeglob or reference to a typeglob, whether blessed or unblessed); tied filehandles will be ignored and processing will stop there.If the hook is an array reference, its first element must be a subroutine reference. This subroutine is called as above, but the first parameter is the array reference. This lets you indirectly pass arguments to the subroutine.
In other words, you can write:
push @INC, \&my_sub; sub my_sub { my ($coderef, $filename) = @_; # $coderef is \&my_sub ... }
push @INC, [ \&my_sub, $x, $y, ... ]; sub my_sub { my ($arrayref, $filename) = @_; # Retrieve $x, $y, ... my @parameters = @$arrayref[1..$#$arrayref]; ... }
If the hook is an object, it must provide an INC method that will be called as above, the first parameter being the object itself. (Note that you must fully qualify the sub's name, as unqualified
is always forced into packagemain
.) Here is a typical code layout:# In package Foo; sub new { ... } sub Foo::INC { my ($self, $filename) = @_; ... } # In the main program push @INC, Foo->new(...);
These hooks are also permitted to set the %INC entry corresponding to the files they have loaded. See perlvar.
For a yet-more-powerful import facility, see and perlmod.
- reset EXPR
- reset
Обычно используется в блоке
в конце цикла чтобы очистить переменные и сбросить поиск??
, чтобы он снова работал. Выражение интерпретируется как список отдельных символов (дефисы допустимы для задания диапазонов). Все переменные и массивы, начинающиеся с одного из заданных букв устанавливаются в их первоначальное состояние. Если выражение опущено, поиски одного соответствия (?pattern?
) сбрасываются, чтобы выполняться снова. Сброс переменных или поиска осуществляется только в текущем пакете. Всегда возвращает 1. Примеры:reset 'X'; # reset all X variables reset 'a-z'; # reset lower case variables reset; # just reset ?one-time? searches
is not recommended because you'll wipe out your@ARGV
arrays and your%ENV
hash. Resets only package variables; lexical variables are unaffected, but they clean themselves up on scope exit anyway, so you'll probably want to use them instead. See . - return EXPR
- return
Returns from a subroutine,
, ordo FILE
with the value given in EXPR. Evaluation of EXPR may be in list, scalar, or void context, depending on how the return value will be used, and the context may vary from one execution to the next (see ). If no EXPR is given, returns an empty list in list context, the undefined value in scalar context, and (of course) nothing at all in void context.(In the absence of an explicit
, a subroutine, eval, or do FILE automatically returns the value of the last expression evaluated.) - reverse LIST
В контексте списка возвращает списковое значение, состоящее из элементов LIST в обратном порядке. В скалярном контексте конкатенирует элементы LIST и возвращает строковое значение, в которой все символы в обратном порядке.
print join(", ", reverse "world", "Hello"); # Hello, world print scalar reverse "dlrow ,", "olleH"; # Hello, world
Used without arguments in scalar context, reverse() reverses
.$_ = "dlrow ,olleH"; print reverse; # No output, list context print scalar reverse; # Hello, world
Note that reversing an array to itself (as in
@a = reverse @a
) will preserve non-existent elements whenever possible, i.e., for non magical arrays or tied arrays withEXISTS
methods.This operator is also handy for inverting a hash, although there are some caveats. If a value is duplicated in the original hash, only one of those can be represented as a key in the inverted hash. Also, this has to unwind one hash and build a whole new one, which may take some time on a large hash, such as from a DBM file.
%by_name = reverse %by_address; # Invert the hash
- rewinddir DIRHANDLE
В DIRHANDLE устанавливает текущую позицию в начало каталога для подпрограммы
- rindex STR,SUBSTR
Работает как index(), за исключением, что она возвращает позицию последнего возникновения SUBSTR в STR. Если POSITION указан, возвращает последнее возникновение начиная в начале или до этой позиции.
- rmdir FILENAME
- rmdir
Удаляет каталог, указанный FILENAME если этот каталог пуст. Если это успешно, возвращает истинное значение, в противном случае, она возвращает ложное значение и устанавливает значение
(ошибка). Если FILENAME опущено, используется$_
.To remove a directory tree recursively (
rm -rf
on Unix) look at thermtree
function of the module. - s///
Оператор замены. См perlop.
- say LIST
- say
Действует как
, но неявно добавляет символ новой строки.say LIST
работает как{ local $\ = "\n"; print LIST }
. Для корректной интерпретации FILEHANDLE как дескриптора файла когда не передан LIST, чтобы записать в него содержимое$_
, необходимо использовать реальный указатель файла типаFH
, а не косвенный типа$fh
.This keyword is available only when the
feature is enabled, or when prefixed withCORE::
; see . Alternately, include ause v5.10
or later to the current scope. - scalar EXPR
Принуждает EXPR интерпретироваться в скалярном контексте и возвращает значение EXPR.
@counts = ( scalar @a, scalar @b, scalar @c );
There is no equivalent operator to force an expression to be interpolated in list context because in practice, this is never needed. If you really wanted to do so, however, you could use the construction
@{[ (some expression) ]}
, but usually a simple(some expression)
is a unary operator, if you accidentally use a parenthesized list for the EXPR, this behaves as a scalar comma expression, evaluating all but the last element in void context and returning the final element evaluated in scalar context. This is seldom what you want.The following single statement:
print uc(scalar(&foo,$bar)),$baz;
is the moral equivalent of these two:
&foo; print(uc($bar),$baz);
See perlop for more details on unary operators and the comma operator.
Устанавливает позицию FILEHANDLE, так же как
вызов ofstdio
. FILEHANDLE может быть выражением, значением которого является указатель файла. Значения для WHENCE является0
для установки новой позиции в байтах в POSITION;1
чтобы установить его в текущую позицию плюс POSITION; и2
чтобы установить его в EOF плюс POSITION, как правило отрицательно. Для WHENCE вы можете использовать константыSEEK_SET
(начало файла, текущая позиция, конец файла) из модуля Fcntl. Возвращает1
в случае успеха, ложное значение в противном случае.Note the in bytes: even if the filehandle has been set to operate on characters (for example by using the
open layer), tell() will return byte offsets, not character offsets (because implementing that would render seek() and tell() rather slow).If you want to position the file for
, don't useseek
, because buffering makes its effect on the file's read-write position unpredictable and non-portable. Usesysseek
instead.Due to the rules and rigors of ANSI C, on some systems you have to do a seek whenever you switch between reading and writing. Amongst other things, this may have the effect of calling stdio's clearerr(3). A WHENCE of
) is useful for not moving the file position:seek(TEST,0,1);
This is also useful for applications emulating
tail -f
. Once you hit EOF on your read and then sleep for a while, you (probably) have to stick in a dummy seek() to reset things. Theseek
doesn't change the position, but it does clear the end-of-file condition on the handle, so that the next<FILE>
makes Perl try again to read something. (We hope.)If that doesn't work (some I/O implementations are particularly cantankerous), you might need something like this:
for (;;) { for ($curpos = tell(FILE); $_ = <FILE>; $curpos = tell(FILE)) { # search for some stuff and put it into files } sleep($for_a_while); seek(FILE, $curpos, 0); }
Устанавливает текущую позицию для подпрограммы
в DIRHANDLE. POS должно быть значением, возвращенным функциейtelldir
также имеет некоторые оговорки относительно возможности directory compaction как соответствующие подпрограммы системной библиотеки. - select FILEHANDLE
- select
Возвращает текущий выбранный дескриптор файла. Если передан FILEHANDLE, устанавливает новый текущий по умолчанию дескриптор файла для вывода. Это имеет два эффекта: первый,
без дескриптора файла по умолчанию связываются с этим FILEHANDLE. Второе, ссылки на переменные, связанные с выводом будут обращаться на этот канал.For example, to set the top-of-form format for more than one output channel, you might do the following:
select(REPORT1); $^ = 'report1_top'; select(REPORT2); $^ = 'report2_top';
FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the actual filehandle. Thus:
$oldfh = select(STDERR); $| = 1; select($oldfh);
Some programmers may prefer to think of filehandles as objects with methods, preferring to write the last example as:
use IO::Handle; STDERR->autoflush(1);
Здесь вызывается системная функция select(2) с указанием битовой маски, которая может быть построена с помощью функций
следующим образом:$rin = $win = $ein = ''; vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1; vec($win,fileno(STDOUT),1) = 1; $ein = $rin | $win;
Если вы хотите to select над несколькими файловыми указателями, вы можете написать подпрограмму, подобную этой:
sub fhbits { my @fhlist = @_; my $bits = ""; for my $fh (@fhlist) { vec($bits, fileno($fh), 1) = 1; } return $bits; } $rin = fhbits(*STDIN, *TTY, *MYSOCK);
The usual idiom is:
($nfound,$timeleft) = select($rout=$rin, $wout=$win, $eout=$ein, $timeout);
or to block until something becomes ready just do this
$nfound = select($rout=$rin, $wout=$win, $eout=$ein, undef);
Most systems do not bother to return anything useful in $timeleft, so calling select() in scalar context just returns $nfound.
Any of the bit masks can also be undef. The timeout, if specified, is in seconds, which may be fractional. Note: not all implementations are capable of returning the $timeleft. If not, they always return $timeleft equal to the supplied $timeout.
You can effect a sleep of 250 milliseconds this way:
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.25);
Note that whether
gets restarted after signals (say, SIGALRM) is implementation-dependent. See also perlport for notes on the portability ofselect
.On error,
behaves just like select(2): it returns -1 and sets$!
.On some Unixes, select(2) may report a socket file descriptor as "ready for reading" even when no data is available, and thus any subsequent
would block. This can be avoided if you always use O_NONBLOCK on the socket. See select(2) and fcntl(2) for further details.The standard
module provides a user-friendlier interface toselect
, mostly because it does all the bit-mask work for you.WARNING: One should not attempt to mix buffered I/O (like
or <FH>) withselect
, except as permitted by POSIX, and even then only on POSIX systems. You have to usesysread
instead. - semctl ID,SEMNUM,CMD,ARG
Вызывает System V IPC функцию semctl(2). Возможно предварительно нужно объявить
use IPC::SysV;
first to get the correct constant definitions. If CMD is IPC_STAT or GETALL, then ARG must be a variable that will hold the returned semid_ds structure or semaphore value array. Returns like
: the undefined value for error, "0 but true
" for zero, or the actual return value otherwise. The ARG must consist of a vector of native short integers, which may be created withpack("s!",(0)x$nsem)
. See also perlipc,IPC::SysV
documentation. - semget KEY,NSEMS,FLAGS
Calls the System V IPC function semget(2). Returns the semaphore id, or the undefined value on error. See also perlipc,
documentation. - semop KEY,OPSTRING
Calls the System V IPC function semop(2) for semaphore operations such as signalling and waiting. OPSTRING must be a packed array of semop structures. Each semop structure can be generated with
pack("s!3", $semnum, $semop, $semflag)
. The length of OPSTRING implies the number of semaphore operations. Returns true if successful, false on error. As an example, the following code waits on semaphore $semnum of semaphore id $semid:$semop = pack("s!3", $semnum, -1, 0); die "Semaphore trouble: $!\n" unless semop($semid, $semop);
To signal the semaphore, replace
. See also perlipc,IPC::SysV
, andIPC::SysV::Semaphore
documentation. - send SOCKET,MSG,FLAGS,TO
Sends a message on a socket. Attempts to send the scalar MSG to the SOCKET filehandle. Takes the same flags as the system call of the same name. On unconnected sockets, you must specify a destination to send to, in which case it does a sendto(2) syscall. Returns the number of characters sent, or the undefined value on error. The sendmsg(2) syscall is currently unimplemented. See perlipc for examples.
Note the characters: depending on the status of the socket, either (8-bit) bytes or characters are sent. By default all sockets operate on bytes, but for example if the socket has been changed using binmode() to operate with the
I/O layer (see , or theopen
pragma, open), the I/O will operate on UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters, not bytes. Similarly for the:encoding
pragma: in that case pretty much any characters can be sent. - setpgrp PID,PGRP
Sets the current process group for the specified PID,
for the current process. Raises an exception when used on a machine that doesn't implement POSIX setpgid(2) or BSD setpgrp(2). If the arguments are omitted, it defaults to0,0
. Note that the BSD 4.2 version ofsetpgrp
does not accept any arguments, so onlysetpgrp(0,0)
is portable. See alsoPOSIX::setsid()
. - setpriority WHICH,WHO,PRIORITY
Sets the current priority for a process, a process group, or a user. (See setpriority(2).) Raises an exception when used on a machine that doesn't implement setpriority(2).
Sets the socket option requested. Returns
on error. Use integer constants provided by theSocket
module for LEVEL and OPNAME. Values for LEVEL can also be obtained from getprotobyname. OPTVAL might either be a packed string or an integer. An integer OPTVAL is shorthand for pack("i", OPTVAL).An example disabling Nagle's algorithm on a socket:
use Socket qw(IPPROTO_TCP TCP_NODELAY); setsockopt($socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1);
- shift ARRAY
- shift EXPR
- shift
Shifts the first value of the array off and returns it, shortening the array by 1 and moving everything down. If there are no elements in the array, returns the undefined value. If ARRAY is omitted, shifts the
array within the lexical scope of subroutines and formats, and the@ARGV
array outside a subroutine and also within the lexical scopes established by theeval STRING
,INIT {}
, andEND {}
constructs.Starting with Perl 5.14,
can take a scalar EXPR, which must hold a reference to an unblessed array. The argument will be dereferenced automatically. This aspect ofshift
is considered highly experimental. The exact behaviour may change in a future version of Perl.To avoid confusing would-be users of your code who are running earlier versions of Perl with mysterious syntax errors, put this sort of thing at the top of your file to signal that your code will work only on Perls of a recent vintage:
use 5.014; # so push/pop/etc work on scalars (experimental)
See also
, andpop
do the same thing to the left end of an array thatpop
do to the right end. - shmctl ID,CMD,ARG
Calls the System V IPC function shmctl. You'll probably have to say
use IPC::SysV;
first to get the correct constant definitions. If CMD is
, then ARG must be a variable that will hold the returnedshmid_ds
structure. Returns like ioctl:undef
for error; "0
but true" for zero; and the actual return value otherwise. See also perlipc andIPC::SysV
documentation. - shmget KEY,SIZE,FLAGS
Calls the System V IPC function shmget. Returns the shared memory segment id, or
on error. See also perlipc andIPC::SysV
documentation. - shmread ID,VAR,POS,SIZE
Reads or writes the System V shared memory segment ID starting at position POS for size SIZE by attaching to it, copying in/out, and detaching from it. When reading, VAR must be a variable that will hold the data read. When writing, if STRING is too long, only SIZE bytes are used; if STRING is too short, nulls are written to fill out SIZE bytes. Return true if successful, false on error. shmread() taints the variable. See also perlipc,
, and theIPC::Shareable
module from CPAN. - shutdown SOCKET,HOW
Shuts down a socket connection in the manner indicated by HOW, which has the same interpretation as in the syscall of the same name.
shutdown(SOCKET, 0); # I/we have stopped reading data shutdown(SOCKET, 1); # I/we have stopped writing data shutdown(SOCKET, 2); # I/we have stopped using this socket
This is useful with sockets when you want to tell the other side you're done writing but not done reading, or vice versa. It's also a more insistent form of close because it also disables the file descriptor in any forked copies in other processes.
for success; on error, returnsundef
if the first argument is not a valid filehandle, or returns0
and sets$!
for any other failure. - sin EXPR
- sin
Returns the sine of EXPR (expressed in radians). If EXPR is omitted, returns sine of
.For the inverse sine operation, you may use the
function, or use this relation:sub asin { atan2($_[0], sqrt(1 - $_[0] * $_[0])) }
- sleep EXPR
- sleep
Causes the script to sleep for (integer) EXPR seconds, or forever if no argument is given. Returns the integer number of seconds actually slept.
May be interrupted if the process receives a signal such as
.eval { local $SIG{ALARM} = sub { die "Alarm!\n" }; sleep; }; die $@ unless $@ eq "Alarm!\n";
You probably cannot mix
calls, becausesleep
is often implemented usingalarm
.On some older systems, it may sleep up to a full second less than what you requested, depending on how it counts seconds. Most modern systems always sleep the full amount. They may appear to sleep longer than that, however, because your process might not be scheduled right away in a busy multitasking system.
For delays of finer granularity than one second, the Time::HiRes module (from CPAN, and starting from Perl 5.8 part of the standard distribution) provides usleep(). You may also use Perl's four-argument version of select() leaving the first three arguments undefined, or you might be able to use the
interface to access setitimer(2) if your system supports it. See perlfaq8 for details.See also the POSIX module's
Opens a socket of the specified kind and attaches it to filehandle SOCKET. DOMAIN, TYPE, and PROTOCOL are specified the same as for the syscall of the same name. You should
use Socket
first to get the proper definitions imported. See the examples in perlipc.On systems that support a close-on-exec flag on files, the flag will be set for the newly opened file descriptor, as determined by the value of $^F. See perlvar.
Creates an unnamed pair of sockets in the specified domain, of the specified type. DOMAIN, TYPE, and PROTOCOL are specified the same as for the syscall of the same name. If unimplemented, raises an exception. Returns true if successful.
On systems that support a close-on-exec flag on files, the flag will be set for the newly opened file descriptors, as determined by the value of $^F. See perlvar.
Some systems defined
in terms ofsocketpair
, in which a call topipe(Rdr, Wtr)
is essentially:use Socket; socketpair(Rdr, Wtr, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC); shutdown(Rdr, 1); # no more writing for reader shutdown(Wtr, 0); # no more reading for writer
See perlipc for an example of socketpair use. Perl 5.8 and later will emulate socketpair using IP sockets to localhost if your system implements sockets but not socketpair.
- sort LIST
In list context, this sorts the LIST and returns the sorted list value. In scalar context, the behaviour of
is undefined.If SUBNAME or BLOCK is omitted,
s in standard string comparison order. If SUBNAME is specified, it gives the name of a subroutine that returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than0
, depending on how the elements of the list are to be ordered. (The<=>
operators are extremely useful in such routines.) SUBNAME may be a scalar variable name (unsubscripted), in which case the value provides the name of (or a reference to) the actual subroutine to use. In place of a SUBNAME, you can provide a BLOCK as an anonymous, in-line sort subroutine.If the subroutine's prototype is
, the elements to be compared are passed by reference in@_
, as for a normal subroutine. This is slower than unprototyped subroutines, where the elements to be compared are passed into the subroutine as the package global variables $a and $b (see example below). Note that in the latter case, it is usually highly counter-productive to declare $a and $b as lexicals.If the subroutine is an XSUB, the elements to be compared are pushed on to the stack, the way arguments are usually passed to XSUBs. $a and $b are not set.
The values to be compared are always passed by reference and should not be modified.
You also cannot exit out of the sort block or subroutine using any of the loop control operators described in perlsyn or with
use locale
(but notuse locale 'not_characters'
) is in effect,sort LIST
sorts LIST according to the current collation locale. See perllocale.sort() returns aliases into the original list, much as a for loop's index variable aliases the list elements. That is, modifying an element of a list returned by sort() (for example, in a
) actually modifies the element in the original list. This is usually something to be avoided when writing clear code.Perl 5.6 and earlier used a quicksort algorithm to implement sort. That algorithm was not stable, so could go quadratic. (A stable sort preserves the input order of elements that compare equal. Although quicksort's run time is O(NlogN) when averaged over all arrays of length N, the time can be O(N**2), quadratic behavior, for some inputs.) In 5.7, the quicksort implementation was replaced with a stable mergesort algorithm whose worst-case behavior is O(NlogN). But benchmarks indicated that for some inputs, on some platforms, the original quicksort was faster. 5.8 has a sort pragma for limited control of the sort. Its rather blunt control of the underlying algorithm may not persist into future Perls, but the ability to characterize the input or output in implementation independent ways quite probably will. See .
# sort lexically @articles = sort @files; # same thing, but with explicit sort routine @articles = sort {$a cmp $b} @files; # now case-insensitively @articles = sort {fc($a) cmp fc($b)} @files; # same thing in reversed order @articles = sort {$b cmp $a} @files; # sort numerically ascending @articles = sort {$a <=> $b} @files; # sort numerically descending @articles = sort {$b <=> $a} @files; # this sorts the %age hash by value instead of key # using an in-line function @eldest = sort { $age{$b} <=> $age{$a} } keys %age; # sort using explicit subroutine name sub byage { $age{$a} <=> $age{$b}; # presuming numeric } @sortedclass = sort byage @class; sub backwards { $b cmp $a } @harry = qw(dog cat x Cain Abel); @george = qw(gone chased yz Punished Axed); print sort @harry; # prints AbelCaincatdogx print sort backwards @harry; # prints xdogcatCainAbel print sort @george, 'to', @harry; # prints AbelAxedCainPunishedcatchaseddoggonetoxyz # inefficiently sort by descending numeric compare using # the first integer after the first = sign, or the # whole record case-insensitively otherwise my @new = sort { ($b =~ /=(\d+)/)[0] <=> ($a =~ /=(\d+)/)[0] || fc($a) cmp fc($b) } @old; # same thing, but much more efficiently; # we'll build auxiliary indices instead # for speed my @nums = @caps = (); for (@old) { push @nums, ( /=(\d+)/ ? $1 : undef ); push @caps, fc($_); } my @new = @old[ sort { $nums[$b] <=> $nums[$a] || $caps[$a] cmp $caps[$b] } 0..$#old ]; # same thing, but without any temps @new = map { $_->[0] } sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] || $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] } map { [$_, /=(\d+)/, fc($_)] } @old; # using a prototype allows you to use any comparison subroutine # as a sort subroutine (including other package's subroutines) package other; sub backwards ($$) { $_[1] cmp $_[0]; } # $a and $b are not set here package main; @new = sort other::backwards @old; # guarantee stability, regardless of algorithm use sort 'stable'; @new = sort { substr($a, 3, 5) cmp substr($b, 3, 5) } @old; # force use of mergesort (not portable outside Perl 5.8) use sort '_mergesort'; # note discouraging _ @new = sort { substr($a, 3, 5) cmp substr($b, 3, 5) } @old;
Warning: syntactical care is required when sorting the list returned from a function. If you want to sort the list returned by the function call
, you can use:@contact = sort { $a cmp $b } find_records @key; @contact = sort +find_records(@key); @contact = sort &find_records(@key); @contact = sort(find_records(@key));
If instead you want to sort the array @key with the comparison routine
then you can use:@contact = sort { find_records() } @key; @contact = sort find_records(@key); @contact = sort(find_records @key); @contact = sort(find_records (@key));
If you're using strict, you must not declare $a and $b as lexicals. They are package globals. That means that if you're in the
package and type@articles = sort {$b <=> $a} @files;
), but if you're in theFooPack
package, it's the same as typing@articles = sort {$FooPack::b <=> $FooPack::a} @files;
The comparison function is required to behave. If it returns inconsistent results (sometimes saying
is less than$x[2]
and sometimes saying the opposite, for example) the results are not well-defined.Because
when either operand isNaN
(not-a-number), be careful when sorting with a comparison function like$a <=> $b
any lists that might contain aNaN
. The following example takes advantage thatNaN != NaN
to eliminate anyNaN
s from the input list.@result = sort { $a <=> $b } grep { $_ == $_ } @input;
- splice ARRAY or EXPR
Removes the elements designated by OFFSET and LENGTH from an array, and replaces them with the elements of LIST, if any. In list context, returns the elements removed from the array. In scalar context, returns the last element removed, or
if no elements are removed. The array grows or shrinks as necessary. If OFFSET is negative then it starts that far from the end of the array. If LENGTH is omitted, removes everything from OFFSET onward. If LENGTH is negative, removes the elements from OFFSET onward except for -LENGTH elements at the end of the array. If both OFFSET and LENGTH are omitted, removes everything. If OFFSET is past the end of the array, Perl issues a warning, and splices at the end of the array.The following equivalences hold (assuming
$#a >= $i
)push(@a,$x,$y) splice(@a,@a,0,$x,$y) pop(@a) splice(@a,-1) shift(@a) splice(@a,0,1) unshift(@a,$x,$y) splice(@a,0,0,$x,$y) $a[$i] = $y splice(@a,$i,1,$y)
Example, assuming array lengths are passed before arrays:
sub aeq { # compare two list values my(@a) = splice(@_,0,shift); my(@b) = splice(@_,0,shift); return 0 unless @a == @b; # same len? while (@a) { return 0 if pop(@a) ne pop(@b); } return 1; } if (&aeq($len,@foo[1..$len],0+@bar,@bar)) { ... }
Starting with Perl 5.14,
can take scalar EXPR, which must hold a reference to an unblessed array. The argument will be dereferenced automatically. This aspect ofsplice
is considered highly experimental. The exact behaviour may change in a future version of Perl.To avoid confusing would-be users of your code who are running earlier versions of Perl with mysterious syntax errors, put this sort of thing at the top of your file to signal that your code will work only on Perls of a recent vintage:
use 5.014; # so push/pop/etc work on scalars (experimental)
- split /PATTERN/,EXPR
- split /PATTERN/
- split
Splits the string EXPR into a list of strings and returns the list in list context, or the size of the list in scalar context.
If only PATTERN is given, EXPR defaults to
.Anything in EXPR that matches PATTERN is taken to be a separator that separates the EXPR into substrings (called "fields") that do not include the separator. Note that a separator may be longer than one character or even have no characters at all (the empty string, which is a zero-width match).
The PATTERN need not be constant; an expression may be used to specify a pattern that varies at runtime.
If PATTERN matches the empty string, the EXPR is split at the match position (between characters). As an example, the following:
print join(':', split('b', 'abc')), "\n";
uses the 'b' in 'abc' as a separator to produce the output 'a:c'. However, this:
print join(':', split('', 'abc')), "\n";
uses empty string matches as separators to produce the output 'a:b:c'; thus, the empty string may be used to split EXPR into a list of its component characters.
As a special case for
, the empty pattern given in syntax (//
) specifically matches the empty string, which is contrary to its usual interpretation as the last successful match.If PATTERN is
, then it is treated as if it used the (/^/m
), since it isn't much use otherwise.As another special case,
emulates the default behavior of the command line tool awk when the PATTERN is either omitted or a literal string composed of a single space character (such as' '
, but not e.g./ /
). In this case, any leading whitespace in EXPR is removed before splitting occurs, and the PATTERN is instead treated as if it were/\s+/
; in particular, this means that any contiguous whitespace (not just a single space character) is used as a separator. However, this special treatment can be avoided by specifying the pattern/ /
instead of the string" "
, thereby allowing only a single space character to be a separator.If omitted, PATTERN defaults to a single space,
" "
, triggering the previously described awk emulation.If LIMIT is specified and positive, it represents the maximum number of fields into which the EXPR may be split; in other words, LIMIT is one greater than the maximum number of times EXPR may be split. Thus, the LIMIT value
means that EXPR may be split a maximum of zero times, producing a maximum of one field (namely, the entire value of EXPR). For instance:print join(':', split(//, 'abc', 1)), "\n";
produces the output 'abc', and this:
print join(':', split(//, 'abc', 2)), "\n";
produces the output 'a:bc', and each of these:
print join(':', split(//, 'abc', 3)), "\n"; print join(':', split(//, 'abc', 4)), "\n";
produces the output 'a:b:c'.
If LIMIT is negative, it is treated as if it were instead arbitrarily large; as many fields as possible are produced.
If LIMIT is omitted (or, equivalently, zero), then it is usually treated as if it were instead negative but with the exception that trailing empty fields are stripped (empty leading fields are always preserved); if all fields are empty, then all fields are considered to be trailing (and are thus stripped in this case). Thus, the following:
print join(':', split(',', 'a,b,c,,,')), "\n";
produces the output 'a:b:c', but the following:
print join(':', split(',', 'a,b,c,,,', -1)), "\n";
produces the output 'a:b:c:::'.
In time-critical applications, it is worthwhile to avoid splitting into more fields than necessary. Thus, when assigning to a list, if LIMIT is omitted (or zero), then LIMIT is treated as though it were one larger than the number of variables in the list; for the following, LIMIT is implicitly 4:
($login, $passwd, $remainder) = split(/:/);
Note that splitting an EXPR that evaluates to the empty string always produces zero fields, regardless of the LIMIT specified.
An empty leading field is produced when there is a positive-width match at the beginning of EXPR. For instance:
print join(':', split(/ /, ' abc')), "\n";
produces the output ':abc'. However, a zero-width match at the beginning of EXPR never produces an empty field, so that:
print join(':', split(//, ' abc'));
produces the output ' :a:b:c' (rather than ': :a:b:c').
An empty trailing field, on the other hand, is produced when there is a match at the end of EXPR, regardless of the length of the match (of course, unless a non-zero LIMIT is given explicitly, such fields are removed, as in the last example). Thus:
print join(':', split(//, ' abc', -1)), "\n";
produces the output ' :a:b:c:'.
If the PATTERN contains , then for each separator, an additional field is produced for each substring captured by a group (in the order in which the groups are specified, as per ); if any group does not match, then it captures the
value instead of a substring. Also, note that any such additional field is produced whenever there is a separator (that is, whenever a split occurs), and such an additional field does not count towards the LIMIT. Consider the following expressions evaluated in list context (each returned list is provided in the associated comment):split(/-|,/, "1-10,20", 3) # ('1', '10', '20') split(/(-|,)/, "1-10,20", 3) # ('1', '-', '10', ',', '20') split(/-|(,)/, "1-10,20", 3) # ('1', undef, '10', ',', '20') split(/(-)|,/, "1-10,20", 3) # ('1', '-', '10', undef, '20') split(/(-)|(,)/, "1-10,20", 3) # ('1', '-', undef, '10', undef, ',', '20')
- sprintf FORMAT, LIST
Returns a string formatted by the usual
conventions of the C library functionsprintf
. See below for more details and see sprintf(3) or printf(3) on your system for an explanation of the general principles.For example:
# Format number with up to 8 leading zeroes $result = sprintf("%08d", $number); # Round number to 3 digits after decimal point $rounded = sprintf("%.3f", $number);
Perl does its own
formatting: it emulates the C function sprintf(3), but doesn't use it except for floating-point numbers, and even then only standard modifiers are allowed. Non-standard extensions in your local sprintf(3) are therefore unavailable from Perl.Unlike
does not do what you probably mean when you pass it an array as your first argument. The array is given scalar context, and instead of using the 0th element of the array as the format, Perl will use the count of elements in the array as the format, which is almost never useful.Perl's
permits the following universally-known conversions:%% a percent sign %c a character with the given number %s a string %d a signed integer, in decimal %u an unsigned integer, in decimal %o an unsigned integer, in octal %x an unsigned integer, in hexadecimal %e a floating-point number, in scientific notation %f a floating-point number, in fixed decimal notation %g a floating-point number, in %e or %f notation
In addition, Perl permits the following widely-supported conversions:
%X like %x, but using upper-case letters %E like %e, but using an upper-case "E" %G like %g, but with an upper-case "E" (if applicable) %b an unsigned integer, in binary %B like %b, but using an upper-case "B" with the # flag %p a pointer (outputs the Perl value's address in hexadecimal) %n special: *stores* the number of characters output so far into the next argument in the parameter list
Finally, for backward (and we do mean "backward") compatibility, Perl permits these unnecessary but widely-supported conversions:
%i a synonym for %d %D a synonym for %ld %U a synonym for %lu %O a synonym for %lo %F a synonym for %f
Note that the number of exponent digits in the scientific notation produced by
for numbers with the modulus of the exponent less than 100 is system-dependent: it may be three or less (zero-padded as necessary). In other words, 1.23 times ten to the 99th may be either "1.23e99" or "1.23e099".Between the
and the format letter, you may specify several additional attributes controlling the interpretation of the format. In order, these are:- format parameter index
An explicit format parameter index, such as
. By default sprintf will format the next unused argument in the list, but this allows you to take the arguments out of order:printf '%2$d %1$d', 12, 34; # prints "34 12" printf '%3$d %d %1$d', 1, 2, 3; # prints "3 1 1"
- flags
one or more of:
space prefix non-negative number with a space + prefix non-negative number with a plus sign - left-justify within the field 0 use zeros, not spaces, to right-justify # ensure the leading "0" for any octal, prefix non-zero hexadecimal with "0x" or "0X", prefix non-zero binary with "0b" or "0B"
For example:
printf '<% d>', 12; # prints "< 12>" printf '<%+d>', 12; # prints "<+12>" printf '<%6s>', 12; # prints "< 12>" printf '<%-6s>', 12; # prints "<12 >" printf '<%06s>', 12; # prints "<000012>" printf '<%#o>', 12; # prints "<014>" printf '<%#x>', 12; # prints "<0xc>" printf '<%#X>', 12; # prints "<0XC>" printf '<%#b>', 12; # prints "<0b1100>" printf '<%#B>', 12; # prints "<0B1100>"
When a space and a plus sign are given as the flags at once, a plus sign is used to prefix a positive number.
printf '<%+ d>', 12; # prints "<+12>" printf '<% +d>', 12; # prints "<+12>"
When the # flag and a precision are given in the %o conversion, the precision is incremented if it's necessary for the leading "0".
printf '<%#.5o>', 012; # prints "<00012>" printf '<%#.5o>', 012345; # prints "<012345>" printf '<%#.0o>', 0; # prints "<0>"
- vector flag
This flag tells Perl to interpret the supplied string as a vector of integers, one for each character in the string. Perl applies the format to each integer in turn, then joins the resulting strings with a separator (a dot
by default). This can be useful for displaying ordinal values of characters in arbitrary strings:printf "%vd", "AB\x{100}"; # prints "65.66.256" printf "version is v%vd\n", $^V; # Perl's version
Put an asterisk
before thev
to override the string to use to separate the numbers:printf "address is %*vX\n", ":", $addr; # IPv6 address printf "bits are %0*v8b\n", " ", $bits; # random bitstring
You can also explicitly specify the argument number to use for the join string using something like
; for example:printf '%*4$vX %*4$vX %*4$vX', @addr[1..3], ":"; # 3 IPv6 addresses
- (minimum) width
Arguments are usually formatted to be only as wide as required to display the given value. You can override the width by putting a number here, or get the width from the next argument (with
) or from a specified argument (e.g., with*2$
):printf "<%s>", "a"; # prints "<a>" printf "<%6s>", "a"; # prints "< a>" printf "<%*s>", 6, "a"; # prints "< a>" printf "<%*2$s>", "a", 6; # prints "< a>" printf "<%2s>", "long"; # prints "<long>" (does not truncate)
If a field width obtained through
is negative, it has the same effect as the-
flag: left-justification. - precision, or maximum width
You can specify a precision (for numeric conversions) or a maximum width (for string conversions) by specifying a
followed by a number. For floating-point formats exceptg
, this specifies how many places right of the decimal point to show (the default being 6). For example:# these examples are subject to system-specific variation printf '<%f>', 1; # prints "<1.000000>" printf '<%.1f>', 1; # prints "<1.0>" printf '<%.0f>', 1; # prints "<1>" printf '<%e>', 10; # prints "<1.000000e+01>" printf '<%.1e>', 10; # prints "<1.0e+01>"
For "g" and "G", this specifies the maximum number of digits to show, including those prior to the decimal point and those after it; for example:
# These examples are subject to system-specific variation. printf '<%g>', 1; # prints "<1>" printf '<%.10g>', 1; # prints "<1>" printf '<%g>', 100; # prints "<100>" printf '<%.1g>', 100; # prints "<1e+02>" printf '<%.2g>', 100.01; # prints "<1e+02>" printf '<%.5g>', 100.01; # prints "<100.01>" printf '<%.4g>', 100.01; # prints "<100>"
For integer conversions, specifying a precision implies that the output of the number itself should be zero-padded to this width, where the 0 flag is ignored:
printf '<%.6d>', 1; # prints "<000001>" printf '<%+.6d>', 1; # prints "<+000001>" printf '<%-10.6d>', 1; # prints "<000001 >" printf '<%10.6d>', 1; # prints "< 000001>" printf '<%010.6d>', 1; # prints "< 000001>" printf '<%+10.6d>', 1; # prints "< +000001>" printf '<%.6x>', 1; # prints "<000001>" printf '<%#.6x>', 1; # prints "<0x000001>" printf '<%-10.6x>', 1; # prints "<000001 >" printf '<%10.6x>', 1; # prints "< 000001>" printf '<%010.6x>', 1; # prints "< 000001>" printf '<%#10.6x>', 1; # prints "< 0x000001>"
For string conversions, specifying a precision truncates the string to fit the specified width:
printf '<%.5s>', "truncated"; # prints "<trunc>" printf '<%10.5s>', "truncated"; # prints "< trunc>"
You can also get the precision from the next argument using
:printf '<%.6x>', 1; # prints "<000001>" printf '<%.*x>', 6, 1; # prints "<000001>"
If a precision obtained through
is negative, it counts as having no precision at all.printf '<%.*s>', 7, "string"; # prints "<string>" printf '<%.*s>', 3, "string"; # prints "<str>" printf '<%.*s>', 0, "string"; # prints "<>" printf '<%.*s>', -1, "string"; # prints "<string>" printf '<%.*d>', 1, 0; # prints "<0>" printf '<%.*d>', 0, 0; # prints "<>" printf '<%.*d>', -1, 0; # prints "<0>"
You cannot currently get the precision from a specified number, but it is intended that this will be possible in the future, for example using
:printf "<%.*2$x>", 1, 6; # INVALID, but in future will print "<000001>"
- size
For numeric conversions, you can specify the size to interpret the number as using
, orll
. For integer conversions (d u o x X b i D U O
), numbers are usually assumed to be whatever the default integer size is on your platform (usually 32 or 64 bits), but you can override this to use instead one of the standard C types, as supported by the compiler used to build Perl:hh interpret integer as C type "char" or "unsigned char" on Perl 5.14 or later h interpret integer as C type "short" or "unsigned short" j interpret integer as C type "intmax_t" on Perl 5.14 or later, and only with a C99 compiler (unportable) l interpret integer as C type "long" or "unsigned long" q, L, or ll interpret integer as C type "long long", "unsigned long long", or "quad" (typically 64-bit integers) t interpret integer as C type "ptrdiff_t" on Perl 5.14 or later z interpret integer as C type "size_t" on Perl 5.14 or later
As of 5.14, none of these raises an exception if they are not supported on your platform. However, if warnings are enabled, a warning of the
warning class is issued on an unsupported conversion flag. Should you instead prefer an exception, do this:use warnings FATAL => "printf";
If you would like to know about a version dependency before you start running the program, put something like this at its top:
use 5.014; # for hh/j/t/z/ printf modifiers
You can find out whether your Perl supports quads via Config:
use Config; if ($Config{use64bitint} eq "define" || $Config{longsize} >= 8) { print "Nice quads!\n"; }
For floating-point conversions (
e f g E F G
), numbers are usually assumed to be the default floating-point size on your platform (double or long double), but you can force "long double" withq
, orll
if your platform supports them. You can find out whether your Perl supports long doubles via Config:use Config; print "long doubles\n" if $Config{d_longdbl} eq "define";
You can find out whether Perl considers "long double" to be the default floating-point size to use on your platform via Config:
use Config; if ($Config{uselongdouble} eq "define") { print "long doubles by default\n"; }
It can also be that long doubles and doubles are the same thing:
use Config; ($Config{doublesize} == $Config{longdblsize}) && print "doubles are long doubles\n";
The size specifier
has no effect for Perl code, but is supported for compatibility with XS code. It means "use the standard size for a Perl integer or floating-point number", which is the default. - order of arguments
Normally, sprintf() takes the next unused argument as the value to format for each format specification. If the format specification uses
to require additional arguments, these are consumed from the argument list in the order they appear in the format specification before the value to format. Where an argument is specified by an explicit index, this does not affect the normal order for the arguments, even when the explicitly specified index would have been the next argument.So:
printf "<%*.*s>", $a, $b, $c;
for the width,$b
for the precision, and$c
as the value to format; while:printf "<%*1$.*s>", $a, $b;
would use
for the width and precision, and$b
as the value to format.Here are some more examples; be aware that when using an explicit index, the
may need escaping:printf "%2\$d %d\n", 12, 34; # will print "34 12\n" printf "%2\$d %d %d\n", 12, 34; # will print "34 12 34\n" printf "%3\$d %d %d\n", 12, 34, 56; # will print "56 12 34\n" printf "%2\$*3\$d %d\n", 12, 34, 3; # will print " 34 12\n"
use locale
(includinguse locale 'not_characters'
) is in effect and POSIX::setlocale() has been called, the character used for the decimal separator in formatted floating-point numbers is affected by the LC_NUMERIC locale. See perllocale and POSIX. - format parameter index
- sqrt EXPR
- sqrt
Return the positive square root of EXPR. If EXPR is omitted, uses
. Works only for non-negative operands unless you've loaded theMath::Complex
module.use Math::Complex; print sqrt(-4); # prints 2i
- srand EXPR
- srand
Sets and returns the random number seed for the
operator.The point of the function is to "seed" the
function so thatrand
can produce a different sequence each time you run your program. When called with a parameter,srand
uses that for the seed; otherwise it (semi-)randomly chooses a seed. In either case, starting with Perl 5.14, it returns the seed. To signal that your code will work only on Perls of a recent vintage:use 5.014; # so srand returns the seed
is not called explicitly, it is called implicitly without a parameter at the first use of therand
operator. However, this was not true of versions of Perl before 5.004, so if your script will run under older Perl versions, it should callsrand
; otherwise most programs won't callsrand()
at all.But there are a few situations in recent Perls where programs are likely to want to call
. One is for generating predictable results generally for testing or debugging. There, you usesrand($seed)
, with the same$seed
each time. Another case is that you may want to callsrand()
after afork()
to avoid child processes sharing the same seed value as the parent (and consequently each other).Do not call
(i.e., without an argument) more than once per process. The internal state of the random number generator should contain more entropy than can be provided by any seed, so callingsrand()
again actually loses randomness.Most implementations of
take an integer and will silently truncate decimal numbers. This meanssrand(42)
will usually produce the same results assrand(42.1)
. To be safe, always passsrand
an integer.In versions of Perl prior to 5.004 the default seed was just the current
. This isn't a particularly good seed, so many old programs supply their own seed value (oftentime ^ $$
ortime ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15))
), but that isn't necessary any more.Frequently called programs (like CGI scripts) that simply use
time ^ $$
for a seed can fall prey to the mathematical property that
a^b == (a+1)^(b+1)
one-third of the time. So don't do that.
A typical use of the returned seed is for a test program which has too many combinations to test comprehensively in the time available to it each run. It can test a random subset each time, and should there be a failure, log the seed used for that run so that it can later be used to reproduce the same results.
is not cryptographically secure. You should not rely on it in security-sensitive situations. As of this writing, a number of third-party CPAN modules offer random number generators intended by their authors to be cryptographically secure, including: , , , and . - stat FILEHANDLE
- stat EXPR
- stat
Returns a 13-element list giving the status info for a file, either the file opened via FILEHANDLE or DIRHANDLE, or named by EXPR. If EXPR is omitted, it stats
!). Returns the empty list ifstat
fails. Typically used as follows:($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($filename);
Not all fields are supported on all filesystem types. Here are the meanings of the fields:
0 dev device number of filesystem 1 ino inode number 2 mode file mode (type and permissions) 3 nlink number of (hard) links to the file 4 uid numeric user ID of file's owner 5 gid numeric group ID of file's owner 6 rdev the device identifier (special files only) 7 size total size of file, in bytes 8 atime last access time in seconds since the epoch 9 mtime last modify time in seconds since the epoch 10 ctime inode change time in seconds since the epoch (*) 11 blksize preferred block size for file system I/O 12 blocks actual number of blocks allocated
(The epoch was at 00:00 January 1, 1970 GMT.)
(*) Not all fields are supported on all filesystem types. Notably, the ctime field is non-portable. In particular, you cannot expect it to be a "creation time"; see perlport for details.
is passed the special filehandle consisting of an underline, no stat is done, but the current contents of the stat structure from the laststat
, or filetest are returned. Example:if (-x $file && (($d) = stat(_)) && $d < 0) { print "$file is executable NFS file\n"; }
(This works on machines only for which the device number is negative under NFS.)
Because the mode contains both the file type and its permissions, you should mask off the file type portion and (s)printf using a
if you want to see the real permissions.$mode = (stat($filename))[2]; printf "Permissions are %04o\n", $mode & 07777;
In scalar context,
returns a boolean value indicating success or failure, and, if successful, sets the information associated with the special filehandle_
.The module provides a convenient, by-name access mechanism:
use File::stat; $sb = stat($filename); printf "File is %s, size is %s, perm %04o, mtime %s\n", $filename, $sb->size, $sb->mode & 07777, scalar localtime $sb->mtime;
You can import symbolic mode constants (
) and functions (S_IS*
) from the Fcntl module:use Fcntl ':mode'; $mode = (stat($filename))[2]; $user_rwx = ($mode & S_IRWXU) >> 6; $group_read = ($mode & S_IRGRP) >> 3; $other_execute = $mode & S_IXOTH; printf "Permissions are %04o\n", S_IMODE($mode), "\n"; $is_setuid = $mode & S_ISUID; $is_directory = S_ISDIR($mode);
You could write the last two using the
operators. Commonly availableS_IF*
constants are:# Permissions: read, write, execute, for user, group, others. S_IRWXU S_IRUSR S_IWUSR S_IXUSR S_IRWXG S_IRGRP S_IWGRP S_IXGRP S_IRWXO S_IROTH S_IWOTH S_IXOTH # Setuid/Setgid/Stickiness/SaveText. # Note that the exact meaning of these is system-dependent. S_ISUID S_ISGID S_ISVTX S_ISTXT # File types. Not all are necessarily available on # your system. S_IFREG S_IFDIR S_IFLNK S_IFBLK S_IFCHR S_IFIFO S_IFSOCK S_IFWHT S_ENFMT # The following are compatibility aliases for S_IRUSR, # S_IWUSR, and S_IXUSR. S_IREAD S_IWRITE S_IEXEC
and the
functions areS_IMODE($mode) the part of $mode containing the permission bits and the setuid/setgid/sticky bits S_IFMT($mode) the part of $mode containing the file type which can be bit-anded with (for example) S_IFREG or with the following functions # The operators -f, -d, -l, -b, -c, -p, and -S. S_ISREG($mode) S_ISDIR($mode) S_ISLNK($mode) S_ISBLK($mode) S_ISCHR($mode) S_ISFIFO($mode) S_ISSOCK($mode) # No direct -X operator counterpart, but for the first one # the -g operator is often equivalent. The ENFMT stands for # record flocking enforcement, a platform-dependent feature. S_ISENFMT($mode) S_ISWHT($mode)
See your native chmod(2) and stat(2) documentation for more details about the
constants. To get status info for a symbolic link instead of the target file behind the link, use thelstat
function. - state EXPR
- state TYPE EXPR
- state EXPR : ATTRS
declares a lexically scoped variable, just likemy
. However, those variables will never be reinitialized, contrary to lexical variables that are reinitialized each time their enclosing block is entered. See perlsub for details.state
variables are enabled only when theuse feature "state"
pragma is in effect, unless the keyword is written asCORE::state
. See also . - study SCALAR
- study
Takes extra time to study SCALAR (
if unspecified) in anticipation of doing many pattern matches on the string before it is next modified. This may or may not save time, depending on the nature and number of patterns you are searching and the distribution of character frequencies in the string to be searched; you probably want to compare run times with and without it to see which is faster. Those loops that scan for many short constant strings (including the constant parts of more complex patterns) will benefit most. (The waystudy
works is this: a linked list of every character in the string to be searched is made, so we know, for example, where all the'k'
characters are. From each search string, the rarest character is selected, based on some static frequency tables constructed from some C programs and English text. Only those places that contain this "rarest" character are examined.)For example, here is a loop that inserts index producing entries before any line containing a certain pattern:
while (<>) { study; print ".IX foo\n" if /\bfoo\b/; print ".IX bar\n" if /\bbar\b/; print ".IX blurfl\n" if /\bblurfl\b/; # ... print; }
In searching for
, only locations in$_
that containf
will be looked at, becausef
is rarer thano
. In general, this is a big win except in pathological cases. The only question is whether it saves you more time than it took to build the linked list in the first place.Note that if you have to look for strings that you don't know till runtime, you can build an entire loop as a string and
that to avoid recompiling all your patterns all the time. Together with undefining$/
to input entire files as one record, this can be quite fast, often faster than specialized programs like fgrep(1). The following scans a list of files (@files
) for a list of words (@words
), and prints out the names of those files that contain a match:$search = 'while (<>) { study;'; foreach $word (@words) { $search .= "++\$seen{\$ARGV} if /\\b$word\\b/;\n"; } $search .= "}"; @ARGV = @files; undef $/; eval $search; # this screams $/ = "\n"; # put back to normal input delimiter foreach $file (sort keys(%seen)) { print $file, "\n"; }
This is subroutine definition, not a real function per se. Without a BLOCK it's just a forward declaration. Without a NAME, it's an anonymous function declaration, so does return a value: the CODE ref of the closure just created.
See perlsub and perlref for details about subroutines and references; see attributes and Attribute::Handlers for more information about attributes.
- __SUB__
A special token that returns the a reference to the current subroutine, or
outside of a subroutine.This token is only available under
use v5.16
or the "current_sub" feature. See . - substr EXPR,OFFSET,LENGTH,REPLACEMENT
- substr EXPR,OFFSET
Extracts a substring out of EXPR and returns it. First character is at offset zero. If OFFSET is negative, starts that far back from the end of the string. If LENGTH is omitted, returns everything through the end of the string. If LENGTH is negative, leaves that many characters off the end of the string.
my $s = "The black cat climbed the green tree"; my $color = substr $s, 4, 5; # black my $middle = substr $s, 4, -11; # black cat climbed the my $end = substr $s, 14; # climbed the green tree my $tail = substr $s, -4; # tree my $z = substr $s, -4, 2; # tr
You can use the substr() function as an lvalue, in which case EXPR must itself be an lvalue. If you assign something shorter than LENGTH, the string will shrink, and if you assign something longer than LENGTH, the string will grow to accommodate it. To keep the string the same length, you may need to pad or chop your value using
.If OFFSET and LENGTH specify a substring that is partly outside the string, only the part within the string is returned. If the substring is beyond either end of the string, substr() returns the undefined value and produces a warning. When used as an lvalue, specifying a substring that is entirely outside the string raises an exception. Here's an example showing the behavior for boundary cases:
my $name = 'fred'; substr($name, 4) = 'dy'; # $name is now 'freddy' my $null = substr $name, 6, 2; # returns "" (no warning) my $oops = substr $name, 7; # returns undef, with warning substr($name, 7) = 'gap'; # raises an exception
An alternative to using substr() as an lvalue is to specify the replacement string as the 4th argument. This allows you to replace parts of the EXPR and return what was there before in one operation, just as you can with splice().
my $s = "The black cat climbed the green tree"; my $z = substr $s, 14, 7, "jumped from"; # climbed # $s is now "The black cat jumped from the green tree"
Note that the lvalue returned by the three-argument version of substr() acts as a 'magic bullet'; each time it is assigned to, it remembers which part of the original string is being modified; for example:
$x = '1234'; for (substr($x,1,2)) { $_ = 'a'; print $x,"\n"; # prints 1a4 $_ = 'xyz'; print $x,"\n"; # prints 1xyz4 $x = '56789'; $_ = 'pq'; print $x,"\n"; # prints 5pq9 }
With negative offsets, it remembers its position from the end of the string when the target string is modified:
$x = '1234'; for (substr($x, -3, 2)) { $_ = 'a'; print $x,"\n"; # prints 1a4, as above $x = 'abcdefg'; print $_,"\n"; # prints f }
Prior to Perl version 5.10, the result of using an lvalue multiple times was unspecified. Prior to 5.16, the result with negative offsets was unspecified.
Creates a new filename symbolically linked to the old filename. Returns
for success,0
otherwise. On systems that don't support symbolic links, raises an exception. To check for that, use eval:$symlink_exists = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
- syscall NUMBER, LIST
Calls the system call specified as the first element of the list, passing the remaining elements as arguments to the system call. If unimplemented, raises an exception. The arguments are interpreted as follows: if a given argument is numeric, the argument is passed as an int. If not, the pointer to the string value is passed. You are responsible to make sure a string is pre-extended long enough to receive any result that might be written into a string. You can't use a string literal (or other read-only string) as an argument to
because Perl has to assume that any string pointer might be written through. If your integer arguments are not literals and have never been interpreted in a numeric context, you may need to add0
to them to force them to look like numbers. This emulates thesyswrite
function (or vice versa):require ''; # may need to run h2ph $s = "hi there\n"; syscall(&SYS_write, fileno(STDOUT), $s, length $s);
Note that Perl supports passing of up to only 14 arguments to your syscall, which in practice should (usually) suffice.
Syscall returns whatever value returned by the system call it calls. If the system call fails,
and sets$!
(errno). Note that some system calls can legitimately return-1
. The proper way to handle such calls is to assign$!=0
before the call, then check the value of$!
.There's a problem with
: it returns the file number of the read end of the pipe it creates, but there is no way to retrieve the file number of the other end. You can avoid this problem by usingpipe
Opens the file whose filename is given by FILENAME, and associates it with FILEHANDLE. If FILEHANDLE is an expression, its value is used as the real filehandle wanted; an undefined scalar will be suitably autovivified. This function calls the underlying operating system's open(2) function with the parameters FILENAME, MODE, and PERMS.
The possible values and flag bits of the MODE parameter are system-dependent; they are available via the standard module
. See the documentation of your operating system's open(2) syscall to see which values and flag bits are available. You may combine several flags using the|
-operator.Some of the most common values are
for opening the file in read-only mode,O_WRONLY
for opening the file in write-only mode, andO_RDWR
for opening the file in read-write mode.For historical reasons, some values work on almost every system supported by Perl: 0 means read-only, 1 means write-only, and 2 means read/write. We know that these values do not work under OS/390 & VM/ESA Unix and on the Macintosh; you probably don't want to use them in new code.
If the file named by FILENAME does not exist and the
call creates it (typically because MODE includes theO_CREAT
flag), then the value of PERMS specifies the permissions of the newly created file. If you omit the PERMS argument tosysopen
, Perl uses the octal value0666
. These permission values need to be in octal, and are modified by your process's currentumask
.In many systems the
flag is available for opening files in exclusive mode. This is not locking: exclusiveness means here that if the file already exists, sysopen() fails.O_EXCL
may not work on network filesystems, and has no effect unless theO_CREAT
flag is set as well. SettingO_CREAT|O_EXCL
prevents the file from being opened if it is a symbolic link. It does not protect against symbolic links in the file's path.Sometimes you may want to truncate an already-existing file. This can be done using the
flag. The behavior ofO_TRUNC
is undefined.You should seldom if ever use
as argument tosysopen
, because that takes away the user's option to have a more permissive umask. Better to omit it. See the perlfunc(1) entry onumask
for more on this.Note that
depends on the fdopen() C library function. On many Unix systems, fdopen() is known to fail when file descriptors exceed a certain value, typically 255. If you need more file descriptors than that, consider rebuilding Perl to use thesfio
library, or perhaps using the POSIX::open() function.See perlopentut for a kinder, gentler explanation of opening files.
Attempts to read LENGTH bytes of data into variable SCALAR from the specified FILEHANDLE, using the read(2). It bypasses buffered IO, so mixing this with other kinds of reads,
, oreof
can cause confusion because the perlio or stdio layers usually buffers data. Returns the number of bytes actually read,0
at end of file, or undef if there was an error (in the latter case$!
is also set). SCALAR will be grown or shrunk so that the last byte actually read is the last byte of the scalar after the read.An OFFSET may be specified to place the read data at some place in the string other than the beginning. A negative OFFSET specifies placement at that many characters counting backwards from the end of the string. A positive OFFSET greater than the length of SCALAR results in the string being padded to the required size with
bytes before the result of the read is appended.There is no syseof() function, which is ok, since eof() doesn't work well on device files (like ttys) anyway. Use sysread() and check for a return value for 0 to decide whether you're done.
Note that if the filehandle has been marked as
Unicode characters are read instead of bytes (the LENGTH, OFFSET, and the return value of sysread() are in Unicode characters). The:encoding(...)
layer implicitly introduces the:utf8
layer. See , , and theopen
pragma, open. - sysseek FILEHANDLE,POSITION,WHENCE
Sets FILEHANDLE's system position in bytes using lseek(2). FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the filehandle. The values for WHENCE are
to set the new position to POSITION;1
to set the it to the current position plus POSITION; and2
to set it to EOF plus POSITION, typically negative.Note the in bytes: even if the filehandle has been set to operate on characters (for example by using the
I/O layer), tell() will return byte offsets, not character offsets (because implementing that would render sysseek() unacceptably slow).sysseek() bypasses normal buffered IO, so mixing it with reads other than
(for example<>
or read())print
, oreof
may cause confusion.For WHENCE, you may also use the constants
(start of the file, current position, end of the file) from the Fcntl module. Use of the constants is also more portable than relying on 0, 1, and 2. For example to define a "systell" function:use Fcntl 'SEEK_CUR'; sub systell { sysseek($_[0], 0, SEEK_CUR) }
Returns the new position, or the undefined value on failure. A position of zero is returned as the string
"0 but true"
; thussysseek
returns true on success and false on failure, yet you can still easily determine the new position. - system LIST
Does exactly the same thing as
exec LIST
, except that a fork is done first and the parent process waits for the child process to exit. Note that argument processing varies depending on the number of arguments. If there is more than one argument in LIST, or if LIST is an array with more than one value, starts the program given by the first element of the list with arguments given by the rest of the list. If there is only one scalar argument, the argument is checked for shell metacharacters, and if there are any, the entire argument is passed to the system's command shell for parsing (this is/bin/sh -c
on Unix platforms, but varies on other platforms). If there are no shell metacharacters in the argument, it is split into words and passed directly toexecvp
, which is more efficient.Beginning with v5.6.0, Perl will attempt to flush all files opened for output before any operation that may do a fork, but this may not be supported on some platforms (see perlport). To be safe, you may need to set
($AUTOFLUSH in English) or call theautoflush()
method ofIO::Handle
on any open handles.The return value is the exit status of the program as returned by the
call. To get the actual exit value, shift right by eight (see below). See also . This is not what you want to use to capture the output from a command; for that you should use merely backticks orqx//
, as described in perlop. Return value of -1 indicates a failure to start the program or an error of the wait(2) system call (inspect $! for the reason).If you'd like to make
(and many other bits of Perl) die on error, have a look at the pragma.Like
allows you to lie to a program about its name if you use thesystem PROGRAM LIST
syntax. Again, see .Since
are ignored during the execution ofsystem
, if you expect your program to terminate on receipt of these signals you will need to arrange to do so yourself based on the return value.@args = ("command", "arg1", "arg2"); system(@args) == 0 or die "system @args failed: $?"
If you'd like to manually inspect
's failure, you can check all possible failure modes by inspecting$?
like this:if ($? == -1) { print "failed to execute: $!\n"; } elsif ($? & 127) { printf "child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without'; } else { printf "child exited with value %d\n", $? >> 8; }
Alternatively, you may inspect the value of
with theW*()
calls from the POSIX module.When
's arguments are executed indirectly by the shell, results and return codes are subject to its quirks. See perlop and for details.Since
does afork
it may affect aSIGCHLD
handler. See perlipc for details. - syswrite FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET
Attempts to write LENGTH bytes of data from variable SCALAR to the specified FILEHANDLE, using write(2). If LENGTH is not specified, writes whole SCALAR. It bypasses buffered IO, so mixing this with reads (other than
, oreof
may cause confusion because the perlio and stdio layers usually buffer data. Returns the number of bytes actually written, orundef
if there was an error (in this case the errno variable$!
is also set). If the LENGTH is greater than the data available in the SCALAR after the OFFSET, only as much data as is available will be written.An OFFSET may be specified to write the data from some part of the string other than the beginning. A negative OFFSET specifies writing that many characters counting backwards from the end of the string. If SCALAR is of length zero, you can only use an OFFSET of 0.
WARNING: If the filehandle is marked
, Unicode characters encoded in UTF-8 are written instead of bytes, and the LENGTH, OFFSET, and return value of syswrite() are in (UTF8-encoded Unicode) characters. The:encoding(...)
layer implicitly introduces the:utf8
layer. Alternately, if the handle is not marked with an encoding but you attempt to write characters with code points over 255, raises an exception. See , , and theopen
pragma, open. - tell FILEHANDLE
- tell
Returns the current position in bytes for FILEHANDLE, or -1 on error. FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the actual filehandle. If FILEHANDLE is omitted, assumes the file last read.
Note the in bytes: even if the filehandle has been set to operate on characters (for example by using the
open layer), tell() will return byte offsets, not character offsets (because that would render seek() and tell() rather slow).The return value of tell() for the standard streams like the STDIN depends on the operating system: it may return -1 or something else. tell() on pipes, fifos, and sockets usually returns -1.
There is no
function. Usesysseek(FH, 0, 1)
for that.Do not use tell() (or other buffered I/O operations) on a filehandle that has been manipulated by sysread(), syswrite(), or sysseek(). Those functions ignore the buffering, while tell() does not.
- telldir DIRHANDLE
Returns the current position of the
routines on DIRHANDLE. Value may be given toseekdir
to access a particular location in a directory.telldir
has the same caveats about possible directory compaction as the corresponding system library routine. - tie VARIABLE,CLASSNAME,LIST
This function binds a variable to a package class that will provide the implementation for the variable. VARIABLE is the name of the variable to be enchanted. CLASSNAME is the name of a class implementing objects of correct type. Any additional arguments are passed to the
method of the class (meaningTIESCALAR
). Typically these are arguments such as might be passed to thedbm_open()
function of C. The object returned by thenew
method is also returned by thetie
function, which would be useful if you want to access other methods in CLASSNAME.Note that functions such as
may return huge lists when used on large objects, like DBM files. You may prefer to use theeach
function to iterate over such. Example:# print out history file offsets use NDBM_File; tie(%HIST, 'NDBM_File', '/usr/lib/news/history', 1, 0); while (($key,$val) = each %HIST) { print $key, ' = ', unpack('L',$val), "\n"; } untie(%HIST);
A class implementing a hash should have the following methods:
TIEHASH classname, LIST FETCH this, key STORE this, key, value DELETE this, key CLEAR this EXISTS this, key FIRSTKEY this NEXTKEY this, lastkey SCALAR this DESTROY this UNTIE this
A class implementing an ordinary array should have the following methods:
TIEARRAY classname, LIST FETCH this, key STORE this, key, value FETCHSIZE this STORESIZE this, count CLEAR this PUSH this, LIST POP this SHIFT this UNSHIFT this, LIST SPLICE this, offset, length, LIST EXTEND this, count DESTROY this UNTIE this
A class implementing a file handle should have the following methods:
TIEHANDLE classname, LIST READ this, scalar, length, offset READLINE this GETC this WRITE this, scalar, length, offset PRINT this, LIST PRINTF this, format, LIST BINMODE this EOF this FILENO this SEEK this, position, whence TELL this OPEN this, mode, LIST CLOSE this DESTROY this UNTIE this
A class implementing a scalar should have the following methods:
TIESCALAR classname, LIST FETCH this, STORE this, value DESTROY this UNTIE this
Not all methods indicated above need be implemented. See perltie, Tie::Hash, Tie::Array, Tie::Scalar, and Tie::Handle.
, thetie
function will notuse
a module for you; you need to do that explicitly yourself. See DB_File or the Config module for interestingtie
implementations.For further details see perltie, .
Returns a reference to the object underlying VARIABLE (the same value that was originally returned by the
call that bound the variable to a package.) Returns the undefined value if VARIABLE isn't tied to a package. - time
Returns the number of non-leap seconds since whatever time the system considers to be the epoch, suitable for feeding to
. On most systems the epoch is 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970; a prominent exception being Mac OS Classic which uses 00:00:00, January 1, 1904 in the current local time zone for its epoch.For measuring time in better granularity than one second, use the Time::HiRes module from Perl 5.8 onwards (or from CPAN before then), or, if you have gettimeofday(2), you may be able to use the
interface of Perl. See perlfaq8 for details.For date and time processing look at the many related modules on CPAN. For a comprehensive date and time representation look at the module.
- times
Returns a four-element list giving the user and system times in seconds for this process and any exited children of this process.
($user,$system,$cuser,$csystem) = times;
In scalar context,
.Children's times are only included for terminated children.
- tr///
The transliteration operator. Same as
. See perlop. - truncate FILEHANDLE,LENGTH
- truncate EXPR,LENGTH
Truncates the file opened on FILEHANDLE, or named by EXPR, to the specified length. Raises an exception if truncate isn't implemented on your system. Returns true if successful,
on error.The behavior is undefined if LENGTH is greater than the length of the file.
The position in the file of FILEHANDLE is left unchanged. You may want to call before writing to the file.
- uc EXPR
- uc
Returns an uppercased version of EXPR. This is the internal function implementing the
escape in double-quoted strings. It does not attempt to do titlecase mapping on initial letters. See for that.If EXPR is omitted, uses
.This function behaves the same way under various pragma, such as in a locale, as does.
- ucfirst EXPR
- ucfirst
Returns the value of EXPR with the first character in uppercase (titlecase in Unicode). This is the internal function implementing the
escape in double-quoted strings.If EXPR is omitted, uses
.This function behaves the same way under various pragma, such as in a locale, as does.
- umask EXPR
- umask
Sets the umask for the process to EXPR and returns the previous value. If EXPR is omitted, merely returns the current umask.
The Unix permission
is represented as three sets of three bits, or three octal digits:0750
(the leading 0 indicates octal and isn't one of the digits). Theumask
value is such a number representing disabled permissions bits. The permission (or "mode") values you passmkdir
are modified by your umask, so even if you tellsysopen
to create a file with permissions0777
, if your umask is0022
, then the file will actually be created with permissions0755
. If yourumask
(group can't write; others can't read, write, or execute), then passingsysopen
would create a file with mode0640
(because0666 &~ 027
).Here's some advice: supply a creation mode of
for regular files (insysopen
) and one of0777
for directories (inmkdir
) and executable files. This gives users the freedom of choice: if they want protected files, they might choose process umasks of022
, or even the particularly antisocial mask of077
. Programs should rarely if ever make policy decisions better left to the user. The exception to this is when writing files that should be kept private: mail files, web browser cookies, .rhosts files, and so on.If umask(2) is not implemented on your system and you are trying to restrict access for yourself (i.e.,
(EXPR & 0700) > 0
), raises an exception. If umask(2) is not implemented and you are not trying to restrict access for yourself, returnsundef
.Remember that a umask is a number, usually given in octal; it is not a string of octal digits. See also , if all you have is a string.
- undef EXPR
- undef
Undefines the value of EXPR, which must be an lvalue. Use only on a scalar value, an array (using
), a hash (using%
), a subroutine (using&
), or a typeglob (using*
). Sayingundef $hash{$key}
will probably not do what you expect on most predefined variables or DBM list values, so don't do that; see . Always returns the undefined value. You can omit the EXPR, in which case nothing is undefined, but you still get an undefined value that you could, for instance, return from a subroutine, assign to a variable, or pass as a parameter. Examples:undef $foo; undef $bar{'blurfl'}; # Compare to: delete $bar{'blurfl'}; undef @ary; undef %hash; undef &mysub; undef *xyz; # destroys $xyz, @xyz, %xyz, &xyz, etc. return (wantarray ? (undef, $errmsg) : undef) if $they_blew_it; select undef, undef, undef, 0.25; ($a, $b, undef, $c) = &foo; # Ignore third value returned
Note that this is a unary operator, not a list operator.
- unlink LIST
- unlink
Deletes a list of files. On success, it returns the number of files it successfully deleted. On failure, it returns false and sets
(errno):my $unlinked = unlink 'a', 'b', 'c'; unlink @goners; unlink glob "*.bak";
On error,
will not tell you which files it could not remove. If you want to know which files you could not remove, try them one at a time:foreach my $file ( @goners ) { unlink $file or warn "Could not unlink $file: $!"; }
will not attempt to delete directories unless you are superuser and the -U flag is supplied to Perl. Even if these conditions are met, be warned that unlinking a directory can inflict damage on your filesystem. Finally, usingunlink
on directories is not supported on many operating systems. Usermdir
instead.If LIST is omitted,
. - unpack TEMPLATE,EXPR
- unpack TEMPLATE
does the reverse ofpack
: it takes a string and expands it out into a list of values. (In scalar context, it returns merely the first value produced.)If EXPR is omitted, unpacks the
string. See for an introduction to this function.The string is broken into chunks described by the TEMPLATE. Each chunk is converted separately to a value. Typically, either the string is a result of
, or the characters of the string represent a C structure of some kind.The TEMPLATE has the same format as in the
function. Here's a subroutine that does substring:sub substr { my($what,$where,$howmuch) = @_; unpack("x$where a$howmuch", $what); }
and then there's
sub ordinal { unpack("W",$_[0]); } # same as ord()
In addition to fields allowed in pack(), you may prefix a field with a %<number> to indicate that you want a <number>-bit checksum of the items instead of the items themselves. Default is a 16-bit checksum. Checksum is calculated by summing numeric values of expanded values (for string fields the sum of
is taken; for bit fields the sum of zeroes and ones).For example, the following computes the same number as the System V sum program:
$checksum = do { local $/; # slurp! unpack("%32W*",<>) % 65535; };
The following efficiently counts the number of set bits in a bit vector:
$setbits = unpack("%32b*", $selectmask);
formats should be used with care. Since Perl has no way of checking whether the value passed tounpack()
corresponds to a valid memory location, passing a pointer value that's not known to be valid is likely to have disastrous consequences.If there are more pack codes or if the repeat count of a field or a group is larger than what the remainder of the input string allows, the result is not well defined: the repeat count may be decreased, or
may produce empty strings or zeros, or it may raise an exception. If the input string is longer than one described by the TEMPLATE, the remainder of that input string is ignored. - unshift ARRAY,LIST
- unshift EXPR,LIST
Does the opposite of a
. Or the opposite of apush
, depending on how you look at it. Prepends list to the front of the array and returns the new number of elements in the array.unshift(@ARGV, '-e') unless $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/;
Note the LIST is prepended whole, not one element at a time, so the prepended elements stay in the same order. Use
to do the reverse.Starting with Perl 5.14,
can take a scalar EXPR, which must hold a reference to an unblessed array. The argument will be dereferenced automatically. This aspect ofunshift
is considered highly experimental. The exact behaviour may change in a future version of Perl.To avoid confusing would-be users of your code who are running earlier versions of Perl with mysterious syntax errors, put this sort of thing at the top of your file to signal that your code will work only on Perls of a recent vintage:
use 5.014; # so push/pop/etc work on scalars (experimental)
- untie VARIABLE
Breaks the binding between a variable and a package. (See .) Has no effect if the variable is not tied.
- use Module VERSION LIST
- use Module VERSION
- use Module LIST
- use Module
Imports some semantics into the current package from the named module, generally by aliasing certain subroutine or variable names into your package. It is exactly equivalent to
BEGIN { require Module; Module->import( LIST ); }
except that Module must be a bareword. The importation can be made conditional; see .
In the peculiar
form, VERSION may be either a positive decimal fraction such as 5.006, which will be compared to$]
, or a v-string of the form v5.6.1, which will be compared to$^V
(aka $PERL_VERSION). An exception is raised if VERSION is greater than the version of the current Perl interpreter; Perl will not attempt to parse the rest of the file. Compare with , which can do a similar check at run time. Symmetrically,no VERSION
allows you to specify that you want a version of Perl older than the specified one.Specifying VERSION as a literal of the form v5.6.1 should generally be avoided, because it leads to misleading error messages under earlier versions of Perl (that is, prior to 5.6.0) that do not support this syntax. The equivalent numeric version should be used instead.
use v5.6.1; # compile time version check use 5.6.1; # ditto use 5.006_001; # ditto; preferred for backwards compatibility
This is often useful if you need to check the current Perl version before
ing library modules that won't work with older versions of Perl. (We try not to do this more than we have to.)use VERSION
also enables all features available in the requested version as defined by thefeature
pragma, disabling any features not in the requested version's feature bundle. See . Similarly, if the specified Perl version is greater than or equal to 5.11.0, strictures are enabled lexically as withuse strict
. Any explicit use ofuse strict
orno strict
overridesuse VERSION
, even if it comes before it. In both cases, the and files are not actually loaded.The
forces therequire
to happen at compile time. Therequire
makes sure the module is loaded into memory if it hasn't been yet. Theimport
is not a builtin; it's just an ordinary static method call into theModule
package to tell the module to import the list of features back into the current package. The module can implement itsimport
method any way it likes, though most modules just choose to derive theirimport
method via inheritance from theExporter
class that is defined in theExporter
module. See Exporter. If noimport
method can be found then the call is skipped, even if there is an AUTOLOAD method.If you do not want to call the package's
method (for instance, to stop your namespace from being altered), explicitly supply the empty list:use Module ();
That is exactly equivalent to
BEGIN { require Module }
If the VERSION argument is present between Module and LIST, then the
will call the VERSION method in class Module with the given version as an argument. The default VERSION method, inherited from the UNIVERSAL class, croaks if the given version is larger than the value of the variable$Module::VERSION
.Again, there is a distinction between omitting LIST (
called with no arguments) and an explicit empty LIST()
not called). Note that there is no comma after VERSION!Because this is a wide-open interface, pragmas (compiler directives) are also implemented this way. Currently implemented pragmas are:
use constant; use diagnostics; use integer; use sigtrap qw(SEGV BUS); use strict qw(subs vars refs); use subs qw(afunc blurfl); use warnings qw(all); use sort qw(stable _quicksort _mergesort);
Some of these pseudo-modules import semantics into the current block scope (like
, unlike ordinary modules, which import symbols into the current package (which are effective through the end of the file).Because
takes effect at compile time, it doesn't respect the ordinary flow control of the code being compiled. In particular, putting ause
inside the false branch of a conditional doesn't prevent it from being processed. If a module or pragma only needs to be loaded conditionally, this can be done using the pragma:use if $] < 5.008, "utf8"; use if WANT_WARNINGS, warnings => qw(all);
There's a corresponding
declaration that unimports meanings imported byuse
, i.e., it callsunimport Module LIST
instead ofimport
. It behaves just asimport
does with VERSION, an omitted or empty LIST, or no unimport method being integer; no strict 'refs'; no warnings;
Care should be taken when using the
form ofno
. It is only meant to be used to assert that the running Perl is of a earlier version than its argument and not to undo the feature-enabling side effects ofuse VERSION
.See perlmodlib for a list of standard modules and pragmas. See perlrun for the
command-line options to Perl that giveuse
functionality from the command-line. - utime LIST
Changes the access and modification times on each file of a list of files. The first two elements of the list must be the NUMERIC access and modification times, in that order. Returns the number of files successfully changed. The inode change time of each file is set to the current time. For example, this code has the same effect as the Unix touch(1) command when the files already exist and belong to the user running the program:
#!/usr/bin/perl $atime = $mtime = time; utime $atime, $mtime, @ARGV;
Since Perl 5.7.2, if the first two elements of the list are
, the utime(2) syscall from your C library is called with a null second argument. On most systems, this will set the file's access and modification times to the current time (i.e., equivalent to the example above) and will work even on files you don't own provided you have write permission:for $file (@ARGV) { utime(undef, undef, $file) || warn "couldn't touch $file: $!"; }
Under NFS this will use the time of the NFS server, not the time of the local machine. If there is a time synchronization problem, the NFS server and local machine will have different times. The Unix touch(1) command will in fact normally use this form instead of the one shown in the first example.
Passing only one of the first two elements as
is equivalent to passing a 0 and will not have the effect described when both areundef
. This also triggers an uninitialized warning.On systems that support futimes(2), you may pass filehandles among the files. On systems that don't support futimes(2), passing filehandles raises an exception. Filehandles must be passed as globs or glob references to be recognized; barewords are considered filenames.
- values HASH
- values ARRAY
- values EXPR
In list context, returns a list consisting of all the values of the named hash. In Perl 5.12 or later only, will also return a list of the values of an array; prior to that release, attempting to use an array argument will produce a syntax error. In scalar context, returns the number of values.
When called on a hash, the values are returned in an apparently random order. The actual random order is subject to change in future versions of Perl, but it is guaranteed to be the same order as either the
function would produce on the same (unmodified) hash. Since Perl 5.8.1 the ordering is different even between different runs of Perl for security reasons (see perlsec).As a side effect, calling values() resets the HASH or ARRAY's internal iterator, see . (In particular, calling values() in void context resets the iterator with no other overhead. Apart from resetting the iterator,
values @array
in list context is the same as plain@array
. (We recommend that you use void contextkeys @array
for this, but reasoned that takingvalues @array
out would require more documentation than leaving it in.)Note that the values are not copied, which means modifying them will modify the contents of the hash:
for (values %hash) { s/foo/bar/g } # modifies %hash values for (@hash{keys %hash}) { s/foo/bar/g } # same
Starting with Perl 5.14,
can take a scalar EXPR, which must hold a reference to an unblessed hash or array. The argument will be dereferenced automatically. This aspect ofvalues
is considered highly experimental. The exact behaviour may change in a future version of Perl.for (values $hashref) { ... } for (values $obj->get_arrayref) { ... }
To avoid confusing would-be users of your code who are running earlier versions of Perl with mysterious syntax errors, put this sort of thing at the top of your file to signal that your code will work only on Perls of a recent vintage:
use 5.012; # so keys/values/each work on arrays use 5.014; # so keys/values/each work on scalars (experimental)
Treats the string in EXPR as a bit vector made up of elements of width BITS and returns the value of the element specified by OFFSET as an unsigned integer. BITS therefore specifies the number of bits that are reserved for each element in the bit vector. This must be a power of two from 1 to 32 (or 64, if your platform supports that).
If BITS is 8, "elements" coincide with bytes of the input string.
If BITS is 16 or more, bytes of the input string are grouped into chunks of size BITS/8, and each group is converted to a number as with pack()/unpack() with big-endian formats
(and analogously for BITS==64). See for details.If bits is 4 or less, the string is broken into bytes, then the bits of each byte are broken into 8/BITS groups. Bits of a byte are numbered in a little-endian-ish way, as in
. For example, breaking the single input bytechr(0x36)
into two groups gives a list(0x6, 0x3)
; breaking it into 4 groups gives(0x2, 0x1, 0x3, 0x0)
may also be assigned to, in which case parentheses are needed to give the expression the correct precedence as invec($image, $max_x * $x + $y, 8) = 3;
If the selected element is outside the string, the value 0 is returned. If an element off the end of the string is written to, Perl will first extend the string with sufficiently many zero bytes. It is an error to try to write off the beginning of the string (i.e., negative OFFSET).
If the string happens to be encoded as UTF-8 internally (and thus has the UTF8 flag set), this is ignored by
, and it operates on the internal byte string, not the conceptual character string, even if you only have characters with values less than 256.Strings created with
can also be manipulated with the logical operators|
, and~
. These operators will assume a bit vector operation is desired when both operands are strings. See perlop.The following code will build up an ASCII string saying
. The comments show the string after each step. Note that this code works in the same way on big-endian or little-endian $foo = ''; vec($foo, 0, 32) = 0x5065726C; # 'Perl' # $foo eq "Perl" eq "\x50\x65\x72\x6C", 32 bits print vec($foo, 0, 8); # prints 80 == 0x50 == ord('P') vec($foo, 2, 16) = 0x5065; # 'PerlPe' vec($foo, 3, 16) = 0x726C; # 'PerlPerl' vec($foo, 8, 8) = 0x50; # 'PerlPerlP' vec($foo, 9, 8) = 0x65; # 'PerlPerlPe' vec($foo, 20, 4) = 2; # 'PerlPerlPe' . "\x02" vec($foo, 21, 4) = 7; # 'PerlPerlPer' # 'r' is "\x72" vec($foo, 45, 2) = 3; # 'PerlPerlPer' . "\x0c" vec($foo, 93, 1) = 1; # 'PerlPerlPer' . "\x2c" vec($foo, 94, 1) = 1; # 'PerlPerlPerl' # 'l' is "\x6c"
To transform a bit vector into a string or list of 0's and 1's, use these:
$bits = unpack("b*", $vector); @bits = split(//, unpack("b*", $vector));
If you know the exact length in bits, it can be used in place of the
.Here is an example to illustrate how the bits actually fall in place:
#!/usr/bin/perl -wl print <<'EOT'; 0 1 2 3 unpack("V",$_) 01234567890123456789012345678901 ------------------------------------------------------------------ EOT for $w (0..3) { $width = 2**$w; for ($shift=0; $shift < $width; ++$shift) { for ($off=0; $off < 32/$width; ++$off) { $str = pack("B*", "0"x32); $bits = (1<<$shift); vec($str, $off, $width) = $bits; $res = unpack("b*",$str); $val = unpack("V", $str); write; } } } format STDOUT = vec($_,@#,@#) = @<< == @######### @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $off, $width, $bits, $val, $res . __END__
Regardless of the machine architecture on which it runs, the example above should print the following table:
0 1 2 3 unpack("V",$_) 01234567890123456789012345678901 ------------------------------------------------------------------ vec($_, 0, 1) = 1 == 1 10000000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 1) = 1 == 2 01000000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 1) = 1 == 4 00100000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 3, 1) = 1 == 8 00010000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 4, 1) = 1 == 16 00001000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 5, 1) = 1 == 32 00000100000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 6, 1) = 1 == 64 00000010000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 7, 1) = 1 == 128 00000001000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 8, 1) = 1 == 256 00000000100000000000000000000000 vec($_, 9, 1) = 1 == 512 00000000010000000000000000000000 vec($_,10, 1) = 1 == 1024 00000000001000000000000000000000 vec($_,11, 1) = 1 == 2048 00000000000100000000000000000000 vec($_,12, 1) = 1 == 4096 00000000000010000000000000000000 vec($_,13, 1) = 1 == 8192 00000000000001000000000000000000 vec($_,14, 1) = 1 == 16384 00000000000000100000000000000000 vec($_,15, 1) = 1 == 32768 00000000000000010000000000000000 vec($_,16, 1) = 1 == 65536 00000000000000001000000000000000 vec($_,17, 1) = 1 == 131072 00000000000000000100000000000000 vec($_,18, 1) = 1 == 262144 00000000000000000010000000000000 vec($_,19, 1) = 1 == 524288 00000000000000000001000000000000 vec($_,20, 1) = 1 == 1048576 00000000000000000000100000000000 vec($_,21, 1) = 1 == 2097152 00000000000000000000010000000000 vec($_,22, 1) = 1 == 4194304 00000000000000000000001000000000 vec($_,23, 1) = 1 == 8388608 00000000000000000000000100000000 vec($_,24, 1) = 1 == 16777216 00000000000000000000000010000000 vec($_,25, 1) = 1 == 33554432 00000000000000000000000001000000 vec($_,26, 1) = 1 == 67108864 00000000000000000000000000100000 vec($_,27, 1) = 1 == 134217728 00000000000000000000000000010000 vec($_,28, 1) = 1 == 268435456 00000000000000000000000000001000 vec($_,29, 1) = 1 == 536870912 00000000000000000000000000000100 vec($_,30, 1) = 1 == 1073741824 00000000000000000000000000000010 vec($_,31, 1) = 1 == 2147483648 00000000000000000000000000000001 vec($_, 0, 2) = 1 == 1 10000000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 2) = 1 == 4 00100000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 2) = 1 == 16 00001000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 3, 2) = 1 == 64 00000010000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 4, 2) = 1 == 256 00000000100000000000000000000000 vec($_, 5, 2) = 1 == 1024 00000000001000000000000000000000 vec($_, 6, 2) = 1 == 4096 00000000000010000000000000000000 vec($_, 7, 2) = 1 == 16384 00000000000000100000000000000000 vec($_, 8, 2) = 1 == 65536 00000000000000001000000000000000 vec($_, 9, 2) = 1 == 262144 00000000000000000010000000000000 vec($_,10, 2) = 1 == 1048576 00000000000000000000100000000000 vec($_,11, 2) = 1 == 4194304 00000000000000000000001000000000 vec($_,12, 2) = 1 == 16777216 00000000000000000000000010000000 vec($_,13, 2) = 1 == 67108864 00000000000000000000000000100000 vec($_,14, 2) = 1 == 268435456 00000000000000000000000000001000 vec($_,15, 2) = 1 == 1073741824 00000000000000000000000000000010 vec($_, 0, 2) = 2 == 2 01000000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 2) = 2 == 8 00010000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 2) = 2 == 32 00000100000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 3, 2) = 2 == 128 00000001000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 4, 2) = 2 == 512 00000000010000000000000000000000 vec($_, 5, 2) = 2 == 2048 00000000000100000000000000000000 vec($_, 6, 2) = 2 == 8192 00000000000001000000000000000000 vec($_, 7, 2) = 2 == 32768 00000000000000010000000000000000 vec($_, 8, 2) = 2 == 131072 00000000000000000100000000000000 vec($_, 9, 2) = 2 == 524288 00000000000000000001000000000000 vec($_,10, 2) = 2 == 2097152 00000000000000000000010000000000 vec($_,11, 2) = 2 == 8388608 00000000000000000000000100000000 vec($_,12, 2) = 2 == 33554432 00000000000000000000000001000000 vec($_,13, 2) = 2 == 134217728 00000000000000000000000000010000 vec($_,14, 2) = 2 == 536870912 00000000000000000000000000000100 vec($_,15, 2) = 2 == 2147483648 00000000000000000000000000000001 vec($_, 0, 4) = 1 == 1 10000000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 4) = 1 == 16 00001000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 4) = 1 == 256 00000000100000000000000000000000 vec($_, 3, 4) = 1 == 4096 00000000000010000000000000000000 vec($_, 4, 4) = 1 == 65536 00000000000000001000000000000000 vec($_, 5, 4) = 1 == 1048576 00000000000000000000100000000000 vec($_, 6, 4) = 1 == 16777216 00000000000000000000000010000000 vec($_, 7, 4) = 1 == 268435456 00000000000000000000000000001000 vec($_, 0, 4) = 2 == 2 01000000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 4) = 2 == 32 00000100000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 4) = 2 == 512 00000000010000000000000000000000 vec($_, 3, 4) = 2 == 8192 00000000000001000000000000000000 vec($_, 4, 4) = 2 == 131072 00000000000000000100000000000000 vec($_, 5, 4) = 2 == 2097152 00000000000000000000010000000000 vec($_, 6, 4) = 2 == 33554432 00000000000000000000000001000000 vec($_, 7, 4) = 2 == 536870912 00000000000000000000000000000100 vec($_, 0, 4) = 4 == 4 00100000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 4) = 4 == 64 00000010000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 4) = 4 == 1024 00000000001000000000000000000000 vec($_, 3, 4) = 4 == 16384 00000000000000100000000000000000 vec($_, 4, 4) = 4 == 262144 00000000000000000010000000000000 vec($_, 5, 4) = 4 == 4194304 00000000000000000000001000000000 vec($_, 6, 4) = 4 == 67108864 00000000000000000000000000100000 vec($_, 7, 4) = 4 == 1073741824 00000000000000000000000000000010 vec($_, 0, 4) = 8 == 8 00010000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 4) = 8 == 128 00000001000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 4) = 8 == 2048 00000000000100000000000000000000 vec($_, 3, 4) = 8 == 32768 00000000000000010000000000000000 vec($_, 4, 4) = 8 == 524288 00000000000000000001000000000000 vec($_, 5, 4) = 8 == 8388608 00000000000000000000000100000000 vec($_, 6, 4) = 8 == 134217728 00000000000000000000000000010000 vec($_, 7, 4) = 8 == 2147483648 00000000000000000000000000000001 vec($_, 0, 8) = 1 == 1 10000000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 8) = 1 == 256 00000000100000000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 8) = 1 == 65536 00000000000000001000000000000000 vec($_, 3, 8) = 1 == 16777216 00000000000000000000000010000000 vec($_, 0, 8) = 2 == 2 01000000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 8) = 2 == 512 00000000010000000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 8) = 2 == 131072 00000000000000000100000000000000 vec($_, 3, 8) = 2 == 33554432 00000000000000000000000001000000 vec($_, 0, 8) = 4 == 4 00100000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 8) = 4 == 1024 00000000001000000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 8) = 4 == 262144 00000000000000000010000000000000 vec($_, 3, 8) = 4 == 67108864 00000000000000000000000000100000 vec($_, 0, 8) = 8 == 8 00010000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 8) = 8 == 2048 00000000000100000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 8) = 8 == 524288 00000000000000000001000000000000 vec($_, 3, 8) = 8 == 134217728 00000000000000000000000000010000 vec($_, 0, 8) = 16 == 16 00001000000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 8) = 16 == 4096 00000000000010000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 8) = 16 == 1048576 00000000000000000000100000000000 vec($_, 3, 8) = 16 == 268435456 00000000000000000000000000001000 vec($_, 0, 8) = 32 == 32 00000100000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 8) = 32 == 8192 00000000000001000000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 8) = 32 == 2097152 00000000000000000000010000000000 vec($_, 3, 8) = 32 == 536870912 00000000000000000000000000000100 vec($_, 0, 8) = 64 == 64 00000010000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 8) = 64 == 16384 00000000000000100000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 8) = 64 == 4194304 00000000000000000000001000000000 vec($_, 3, 8) = 64 == 1073741824 00000000000000000000000000000010 vec($_, 0, 8) = 128 == 128 00000001000000000000000000000000 vec($_, 1, 8) = 128 == 32768 00000000000000010000000000000000 vec($_, 2, 8) = 128 == 8388608 00000000000000000000000100000000 vec($_, 3, 8) = 128 == 2147483648 00000000000000000000000000000001
- wait
Behaves like wait(2) on your system: it waits for a child process to terminate and returns the pid of the deceased process, or
if there are no child processes. The status is returned in$?
. Note that a return value of-1
could mean that child processes are being automatically reaped, as described in perlipc.If you use wait in your handler for $SIG{CHLD} it may accidentally for the child created by qx() or system(). See perlipc for details.
- waitpid PID,FLAGS
Waits for a particular child process to terminate and returns the pid of the deceased process, or
if there is no such child process. On some systems, a value of 0 indicates that there are processes still running. The status is returned in$?
. If you sayuse POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; #... do { $kid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); } while $kid > 0;
then you can do a non-blocking wait for all pending zombie processes. Non-blocking wait is available on machines supporting either the waitpid(2) or wait4(2) syscalls. However, waiting for a particular pid with FLAGS of
is implemented everywhere. (Perl emulates the system call by remembering the status values of processes that have exited but have not been harvested by the Perl script yet.)Note that on some systems, a return value of
could mean that child processes are being automatically reaped. See perlipc for details, and for other examples. - wantarray
Returns true if the context of the currently executing subroutine or
is looking for a list value. Returns false if the context is looking for a scalar. Returns the undefined value if the context is looking for no value (void context).return unless defined wantarray; # don't bother doing more my @a = complex_calculation(); return wantarray ? @a : "@a";
's result is unspecified in the top level of a file, in aBEGIN
block, or in aDESTROY
method.This function should have been named wantlist() instead.
- warn LIST
Prints the value of LIST to STDERR. If the last element of LIST does not end in a newline, it appends the same file/line number text as
does.If the output is empty and
already contains a value (typically from a previous eval) that value is used after appending"\t...caught"
. This is useful for staying almost, but not entirely similar todie
is empty then the string"Warning: Something's wrong"
is used.No message is printed if there is a
handler installed. It is the handler's responsibility to deal with the message as it sees fit (like, for instance, converting it into adie
). Most handlers must therefore arrange to actually display the warnings that they are not prepared to deal with, by callingwarn
again in the handler. Note that this is quite safe and will not produce an endless loop, since__WARN__
hooks are not called from inside one.You will find this behavior is slightly different from that of
handlers (which don't suppress the error text, but can instead calldie
again to change it).Using a
handler provides a powerful way to silence all warnings (even the so-called mandatory ones). An example:# wipe out *all* compile-time warnings BEGIN { $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { warn $_[0] if $DOWARN } } my $foo = 10; my $foo = 20; # no warning about duplicate my $foo, # but hey, you asked for it! # no compile-time or run-time warnings before here $DOWARN = 1; # run-time warnings enabled after here warn "\$foo is alive and $foo!"; # does show up
See perlvar for details on setting
entries and for more examples. See the Carp module for other kinds of warnings using its carp() and cluck() functions. - write FILEHANDLE
- write EXPR
- write
Writes a formatted record (possibly multi-line) to the specified FILEHANDLE, using the format associated with that file. By default the format for a file is the one having the same name as the filehandle, but the format for the current output channel (see the
function) may be set explicitly by assigning the name of the format to the$~
variable.Top of form processing is handled automatically: if there is insufficient room on the current page for the formatted record, the page is advanced by writing a form feed, a special top-of-page format is used to format the new page header before the record is written. By default, the top-of-page format is the name of the filehandle with "_TOP" appended. This would be a problem with autovivified filehandles, but it may be dynamically set to the format of your choice by assigning the name to the
variable while that filehandle is selected. The number of lines remaining on the current page is in variable$-
, which can be set to0
to force a new page.If FILEHANDLE is unspecified, output goes to the current default output channel, which starts out as STDOUT but may be changed by the
operator. If the FILEHANDLE is an EXPR, then the expression is evaluated and the resulting string is used to look up the name of the FILEHANDLE at run time. For more on formats, see perlform.Note that write is not the opposite of
. Unfortunately. - y///
The transliteration operator. Same as
. See perlop.
Non-function Keywords by Cross-reference
- and
- cmp
- eq
- ge
- gt
- if
- le
- lt
- ne
- not
- or
- x
- xor
These operators are documented in perlop.
This keyword is documented in perlsub.
- else
- elseif
- elsif
- for
- foreach
- unless
- until
- while
These flow-control keywords are documented in perlsyn.